A Conversation for Talking About the Guide - the h2g2 Community

Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 1

Ariadni (Keeper of Dolphins and Cinnamon Incense)

I just wanted to see if anyone else is intensely disturbed by the rumors that the strongest candidate for the role of Arthur Dent is Jim Carrey!

I find that extremely upsetting and I am wondering if we can come up with a petition to be submitted to the big Hollywood heads showing our dissatisfaction.

Anyone else with me on this one?


Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 2

Hunter, who is rarely on H2G2 anymore.

Whoa, they're making an hitchhicker's guide movie!!!


Kick Ass!!


Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 3

Ariadni (Keeper of Dolphins and Cinnamon Incense)

OK I share your enthusiasm on the fact that there is going to be a movie (our good old DNA has been working on that project for a long time now), but what about the issue here...

Can you really picture Jim Carrey as Arthur Dent? How the hell is he going to do a British accent? He is probably going to be as successful in that as Michael Cain was in doing an American one!
Can you really imagine that?

I also have no desire to sit through the whole movie and watch "Arthur's" face contracting and expanding and making all sorts of funny grimaces. Let's face it Jim Carrey is only good for one kind of role and no, don't tell me this is unfair. If he wanted he could turn down a couple of the "pulling faces" characters that landed on his lap.

And if you are an advocate of the idea that Jim has suddenly waken up to the same realisation and decided that a change in the direction of his career is going to be beneficial, does it really have to be the H2G2 film? We don't want the film to turn out an experiment, right?

NO, NO, NO! It is simply not on. Someone has to do something about it. Am I really the only one that feels that strongly about it?


Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 4


I totaly agree! Jim Carrey, will NOT suit Arthur... he just don't got the calm style (that tends to be a panic style with in micro seconds). Jim Carey is not cool in the same way as Arthur.

Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 5

Ariadni (Keeper of Dolphins and Cinnamon Incense)

I was wondering if we could initiate a h2g2-wide vote on the subject.
So ideally everyone living in/visiting the h2g2, can vote on whether or not they want Jim Carrey for the role of Arthur.

And then we can have a 'view' of what the public wants smiley - smiley

Anyone else with me? If I manage to get some critical mass here we might even see the poll on the Front Page!


Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 6

Jimi X

That's not a bad idea - having a poll on the subject.
Perhaps contact the folks at the h2g2 Post and see if they'd be willing to give you some space for an article and take it from there...

Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 7

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

Why stop at Arthur? It has to be Mark Wing-Davey for Zaphod, one case where the voice really matched the reality?

Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 8


The thought of Carey in _any_ movie is rather nauseus...what I want to know is, what on earth are we going to do about casting "The Book"? *sniffle*

Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 9

George (the babbling) Brooke

Anyone would be better than Carey, even David Spade, or, even better, Arthur Dent played by Jonny Lee Miller, from Trainspotting.
What do you say?

Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 10


Carey isn't that bad, in say, Pet Detective. But I agree, there is no way he could pull off a satisfactory (or anything close to) Arthur Dent. DOWN WITH CAREY! ~_~

Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 11


Have anyone ever heard Robin Williams English accent? it's rather good and he woul fit Arthur I think.

bla bla bla...
The Clone

No Nation but Imagination.

Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 12


Hmmmm... now I bet Robin Williams probably could pull off the role. Actually... I'm pretty sure he could (but then again I'm speaking w/ a bit of biased sense I'm a fan and like just 'bout all his movies).

Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 13

Silly Willy

Yes I think he would suit the role perfectly!!!
smiley - silly

Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 14


Having lived in Stoke for 4 years, the thought of anyone from those parts pretending to be English is totally laughable (I love you guys, but Hollywood wouldn't understand a word!) smiley - winkeye

Having watched Hook this afternoon, I think Rob_IN_ Williams could pass it off..or, hows about Hugh Laurie - as the father in Stuart Little he's proved he can pull of 'realatively straight with comedic undertones' really rather well...

Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 15

Ben Gunn

Andy Williams!! Crimplene leisure slacks and beige polo neck sweaters instead of an ageing M&S dressing gown. Works for me.

Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 16


Well, if we're keeping it in the family, my real surname is Williams smiley - winkeye

Why don't we follow the new Hollywood trend of transposing the actors from a series as a job lot into a movie (like the cast of Buffy into the up and cominng live action Scooby Doo)...how about use the cast of "I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue", with the lovely Samantha as Trillian...

Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 17


There is going to be a live action scooby doo?? neato.

Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 18


A CGI Scooby, with rumour has it S.M.Gellar as Daphne, her real life bf as Fred, the guy who plays Oz as Shaggy, and Christina Ricci as Thelma, but that's changing the subject smiley - winkeye

I'm still more worried about casting The Book...

Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 19

George (the babbling) Brooke

I want Patrick Stewart in there somewhere. And how about the guy who played Mr. Leister as Zaphod? Oooh, the entire cast of RED DWARF as the main characters...(the mind boggles) smiley - drunk

Plans for the H2G2 Movie

Post 20


Heheh, nothing against Patrick Stewart, but, where would he fit into the cast?? *can't think of a place... then again hasn't slept in over 24 hours so that might explain a few things*

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