A Conversation for Reading the Guide

101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 101


I've been waiting for this, that is post 101 which should be the final thing to do, but as we all know this will go on forever, but here goes

Burst into the projectionists room and take him(or her) hostage, demand the film should be shown continuosly for the next seven years until the finally get round to making The Resturant at the End Of The Universe, have the management send up loads of popcorn, sit back and enjoy the film looking through the little peep hole, offer the projectionist some of your popcorn, go mad.

101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 102


Let's start over in numbers!

1. Learn how to fly in the middle of the theater.

(Learn to fall and miss the ground)

101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 103


2. hand out leaflets advertising the H2G2 site with particular attention to the posting "101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie"

101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 104


3. Make a sandwich for somebody if it has Perfectly Normal Beast in it.

4. Buy the new guide

5. Pronounce the country my cousin is from; people will be offended.

101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 105

clever the master

39. Run to the front and shout about how much you preferd 'that off the telly

101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 106

clever the master

39. Run to the front and shout about how much you preferd 'that off the telly'

101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 107

miraculousrandomness - being elvised is hard but so is changing your title so I wont


101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 108

Researcher 194064

8. Do not quote the movie the first time you see it a few seconds before what happens happens

101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 109

miraculousrandomness - being elvised is hard but so is changing your title so I wont

this is things not to do

101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 110


during the film think of a 101 things not to do, then do them, then go home a start a original posting about the 101 things I did when I went to the Hitchikers moviesmiley - smiley

101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 111

miraculousrandomness - being elvised is hard but so is changing your title so I wont

thats number 9

10.Read simetras mind and steal the idea

101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 112

Elwood Herring

Play my Hitch-Hiker music. I'm not allowed to post my URL but if you google my name you'll find it. It's not advertising either because it's free! smiley - biggrin

101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 113

Dr. Megabite

Is it the one on blueyonder?

101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 114

Elwood Herring

That's me. Trying to work up some enthusiasm to finish this damn piece, so any encouragement from H2G2 fans would be extremely well appreciated!

Is there any smiley - tea on this spaceship?

101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 115

miraculousrandomness - being elvised is hard but so is changing your title so I wont

now 11 to count

101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 116

miraculousrandomness - being elvised is hard but so is changing your title so I wont

I mean 44 sowwy

101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 117

miraculousrandomness - being elvised is hard but so is changing your title so I wont

I really liked that music smiley - biggrin

It was really nice

101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 118


39.Bring a spatula and wack your nose with it every time you have an idea

101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 119


39. Leave your towell at home.

101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 120


take your towel fold it up put it under your head and lay down infront of the screen,
every 5 min's sit up and shout 'are we there yet'

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