This is the Message Centre for Polly and Pixie


Post 1


In a summer house made of wood
I float with butterflies
All ill thoughts would do no good
For nothing, could I despise
Im floating like a summer breeze
Just tickling, its hazy
Rustling grassy tops with ease
Perfectly, feeling lazy
If only I could bunny hop
Or leap frog like a kid
Nothing could ever stop
Me knowing I once did.smiley - rose


Post 2


As tonight I kneel to pray
I thank you Lord for today
I Know today that I am sad
Thank you, Im also glad
Knowing you will wipe my eyes
I point my fingers to your skies
For I know that when Im down
Your hand will unwrinkle my frown
So tonight as I dutifully pray
You'll spare me for another day.

(Hi Polly,smiley - rose)


Post 3

Polly and Pixie

Dear Rick,
Thank you for the poem. Thanks also for being kind enough to write one for me this evening. It's turning out to be one of those evenings when it's difficult to settle to anything. How many tears can one cry?

I've just read these lines(From a short poem by Alice Meynell):

All my stars forsake me.
And the dawn-winds shake me,
Where shall I betake me?

Whither shall I run
Till the set of sun,
Till the day be done?..........

Polly smiley - cry

smiley - mousesmiley - esuom


Post 4


Sometimes when we're feeling low
Our lives tick over very slow
Giving us too much time to face
Our demons that take our space
Though from the world we hide
We build another world inside
Cocooned in a mood of our making
Its still our precious time its taking
Grab the beastly bull by the horns
Feel the pain from natures thorns
Open your windows and you will see
That this world will never change, thee?smiley - winkeye


Post 5

Polly and Pixie

This post has been removed.


Post 6

Polly and Pixie

Oops, I posted two of Wendy Cope's poems but they have been deleted!

smiley - cry


Post 7


For now the time has come to say goodbye
To Wasp,Gnat,Bee and Butterfly
To capture swirling leaves with an eye
To agonise as Autumn flys by

To see the trees with traces of leaves
To see the long reed and straw sheaves
On cottage roofs overhanging eaves
Hands tucked in gloves and sleeves

No more evening walks till Spring
A cosy fire with warm knitting
Four walls with endless pacing
Fingers cold and heart racing.smiley - rose


Post 8

Polly and Pixie

Dear, sweet Rick,

That is beautiful. A 'cosy fire, with warm knitting' is a lovely picture. Alas, my new home is freezing. I miss my open fire, and all the warmth. I thought that this tiny home would be easy to heat. Wrong! Floorboards that gape open!; front door that doesn't fit and gapes too!; no double-glazing on most windows! Paint fumes penetrating into my home from the neighbour! Long story!

Thank you for your poem. Thank you, Rick.

smiley - smooch



Post 9


Hi Polly,you can buy a metal door surround that has a rubber seal/gasket
That fits externally around the outside doors down the two door jambs and along the head,this along with a draft brush on the bottom of the door is very effective.

As for single glazed windows,you can buy a sponge tape in white or brown that after cleaning the window reveals to remove traces of grease etc you adhere to the surfaces that the vent part of the window shuts against,or stick clear polythene over windows with selotape,these products are available from most reputeable DIY stores,goodluck.R.smiley - erm


Post 10

Polly and Pixie

Great tips, Rick. Thank you so much. smiley - smoochI had thought about the polythene, but won't it look awful? Better than this horrid cold, though. I haven't strayed from the sitting room all evening! Been wrapped up in rugs! Even my darling Kitty seemed to be feeling out-of-sorts with it all tonight!

Goodnight, and many thanks for your advice.


smiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - disco


Post 11


Hi Polly,I have no wish to know your age and Im to much of a gent to ask(blush)but after a certain age folks can get subsidies/grants to help with home insulation,doors,windows.cavity walls and loft insulation all fall into this catergory,who to apply to though,mmmm?

However polythene sheeting mounted on a removeable frame(like staple polythene all round a thin soft wood frame then place the temporary window made of wood and polythene into window on the inside next to existing window seal with adhesive tape or caulking)this is a temporary measure that is as effective as double glazing,the bigger the cavity between the two frames the warmer it will be.R.


Post 12

Polly and Pixie

Hello Rick.

I'm 53. So there! smiley - senior!!!

If I get away this weekend, I might try and see about doing what you have so kindly advised.
I know it's far too late to be thinking this way, but when I consider the warm, cosy cottage that I left......It makes me cry!

But thank you so much for your advice. It is greatly appreciated.


smiley - hug

Freezing cold.

Post 13

Polly and Pixie

Hello Rick.

Last night, in desperation, I used all my cling-film to cover the window in the bathroom, and the stable-door in the kitchen! The kitchen door lets in so much freezing air smiley - snowball, and it doesn't fit properly. Even now, at 13.15, it is perishing in that room.smiley - snowman There's no CH in there either. I might have to clear off for the weekend just to get some warmth.

If I'm not about tonight, then do have a really happy, and warm, weekend.

Polly smiley - smiley


Post 14


When your laying in your bed tonight
Just before you kiss the world goodnight
Say a little prayer for those that need
Much more than your scraps to feed
Spare a thought for their despair
Try to remain thoroughly aware
Its not love these people need
But Fresh water, fertile seed
Better still give them a hand
To make soil from only sand
Yet all our prayers will be in vain
Without desalination or rain.smiley - sadface


Post 15


Hi Polly,so I guess you went away,from the coldness that chills your day,Just when you think we should already know,Brrr! we get our first layer of snow,That covers every thing in sight,turning Autumn from decorative to white.smiley - cheerup


Post 16

Polly and Pixie

Hello Rick.

Yes, I went away on Friday afternoon. And came back this morning. I didn't want to though. smiley - sadface
I might go to a BSO concert on Wednesday(I have got a ticket) if I am well enough. That will mean that I will stay away from here yet again for a few days. I prayed all the way home today because I felt/feel so fearful. I had very little sleep last nightsmiley - sleepy because of all my thoughts.smiley - yawn

It's freezing in here!

Thank you for your messages. They are most welcome.


smiley - hug


Post 17


Sometimes when evil clouds our eyes
We act with venom and despise
Yet hatred is such a waste
For those we hate never taste
The bile,we can feel inside
The indignation we hide
Every second wasted in hate
Is a second nearer our fate.smiley - cheerup


Post 18

Polly and Pixie

Dear Rick,

I hope that I haven't given you the notion that there is, within me, 'evil....' and '..act with venom...'. I'm not like that at all.

smiley - peacedove


Post 19

Polly and Pixie


My apologies for 'sounding off' earlier. It's been a long weekend. I didn't want to return home this evening! Lots to think about this coming week.



smiley - rosesmiley - hug


Post 20


Hi Polly,I've been in Bath and Malvern this week,I,ve got some rework to do on an add on to an old farm house in Dunchurch,right in the middle of nowhere next week so Im hoping it gets drier and more than a little warmer.

Still,hope your hearts always warm and your pockets are never empty.smiley - rose

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