A Conversation for H2G2 Weight Losers

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 821

St. Dax of Goodheartedness (Host no. 42 and counting) (keeper of the frustrating habit of using a lot of... dots... all the time

Once again I had a visit at the doctors. This time I was down to 130,8 kg, which is 2,1 kg lost in these past 2 weeks and a total weightloss of 23,7 kg. Yay me smiley - biggrin

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 822

Lady in a tree

Well done Dax smiley - applause - your clothes must be falling off you!

I had my official weigh in at the nutritionist yesterday - still 95.6 smiley - groan

I've decided I don't like the word 'plateau' - it's very frustrating.

I know that I am shrinking though - have lost a total of 8.25 inches (21cm) from around my waist since I started.smiley - biggrin I also have those body fat caliper measurements done at the gym and have lost a total of 44mm (nearly 2 inches) of fat in the last couple of months!

I have also dropped another dress size (but not in all shops) to an 18. I actually have a pair of jogging pants that have a 16/18 label!! (thank gawd for elastic!)

I just want the weight to start coming down again now...

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 823

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Well done Dax, your progress is really impressive smiley - applause

And LiaT, it is a horrible word (and quite hard to spell or pluralise) so let us not use it any more. Strike it from the dictionary! You are just having a period od readjustment while your body gets used to your new size - think I had something similar at around the same point so I know it is crap, but you can get through it.

I stayed about the same this week, not surprising after dropping 11 lb the week before. Am detoxing *again* this week, but only for five days - saturday is my birthday and I'll be damned if I am going to eat detox food on my birthday! Will probably start it up again next Monday as I will be measured for ordering my wedding dress on the 28th, and then I can settle into a moe normal diet pattern of trying to shift a lb or so a week.

Does anyone else get the impression that they will be aiming for a pound off a week for ever? smiley - laugh

Anyway, better do some work, skiving off early today for my pilates class...

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 824

Lady in a tree

At last! We have movement in the downward direction smiley - biggrin

94.4kg smiley - boing

I am officially below 15 stone! (if only by 1 lb!)

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 825

St. Dax of Goodheartedness (Host no. 42 and counting) (keeper of the frustrating habit of using a lot of... dots... all the time

Good job, you must be very pleased with youself right now smiley - biggrin

I'm afraid I've been doing a lot of unhealthy overeating this past week due to the stress of my upcoming exam this wensday smiley - bigeyes

I am not looking forward to my doctors appointment this friday smiley - sadface

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 826

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

I had a good result on saturday, but saturday was my birthday and I refuse to diet on my birthday so by this morning had added a bit of weight smiley - groan

Ah well, onwards and downwards!

Well done LiaT smiley - applause Getting undr the 15 stone mark is fantastic!

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 827

Lady in a tree

Well what an amazing appetite surpressant influenza is!

This morning my scales showed me I had gone down to 92.5kg (203lbs or 14"8lb)

I am sure this will be a short lived descent as I begin to get my appetite back. I don't recommend this particular method of weight loss to anybody though - I've been in bed hell for 6 days, and am looking at at least another 2 weeks of recuperation.

Hope you all had some success this week. smiley - cheerup...back to bed now smiley - ill

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 828

St. Dax of Goodheartedness (Host no. 42 and counting) (keeper of the frustrating habit of using a lot of... dots... all the time

smiley - sadface I was at the doctors yesterday and as I expected I had gained weight. Up to 131,8 kg, so up 1 kg.

But once again I had my period, so in reality it might just have been a still-stand and the extra kilo was due to all the water I'm retaining smiley - winkeye

But hey, last time I gained a little, it only inspired me to push harder, so that's what I'm gonna do now...

(on top of everything, I failed my exam smiley - sadface)

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 829

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Sorry about your exam Dax, but I am sure you are exactly right about your weight - keep up the effort and you'll get there!

As you can see from my new nickname, I am now in the endgame. I *have* to lose 14 lbs in the next 16 weeks - no ifs, buts or maybes. Time to stop messing about and making excuses. I *need* this butt to be less lardy and these hips to be more shapely and less lumpy.

I'm scared I won't manage this...

smiley - puffk

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 830



I know I'm not the most regular visitor to this site...smiley - blush
But wanted to say you CAN do it, I have the greatest confidence in you.
You have come so far and I know you'll succeed.smiley - smiley

You were the first to gave me encouragement and support and I am happy to return the favour.smiley - hug

Mysticxsmiley - magic

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 831

Lady in a tree

Flu gone (mostly). Appetite back. No exercise for 2 weeks...

...all adds up to a small gain smiley - sadface - 93.3kg this morning.

I am back in the gym next week (starting slowly) and hopefully it will be like a new kickstart for my body.

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 832

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Glad you are feeling better Debs, I put on loads more than that when I was ill before christmas so I reckon you've done pretty well smiley - ok

Thanks Mystic smiley - kiss

I lost a pound this week - nothing dramatic but at least going in the right direction. My doc reckons I have got a bit of bursitis in my hip so I'll have to lay off running for a couple of weeks and x-train or cycle instead. Hope that doesn't slow down my (snail's pace) weightloss!

And the latest fashion news: I bought two pairs of jeans on saturday that were a size 14. Size 14! They are a bit too tight, but definitely wearable. My wedding dress is a 14 and a bit too tight so I needed to have some clothing that was about the same so I can judge inch loss rather than the changes on the scales. If they are still too tight in 15 weeks time I'll be heading for the lipo clinic but for now I am over the moon to find I could get size 14s on and done up smiley - magic

smiley - puffk

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 833

Lady in a tree

smiley - wah

smiley - wah

I'm going backwards. I know I'm pre-menstrual (again - doesn't 4 weeks go quickly) but it's just not fair that I weighed 95.3kg this morning. That's 2kg up in one week. smiley - cross I've gone back to what I was 4 weeks ago. I'm so depressed. smiley - cry

I've been back to the gym and the pool this week, gradually increasing from 30 mins CV on Monday to 45 yesterday. I wish I could say that I didn't enjoy it but it really did feel damn good to be back! Wish it had made some difference to my weight though. smiley - cry

smiley - wah

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 834

Luli - eternal dreamer: don't disturb the fluffy pink clouds

Hi everyone

I know I haven't been around for ages, but I feel the need now to say HELP!
I can't shift the weight I put on while in New Zealand. Maybe it was me, but I couldn't find anywhere that served a decent salad for love nor money. since I've got back, I've snacked on fruit, lunched on veggies, cut out processed food, ate less... all to no end. I still can't wear half my wardrobe, and the other half looks mighty shabby.

Please folks, give me some inspiration. I work from 8-4 usually without a lunch break, can't afford a gym subscription, leave the house at 7am and get in at 5pm or later... I would love to be more active and whatnot but never seem to have time once all the chores are done.

I need to lose about 2 stone and would like to lose 3.5 - but I'm aiming for inches really, especially off the old bum, which is sagging and spreading through sitting on it too long!

I'm going to be doing some serious exercising in the next week and using my mum's scales since mine (hand-me-downs from my sis) are broken. I may just post inches, since that's a big goal of mine.
Hopefully I can do this with a bit of support (and my fiance ceasing to tease me by eating puddings with cream.)

smiley - zen Luli

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 835

Lady in a tree

Hey Luli! The only encouragement I can give at the moment is don't listen to my moaning! I am on a bit of a halt at the moment. Having lost loads during illness I've now piled it all back on and am completely stuck.

As for advice...it's hard to say what is best for you as your work seems to dominate your lifestyle at the mo. Can you fit in any walking anywhere in your day? Do you drive to work? If you take the bus or train try getting off one stop early and walking the rest of the way. If you drive, park further away. Perhaps you can get one really good bit of exercise equipment that you can use during the evening whilst watching tv.

If you really put your mind to it you *will* shed those inches.smiley - ok

And tell that fiance of yours to stop teasing and start supporting. smiley - cross

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 836

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

I agree about getting your fella to start helping rather than hindering smiley - grr Bless them, they don't get how difficult it all is do they? Do you have a video or DVD player? Could you get yourself a workout vid to do at home? Could maybe get up half an hour earlier and do it before your shower in the mornings or in the evening when you get home from work - actually looking at what you said you probably don't have time in the morning but if you get hom at 5 or 6 then you should be able to find half an hour or 45 mins before dinner to do something? If you have a vid to do then you don't have to find the time to go out to a gym or anything, much easier to fit in but harder to motivate yourself to do I suppose smiley - smiley Now it is starting lighter in the evenings could you go for a walk/run for 20-30 minutes each day after you get home from work? I'll be doing this soon (I get home a bit later than you so have to wait for the sunshine...)

When is the wedding? I have ordered my wedding dress now, in a size 14 (!) so absolutely *have* to lose an inch or two off of my hips by my first fitting. When I am pounding away on the treadmill I imagine myself waddling down the aisle in a too-tight dress with bulges in all the wrong places - certainly keeps me going!

Debs, you'll get past this temporary lull - stick with it! Keep reminding yourself how brilliantly you have done in the past, you *know* you have the strength to do this, just look at the evidence smiley - ok

I went along to a weight watchers class last night, I want some company on my diet and some extra people to whinge at - plus it gets me out of the house one evening a week so I am not a home eating smiley - winkeye My weight hasn't changed this week but then I haven't done any exercise (been quite sick with a nasty cold) so am not surprised. The WW plan seems to be low-fat, low-cal sensible - I worked out my points for the few days before joining and I was having 18-20 points a day - my allowance is 21 so this should be fairly easy for me to stick to and hopefully the meetings will help keep me on track. Was 12'5 this morning (12'10 on the WW scales last night), would dearly love to be under 12 (on my scales) by easter...

smiley - puffk

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 837

Luli - eternal dreamer: don't disturb the fluffy pink clouds

I could do an exercise DVD at home, but I work away out in the country (in a farm cottage) so unfortunately parking further away isn't an option. Hopefully we're moving office into town soon, which will be helpful as there is a gym ten minute's walk away and my boss has mentioned us all joining as part of the company benefits.

The wedding's next year, in Antigua (we think), so the last thing I want is to be carrying a lot of weight and to wobble sweatily down the aisle. Not to mention that one of my bridesmaids is exceedingly tall and svelte, and I don't want to be upstaged! smiley - laugh

Everyone seems to be doing so well, I don't want to let you all down with me posting a gain or whinging about the circumference of my waist - so I'm going to try really hard. smiley - smiley
Lady in a Tree - I know plateaux are a real pain to get through, but you've been doing brilliantly (I've been lurking for a while) and you will start losing again.

Thanks for the support - I feel more able to face up to the reality of actually doing this now.

smiley - zen Luli

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 838

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

The new location and gym sounds good - my gym is through work, actually in the building so there is no excuse not to go!

And Luli, we've *all* whinged aplenty here so don't worry about that, we all know how it feels and are always here to comiserate a gain or celebrate a loss!

Onwards and downwards!

smiley - puffk

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 839

Lady in a tree

Hear hear!

smiley - applause for everyone! (even me smiley - blush)

Saturday weight loss here - briskly walking behind the wagon

Post 840

Lady in a tree

1 hour 10 mins CV in the gym yesterday finally paid off...a bit.

I was 94.8kg this morning. Down 1 whole pound on last week. Whoop-de-doo.smiley - cross

I must try harder. I will succeed. I am setting myself a target of 3lbs for next week.

Watch this space...

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