A Conversation for Reading the Guide

101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 21

Elwood Herring

101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie - and we've only got to 38?

Come on - we've got to get up to 42 at the very least!

How about - 39 Try to persuade everybody in the theatre to all say as loud as they can, and all at the same time;


101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 22

Edddie - now with a name 516% longer!

40: Make all doors feel good anytime someone walks through them.
41: Bring a HHGTTG poster and post it to the projector, the seats, the silver screen, everything!

101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 23

Edddie - now with a name 516% longer!

And Forty-Two: Explain the "Law of Forty-Two", which means that everything ought to refer to 42. That´s not real.
(Thanks for the honour of making 42.)

101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 24

King of Snake

43: Explain very loudly that the "Law of forty two" is actually wrong and should be 43. While foaming at the mouth and twitching irregularly, proclaim that they forgot to carry the 1, they're wrong and you're right, and anyone who disputes this shall be severely discombobulated!

101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 25


44: Don't forget your towel.

101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 26

Edddie - now with a name 516% longer!

44:Forget it. Groan, moan and so oan.

101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 27

Edddie - now with a name 516% longer!

smiley - erm 45, I mean...

101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 28


46: Don't count down 42 minutes in the movie.

101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 29

Edddie - now with a name 516% longer!

47: Steal the posters in the lobby.

101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 30


48: Come up with 101 things not to do at the hitchhiker's movie.

101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 31

Edddie - now with a name 516% longer!

49: Act like you were forced to visit the movie and hate Sci-Fi, humour and DNA.

101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 32


50: Ask the nearest person if he's a human. if he is, then try to convince him, that you need his brain, to get the ultamte question!

101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 33

Edddie - now with a name 516% longer!

51: Don´t convince him, but put him to sleep, then use two giant saws to do the job.

101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 34


52: Talk about how you can't go anywhere without your wonderful towel.

101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 35


53: Brag constantly about how you won an award for norways beautiful fjords!

101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 36

Edddie - now with a name 516% longer!

54: protest for a smiley - galaxy smiley.

101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 37


55: Insist loudly that the person in front of you is a Vogon. Based purely on the fact that he's so ugly, that he has to be!

101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 38

Edddie - now with a name 516% longer!

56: Bring mp3 player, portable boxes and the hitchhiker song. Play it.

101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 39


57: Talk to Marvin about life.
58: Ask the ruler of the Universe questions about the past.

PS: That one about the awards for making fjords and Norway was funny!

101 things not to do at the showing of the hitchikers movie

Post 40

Edddie - now with a name 516% longer!

59: Hitchhike to the movie theater. Tell EVERYONE about that.
60: Have a very big head and triangular eyes.
61: As soon as the "old Marvin" easteregg appears, be excited and tell everyone about that.
62: Tell everyone that you´re Douglas Adams. If someone says that he´s dead, ask him whether he has ever seen a horror movie about zombies.

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