It's My Introduction Page!
Hello Everybody!

Welcome to my intro page. My name is Erin and I'm a high school senior in the United States. School starts on August 11
which is way too early. So very sad. My lovely summer is over. No more time at the beach
, the vet school
, or work
making money.

I play the cello (could you guess from my nickname?)and have been for six years now. I'm in the school orchestra and will be auditioning soon for a youth orchestra. I hope I do well! I'm a member of the Musician's Guild here.
I love animals dearly and have a dog, Maggie , and two cats, Sapphire
and Bonkers
. I want to be a veterinarian
in the future. I spent a week this summer at the vet school near my house and had a wonderful time. I learned tons there! It was so great. I spent most my time in the ICU, but I also saw a horse have surgery and a necropsy on a golden retriever. Everyone was really nice to me.

I am a Unitarian Universalist and have been one for two years or so. UUs are great people and lots of fun. I found a great UU joke online recently. It said:
What do you call a dead UU? All dressed up and nowhere to go.One of the best weeks of my life was last summer when I went to General Assembly with my church. There, delegates from UU churches in the USA and Canada vote on how the church will be run in the following year. Tons of cool youths were there. It was a great time for me.

I am an avid reader and especially like fantasy novels. I love Douglas Adam's books, of course. I also love William Goldman's The Princess Bride, Richard Adams' Watership Down
, Frank Herbert's Dune series, Tolkien's Lord of the Rings
, J.K. Rowlings
Harry Potter
, and much much more. Books are so great!

That's all I have for now. I hope everyone has a splendiforous day!

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Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
Hello. | Jul 24, 2003 |
Hi there | Jul 24, 2003 |
hello and welcome! | Jul 11, 2003 |
welcome | Jun 28, 2003 |
welcome erin you have been ACEd | Jun 27, 2003 |
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
Join Here | Jun 27, 2003 | Dec 7, 2013 |
INITIATEES POST YOUR QUOTE HERE! | Jul 22, 2003 | Oct 24, 2011 |
The Toilet Seat | Aug 24, 2003 | Apr 5, 2009 |
Join Here | Aug 12, 2003 | Nov 23, 2007 |
The Future.... | Jun 27, 2003 | Oct 16, 2007 |
Researcher U232319
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