A Conversation for The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


Post 1

Mostly armless

Does anyone out there, or in the Digital Village know anything about the Hitchikers movie taht is in development. I'm sure that lots of others are interested, so if you know anything, splurge it out!
Hey, Douglas Adams if you read this: spill the beans! (What do you know about the beans, Vivian?)


Post 2


I've heard that Jim Carrey will probably be in it and that Disney are doing it. Douglas Adams apparently said that he would be in control. Lets hope so.


Post 3

Mark Rest

I second that, Douglas Adams has to be in control of the movie. Any other person in charge of screenplay is going to lose the brilliance of the ideas and how effortless they fit together.


Post 4


Uh, I know this is an old string, but where did you hear that? Sounds like a big deal thing. Disney, Jim Carey and all. Form what I heard about Disney, they don't like handing conrtol over to anyone. Just a thought, I mean, I don't really like what they've done recently with fairy tale things, ya know? They have a way of twisting it beyond recognition and replacing the old idea with a new, more, uh, polite one which may not fit as well.


Post 5

The Frood (Stop Torture: A455528)

Jim Carrey? Blasphemy!


Post 6

Researcher 110207 Non Sequitur

I just left a conversation on DNA's page ("Hi, DNA!")
which suggested that the movie is already out. I hope
this isn't so, since I was supposed to help with the
screenplay.... (Okay, maybe I forgot to tell a few
people about that....) So, has anybody seen it?

As for Disney, if they can have a Disneyworld tie-in,
why not? As anyone who's ever been to Disneyworld
will eventually admit, it's actually quite fun. A HHGTTG
ride would be great for those of us for whom the real
thing would be as satisfying as it is unlikely to actually

As for Jim Carrey, who's he playing? Zaphod? Actually,
one thing I like to do is cast movies in my head. (I also
write screenplays there, which still doesn't make them
any less valid as future feature films.) I don't like to
suppose I'm the only one who does this, but I'm the only
one I know who considers it almost as a minor hobby.
So I have some ideas who should be in the film. Here are
a few of the performers I have come up with, if anyone
cares to discuss this. (And it doesn't matter if the movie
is already out, because I also think it's fun to recast

-- Martin Short: the restaurant floor show announcer, or
possibly Ford or Zaphod
-- Tom Baker: Slartibartfast
-- Hugh Grant: Arthur, or maybe Ford
-- Ringo Starr: Slartibartfast

I seem to recall that I had also cast Trillian, the voices
of the mice, and the "sensitive cops" (named on the
page as Shooty and Bang-Bang in the radio script),
but I don't remember who I picked.


Post 7

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

...Steven Hawkings as the voice of Marvin...? smiley - tongueout


Post 8


Speaking of beans, has anyone else ever been traumatized by beans?


Post 9

DjeliBeybi, Sovereign Imperatrix of all Odd Blue Socks, ID

Jim Carrey? Ewwwwwwwww...*shudders* That would desecrate all that is good about HHGTTG...



Post 10

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

I'm told that his portrayal of Andy Kaufmann in "Man in the Moon" was an acceptable acting performance... There may be hope for him yet...


Post 11

DjeliBeybi, Sovereign Imperatrix of all Odd Blue Socks, ID

I saw that... you're right, that was an acceptable performance.. but then again, I'm young and I'm not that familiar with Andy Kaufmann's personality, sooo... hm.


Post 12

Bond, James Bond

How about Jane Seymour to play Trillian? Or is she too old? Maybe Tracy Ullman? Or does she not have the look? I'm so confused...


Post 13

Researcher 110207 Non Sequitur

I always thought Trillian was blonde....


Post 14

The Frood (Stop Torture: A455528)

They can always die their hair depending on what Douglas Adams thinks... though I thought her with brown hair...


Post 15

Bond, James Bond

John Cleese NEEDS to be in there somewhere. Maybe in a bit part. Hey! He could be Slartibartfast! And how about Ian McKellen as the captain of the Vogons?


Post 16

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

I, personally, think a good cast might be:

Arthur - Matthew Broderick
Ford - Craig Charles
Zaphod - somebody who can do the crazy bit without being too cliche, Jim Carrey or Michael Richards might be able to pull it off
Trillian - someone young (early to mid twenties), leggy, intelligent and blonde (or able to be dyed blonde). definitely needs to be perkier looking than the uma/gwyneth types
Marvin - Jason Alexander?
Slartibartfast - I agree that John Cleese would be a good one here


Post 17

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

Robin Williams in "shaggy mode" would also make a good Slartibardfast... smiley - smiley

Or how about Brian Sewell? (UK reference - Art critic and motoring correspondent with the kind of English accent which makes the royal family sound a bit "downmarket"...)


Post 18

Bond, James Bond

Matthew Broderick would be good; depending on how far they go. If they go liek into the beginning of "Life the Universe and Everything" I can't see Matthew Broderick doing the whole "going insane" thing.

Marvin... Jason Allexander's not sullen enough, maybe Dan Akroyd..? Or the other guy from Ghostbusters, the guy with the glasses; Harold Ramis, that's his name.

As for Trillian, I can't think of any intelligent blondes ... smiley - smiley


Post 19

Researcher 110207 Non Sequitur

Boy, this is fun....

How about one of the actors from "Lexx"? Anybody seen that?


Post 20

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

I don't somehow envision Trillian with a latent German accent... Now, if they have the budget to dub Joanna Lumley's voice onto Eva Haberrman's body... smiley - winkeye

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