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what is the meaning of life?

Post 2561


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what is the meaning of life?

Post 2562


in three words i sum up everthing i have learned about life: life goes on... robert frost.. no need to look for the meaning of life actually. it goes on even it is meaningful or not..just let's have fun out of it..

what is the meaning of life?

Post 2563


If anyone has said this already, me sorry, but I'm quaffing Cypriot brandy on top of Cuprofen to get rid of toothache, so...

I reckon that there is no meaning in life beyond the fact that it's a struggle; we struggle into life through the most ridiculously small channel, we struggle through life to make any headway in it, and then we struggle towards (or away from ) death at the end.
Point is, some people needlessly struggle more than others - like the universal scales got thrown out of kilter. So, as soon as you know that, and as soon as you know that the "struggle balance" is unfair, you should do something about it.
And yes, that means by being a do-gooder - stupid term, anyway; who would want to be a "do-badder" or a "do-awfuller"?

what is the meaning of life?

Post 2564

Phil Fortytwo -- Minister of Redundancy Minister

Life is a joke. Then you laugh.

what is the meaning of life?

Post 2565

Lucky Llareggub - no more cannibals in our village, we ate the last one yesterday..

We seem, in the main, to be a species of explorers and boundary pushers. Planet Mars, with its water, beckons!

what is the meaning of life?

Post 2566


Just to get through it as best as you can, whilst causing as little grief to your fellow man/woman, or surroundings as possible.

what is the meaning of life?

Post 2567

Lucky Llareggub - no more cannibals in our village, we ate the last one yesterday..

It has no meaning. It's all a bit of theatre at the end of the day, as William Shakespeare well knew.

what is the meaning of life?

Post 2568


Its 23!!!!!! Everything is 23!!! lol
Now serious... what the hell matters to know the meaning of life?? What matters is that there is life and that you are a part of it, so enjoy it while you are still a part of it! And don't tink too much. Thinking too much about those questions makes you get celulite in your teeth!! ;p

what is the meaning of life?

Post 2569


The meaning of life is stairing you in the face!!

what is the meaning of life?

Post 2570

Linkin of the fear dinkums

Tis to live is thy meaning

what is the meaning of life?

Post 2571


Life is meaningfull for all human being. but no one could ever spacified what is on the coming. eh.

what is the meaning of life?

Post 2572

Linkin of the fear dinkums

I totally agree,happy,sad,funny or not...You can't tell whats around the corner but hey.. thats life smiley - cheers

what is the meaning of life?

Post 2573



what is the meaning of life?

Post 2574

Linkin of the fear dinkums


what is the meaning of life?

Post 2575



what is the meaning of life?

Post 2576


"What is the Meaning of Life?" that depends upon how you define `Life`, `Meaning`, and `what`
in a strict sense the answer is obviously not 42 it is jellybaby - just ask the Doctor

what is the meaning of life?

Post 2577


Nah, it doesn't work - "What do you get when you multiply six by nine?" - "Jellybaby!"

Hmmm, now I come to think about it... maybe you have a point there! smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

what is the meaning of life?

Post 2578


I think that the problem with answering 'What is the meaning of life' is that the question itself makes no sense.

It's much like asking 'What is the colour of love' or 'What flavour is hate'. Life and meaning are disconnected, unassociated terms.

'What is the meaning of paper clips' would make just as much sense.

Now, the more regularly asked question, 'Why are we here', works; but it assumes that there has to be a why, which is only true if you believe in a creator-being who may - or may not - have had a reason.

'How, best, can we live our lives', seems to me to be a much more splendid and worthwhile question.

smiley - towel

what is the meaning of life?

Post 2579

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

>> 'How, best, can we live our lives', seems to me to be... <<

Indeed! smiley - ok Well, at least worthwhile if not entirely splendid. smiley - winkeye

But, as is always the case in making value judgements, it raises the question of just exactly who will be the judges of what's best. Not a job I'd want. I'm too busy living as best (in my my highly prejudicial judgement) I can.

smiley - cheers

what is the meaning of life?

Post 2580


what is the meaning of life?
that is a hard question ofr many people!
most people already know the answer and the funny part is that they have known it for a while! It's true!
but what i found is that one man is the meaning of lifre he came and went very quickly! but he lives with us everyday, some of us holds his hand all the time and some people refuse to believe that he exsits!
which is they own choice! which i am not trying to discrimate!
Let me just say this;
. there are well over 6 billion peopel in this world and only 16% are non-Religious!
. And another no so well knowen fact is that 33% (the biggest collection on recent survery charts)is Christianity!

they're must be doing som,thign rigth!

I believe that the meaning of life is God! he created us and loved us befre the world began! he is also with us and we are never alone! even when were are in our homes and everyone out or when you feel the whole world is against you! his standing next to you ready to hold your hand and get you through it!

God bless

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