A Conversation for Florence, Italy
Pick Pockets
Master of Complete Tosh, Keeper of the Tea Money Started conversation Mar 22, 2002
Florence is notorious for small children who pick pockets and the hotels all have warnings about them. In effect this has become an attraction in itself as tourists follow the children round trying to see them in action.
Pick Pockets
bomias Posted May 7, 2003
Yeah, no kidding. Someone I know had just a bit of the strap on a camera poking out of his pocket, and discovered the camera gone soon after.
One tip for travelling in Florence: never wear a backpack unless you can pull it round on you front. I was nearly pickpocketed that way.
Pick Pockets
CelloCelloCello Posted Jun 28, 2003
Pickpocketers aren't just in Florence, they're all over Italy. I had my bookbag locked whenever we were out and about, but I still turned it frontwards in the train station and when I saw gypsies.
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Pick Pockets
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