A Conversation for The Alabaster House

Motion for h2g2 Elections

Post 81


Of course I tried to murder him! I lived in the same house as him for 4 years!smiley - tongueout


Motion for h2g2 Elections

Post 82

Zak T Duck

About half as long as the best before date on the jar smiley - winkeye

Motion for h2g2 Elections

Post 83

Scandal (See Pres for details)

Which particular scandal? It depends how many there are unnoticed.
*offers Croz a party pack jar of marmite and promotes Granny Weatherwax's Manchester Marrow*

But I had in mind the one reffering to the President using company funds to go skiing, his blatant out of office hours activities with a minister and his unofficial secretary. In fact several rather impeachable offences I would say!

Motion for h2g2 Elections

Post 84

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

Hey I object to the comment about Ian being past his best before date!!!

Btw, what unofficial secretary is he having affairs with? smiley - erm

Motion for h2g2 Elections

Post 85

Scandal (See Pres for details)

You should know.

Motion for h2g2 Elections

Post 86

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

*runs off somewhere*

Motion for h2g2 Elections

Post 87

Scandal (See Pres for details)

The guilty always run smiley - winkeye

Motion for h2g2 Elections

Post 88


*munches birthday smiley - cake and smiley - choc*

*mutters something about the press but fortunately nobody hears what, as his mouth is full*

Motion for h2g2 Elections

Post 89

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

*runs back in, snaffles some chocolate, grabs Peregrins arm and tugs him away to a secret hideaway*

Motion for h2g2 Elections

Post 90


*gets towed away* Ooh!

Motion for h2g2 Elections

Post 91

Zak T Duck

Security! Someone's trying to kidnap the president!

*Double takes*

False alarm, it's just the first lady, sorry.

Motion for h2g2 Elections

Post 92

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

*elbows the First Lady out of the way, grabs the Prez & gives him a biiiiig Granny smiley - hug & smiley - smooch for his birthday smiley - smiley*

There's one advantage to being a little old lady smiley - laugh

Motion for h2g2 Elections

Post 93


I've been doing some investigating of my own: Scandal isn't really a p.i.!!! He just got a badge free with his/her cereal!! He/She also once had some grapes for tasting from a supermarket: without paying for them!!

Motion for h2g2 Elections

Post 94

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

hey dont elbow me out of the way! It was just fro his own good, besides with had our political discussions now...now where was that cake smiley - winkeye

Motion for h2g2 Elections

Post 95


*smiley - hugs Granny* Thanks smiley - biggrin

Oooh I bet Scandal is a Sun reporter...

Motion for h2g2 Elections

Post 96

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

hey, wheres my hug!
*looks indignant then wonders if she should look indignant if theres a reporter from the sun about*
nothing to see here move along please...
*whispers to Peregrin*
Am I being discreet enough sweetie? smiley - winkeye

Motion for h2g2 Elections

Post 97

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

*trips over her own clogs & bangs into the photographer from the Sport who barges into the photographer from the NoW, who collides with the photographer from the People, who smashes into the photographer from Hello, who elbows the photographer from Train-spotters monthly, who apporoaches Croz, who neatly side-steps the domino effect & gets a great snap for the FCAMSASC newsletter*

Motion for h2g2 Elections

Post 98

Zak T Duck

I can see the caption now: "Everyone is falling over themselves for incriminating photos"

Motion for h2g2 Elections

Post 99


I see that Scandal has run off with his tails between his/her legs?

Motion for h2g2 Elections

Post 100

Peter aka Krans

He has a tail?

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