The world is slowly coming to a close.

Hey I'm here. Are you happy? I thought not. I just wanted to say how ultimately scary the world is today. what with America's latest president, the wars breaking out, and Douglas Adams', and Joey Ramone's death. My favorite websites going down. And my girlfriend, stuck over there in Australia. Nothing to do but sit back, relax... and enjoy our impending doom. For your entertainment I will now write a paragraph or two of utter jibberish.

The other day I was walking down the street. Next to the curb I found a dying squirrel. Now, I was pretty saddened by this site. I hate to see any lifeform struck down. So I looked away... and continued to walk down the street. Thousands of miles above the earth's surface, a spy sattelite was watching. Two men in the offices of norad nod to eachother and write down in their logs... "Mission Accomplished"

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Welcome, Zen Psycho... May 13, 2001


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