A Conversation for H2G2 Weight Losers

Saturday weight loss here

Post 861

Lady in a tree

smiley - applauseKellismiley - hug You must have thought the day would never come. It's brilliant.

Well done to you too greenkinsy! smiley - applause

I also have some smiley - somersaultsmiley - somersaultsmiley - somersaultsmiley - somersaultsmiley - somersaultsmiley - somersault news! The low G.I. diet works folks! (for me anyhow)

This morning I weigh 93.7kg! That is a HUGE loss of 2.3kg in one week - or 5lb in old money!

I am chuffed to bits I can tell you. I have been stuck for so long that I thought I was destined to be that weight.smiley - erm

I have stuck to the exercise regime too - 4 days in the gym, 1 hour+ CV not letting my heart rate go over my fat burning zone (120-140bpm) and alternating upper body and lower body weights.

YAY the losers!! Yipeeee!!! smiley - biggrin

Saturday weight loss here

Post 862

Lady in a tree

92.8kg this morning. Another 2lbs off.

I hope this is how it's going to be from now on. I cannot recommend the Gi diet enough! It's excellent.

smiley - ok

Saturday weight loss here

Post 863


well done lady smiley - smiley
I am glad the GI diet works for you maybe I should give it a try. I lost 1.lb only..... I know why I went to a couple of meetings so could not walk to and from work as well as eating too much too late 'cos I got home late and hungry!
I am only aiming to lose about 2lb a week as I want my skin to keep up with the diet and as I am almost 56 and still have a smooth skin I want to keep it that waysmiley - smiley

Saturday weight loss here

Post 864

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

2lb a week is still quite a hard target though greenkinsey - doable, but difficult! I think if I work it out I'll have lost an average of three quarters of a pound a week for the last three years, but that kind of hides the bits where I put some back on and then lost it again. The lb you have lost is nothing to be sniffed at, one pound off is a move in the right direction!

smiley - applause for LiaT - glad the low GI thing is working out for you smiley - ok How did you get on over easter? I put one pound back on (I think - hard to tell with the amount of bouncing around I do but this week's bounce seems to have been slightly up rather than slightly down) but am not too bothered, it'll be gone again by the end of the week. It wasn't smiley - choc that did it, but four days of not going to work meant there were a few extra non-school nights when I had some smiley - redwine, ever my weakness. Did lots of walking and gardening though so that will have counterbalanced some of the damage smiley - smiley

smiley - puffk

Saturday weight loss here

Post 865

Lady in a tree

92.7 this week. Not much change. But still not up which can only be a good thing.

I survived Easter OK - no eggs and just a minor glitch on the Saturday when I was out and about and had to have a pub lunch.

Hope you are all doing well.

Saturday weight loss here

Post 866


I did not lose any weight this week smiley - wah due to not working over Easter and going out to lunch and spending too much time in front of the PC but Thankyou Kelli you have made me feel better smiley - smiley

Saturday weight loss here

Post 867

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

That is what we are here for smiley - hug

*pulls out hair* still bimbling around between 11'12 and 12'0, this weekend I attended a tasting of potential wedding menus, which included smiley - cheesecakesmiley - drool then on saturday we had quite abig dinner (healthy but portion control went out of the window) and sunday we had visitors for lunch and I drank a bit too much smiley - redwine and *SHOCK, HORROR, WAILING AND GNASHING OF TEETH* I ate both roast potatos AND pudding that included meringue, cream and icecream smiley - yikes Can't seem to make myself worry about it this week either. At least this weekend doesn't have any obvious hazards in it.

It is so difficult to deal with smiley - redwine! I like a drink as does the fiance. He hates drinking on his own and we don't drink on school nights anyway, so if I don't join him in a glass or two at the weekend I feel like I am spoiling things for him so that makes it even harder to say no to something I really want anyway smiley - wah

I checked the BMI charts again, and I am *still* 16 lbs from a healthy BMI. I keep checking in case they magically shift the boundaries, but they don't move *stamps foot*. I am much healthier now than I used to be, but still wish I didn't *wobble* so!

Saturday weight loss here

Post 868

Lady in a tree

Using different scales now - they show that my weight is 92.0kg! Yipee! Another 1.5lb off.

Kelli - remember how much more you used to wobble and keep positive girl! I think you did very well not putting _on_ after smiley - cheesecake, smiley - redwine, potatoes, meringue, cream AND ice cream!

I have put on 2lb just thinking about that lot I'm sure! smiley - winkeye

Saturday weight loss here

Post 869

Lady in a tree

91.6kg today. Still in the downward direction but quite slow.

How is everyone else doing?

Saturday weight loss here

Post 870

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Hi folks, how are you all getting on?

I'm having a really down about my diet day that has been coming on for the last few weeks. Feeling a bit teary if truth be told.

Am still stuck between 11'12 and 12'0 and feel very depressed about it. I'm still stuck there because I keep eating more than I should - generally not 'bad' things, although I've had wine at the weekends and the occasional naughty thing. I *really* wish I could like myself as I am a bit more but I know I'm still flabby where I shouldn't be and although I am much better than I was I am still not right.

The thing that is really getting me down is that I'm not eating a bad diet, and am still doing high-intensity workouts at least three times a week with lower intensity exercise (total body toning classes - uses weights and bands to exercise every muscle group) twice more, and at least one five mile walk at the weekends and all it is doing is maintaining my weight. I'm really fed up with dieting. I'm fed up with people airily suggesting that you just have to change your lifestyle and exercise some discipline and it all comes good in the end. I have already dramatically altered my lifestyle, and a healthy, balanced, sensible approach isn't getting me anywhere.

I keep thinking that I just have to be really strict for a short time and once I get to target I can be more relaxed about it but I don't *want* to give up all the good things in life. It *isn't* just for a short time, and I am just too weak to say no to a bit of a drink once a week. If I was really strong I could say I wouldn't do it for three more months, that doesn't sound like much of a sacrifice does it? But I can't!

I'm feeling such a failure. I know I have done well in the past, but I haven't really lost anything for two months now. If I could feel happier about where I am now it would be so much better and I could appreciate what I have done, but I am still not happy and don't know if I will ever be.

Was looking at the tops of my arms this morning and they still look terrible - I've made such a mistake thinking I would be alright by the time the wedding came around - so unrealistic!

Sorry to post such a looooong whinge, but I know you guys don't mind the occasional wobble so thanks for putting up with me...

smiley - puffk

Saturday weight loss here

Post 871

Lady Scott

Kelli, *please* look at how incredibly far you've come instead of the little bit you have left that you'd like to get rid of! You are a beautiful young woman, you have a man who loves you, and you will be gorgeous on your wedding day, little bits that you'd like to change or not.

Saturday weight loss here

Post 872

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Thanks Lady Scott - I was having a really bad day! I still haven't got it all straight in my head but I'll just keep struggling on smiley - groan

Saturday weight loss here

Post 873

Lady Scott

Planning a big wedding is an incredibly stressful time, especially for the bride - and you've added on the stress of trying to lose (still more) weight. From what I've been reading/hearing recently, stress supposedly produces a hormone which makes weight loss extremely difficult (and often causes weight gain), so I think you're doing exceedingly well just maintaining your current weight.

My best advice would be to ignore the BMI and height/weight charts, because those don't take physical conditioning into account at all - and you are in very good physical condition if you can exercise at the intensity and for the amount of time that you do! I'd also suggest trying to avoid scrutinizing every little personal imperfection (your upper arms look great to me - what I'm able to see of them in the most recent photos I've seen, since they all show you wearing sleeves), because hollywood and fashion models give us a very unrealisitic view of what a normal body should look like.

I know you'd like to lose a little more before the wedding. I find that the less I obsess over my weight, and the busier I am (and therefore less likely to have time to eat extra goodies), the more likely I am to step on the scales one day and find that I've dropped a few pounds. As the wedding date approaches, you will most undoubtely become even busier than you are now, and may find the same thing happens to you.

Having said that, I also realize how incredibly frustrating it is to hit a plateau. I've been at one myself for over 2 years. smiley - groan

Saturday weight loss here

Post 874

Lady in a tree

Haven't posted for a couple of weeks as this thread had gone awfully quiet and I felt like I was talking to myself!

Anyhoo...my weight yesterday (new weigh in day is Friday as I now use the electronic scales at the gym) was 91kg. (14st 5lb)

That's a loss of 2lb this week. About bloomin' time!

Hope you're all doing ok. Chin(s) up! smiley - biggrin

Saturday weight loss here

Post 875

Lady in a tree

90.5kg on Saturday...another pound off.

I am now officially less than 200lb! yippee! smiley - biggrin

smiley - cheerup

Saturday weight loss here

Post 876

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

smiley - somersault Feels ridiculously good to pass one of those milestones doesn't it? smiley - applause

I'm 12'1 as of this morning - but after several bottles of wine, lots of smiley - choc and naughty food in the past week this isn't too bad - nowhere near as bad as I was expecting anyway.

Have bought myself a push bike smiley - cool and will eschew the car as often as possible for the summer. Am contemplating doing the trip to work and back once a week while the weather is fine - 17.5 miles each way! I did a trip of half that yesterday without too much trouble and really enjoyed it so it is realistic to think I can do it once a week. And if I am too tired for the return journey I can always come back on the train. Really want to step up the exercise in the next few weeks...

Hope everyone else is doing well and is encouraged by LiaT's continuing success smiley - biggrin

smiley - puffk

Saturday weight loss here

Post 877

ismarah - fuelled by M&Ms

Hi girls and boys

I've decided to join you lot rather than bloommin tescodiets.com
At least I know some of you and feel like you understand me and are on the same page.

As of last saturday I weighed 86 kgs, according to the hospital. While I will not be doing any exercise for a few weeks, I can cut out sugar and decrease fat as well as (important bit) stop feeling sorry for myself.

The plan at the moment is to lose a little bit of weight, but more a few inches before my wedding in August. Then, I know I will lose weight on my honeymoon as it will be somewhere vvv hot and I tend to lose my appetite under those circumstances. Finally, the plan is to then maintain that initial loss and increase it by taking up exercise and maintaining a healthy diet.

I would like to end up somewhere around the 60-65 kgs mark eventually, and then stay there, which is the most important bit.

I outweigh my other half and at 160 cm, I am classified as 'obese' according to stoopid BMI thingy. I'd rather be fit and a little bit wobbly though, than rake-thin and can't walk up a hill.

My main weaknesses are comfort eating when stressed (a state I've lived in for about 2 years now) or depressed, coke and chocolate.

I don't eat red meat very much and junk food intake is decreasing. Bad things I've discovered since moving to the UK is chips and curries. Good things are quorn and spinach.

Ideally, I'd like an exercise buddy at some point, but will have to wait until I am in a fit state to exercise.

I've never ever felt like I had any control over my weight, as I developed early as a teenager and entire decades of pounds just whizzed by without me ever seeing them register on the scales. I also developed a slight eating disorder in college (it involved not eating. Not starving myself purposefully, just not eating. Don't think it can be classed as anorexia if you're not losing any weight). The eating disorder has now gone poof! and so has the IBS that I acquired along with it.

Right, think that's about it for now. Sorry to have barged in like this - carry on as you were...

cheerssmiley - disco ismarah

Saturday weight loss here

Post 878

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Hi Ishmarah smiley - smiley

Gone a bit quiet in here hasn't it? Come on folks! Lets parade our decreasing flab for all to see!

I've had a bit of a rocky patch recently - got sick of the whole thing again and rebelled - why do I keep sabotaging myself? Anyway, have bounced back up to 12'5.5 arrrgh aaaarrrgh arrrrrgh!

I had my first dress fitting on wednesday *does a little dance* and although everything fits (and looks beautiful) I could really do with losing another inch off thighs to help the skirt hang properly, and an inch or so from torso to allow for breathing on the day. The dressmaker said that she will hold off of doing any alterations for another 4 weeks to see what I can achieve on my own and will go back armed with thigh-slimming terribly attractive pants (oh how my fiance will be disappointed on our wedding night smiley - rofl) to see what needs to be done.

SO, I have 4 weeks ladies. Just 4 weeks to make all the difference in the world.

I'm spinning and spinning and spinning for exercise and will have to start paying attention to my food again (I was keeping up with the exercise but eating all the naughty bits again).

I think I'm going to need you lot over the next month - help!

smiley - puffk

Saturday weight loss here

Post 879

Lady in a tree

Hi Kelli smiley - hug

I did begin to feel like I was chatting away to myself so I got a bit lazy in posting here too.

I am still losing steadily but slowly. I am now 14st 3lb (90.3kg).

I began working part time in Julian Graves about a month ago which is interfering with my gym/swim schedule quite a bit but I still go when I can.

You *know* you can lose lots in 4 weeks. Just imagine you are starting from scratch - like you've not dieted before and do everything you should without the bad habits that inevitably creep in.

There is no way J will be disappointed on your wedding night big pants or not. If he stays sober enough that is!

I did the Race for Life last Sunday and it was a double celebration at the end as it marked my 1 year anniversary of becoming this "new me".

It was great fun and all for a good cause. You can see a few pics here http://public.fotki.com/catcollection/lady_in_a_tree/

Lotsa luv

Saturday weight loss here

Post 880

St. Dax of Goodheartedness (Host no. 42 and counting) (keeper of the frustrating habit of using a lot of... dots... all the time

Hi there smiley - smiley I know I've been gone for quite a while, but now I'm back again...

Last time I wrote something was at the end of january and there I weighed in at 131,8 kilo.

Now I'm 124,8... I could have done a lot better and frankly I have been a bit disappointed in myself lately - I guess that's part of the reason I came back.

I'm kindda at a stand-still at the moment and I just need some chearing on I guess...

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