A Conversation for the h2g2 Space-Farer's Cantina

The Staff Room

Post 21


OK, ta smiley - smiley

The Staff Room

Post 22

Darth Noire

If you have no other assassins yet... Head Assassin would be great.

The Staff Room

Post 23

njan (afh)

Okely-dokely. Consider yourself appointed. smiley - winkeye

The Staff Room

Post 24


Actually, I've been thinking and I think the smuggler's life is far better, so can I be a smuggler?

The Staff Room

Post 25


Then again, I wouldn't want to cause trouble, so forget I ever spoke

The Staff Room

Post 26

njan (afh)

Well.. I can make you a smuggler if you want, tis up to you. smiley - smiley

The Staff Room

Post 27

Peter aka Krans

Hmm... Njan, I think that having "head" people will put other people who do that job off 'cos the "top post" is already taken... just a thought...


The Staff Room

Post 28

njan (afh)

Yes... well, I've only set tham as that until we _have_ more people, so that the staff roster looks more impressive. *grins*

The Staff Room

Post 29

Peter aka Krans

Oh, alright then... oh yes! We have just recieved a box of nayani-poisoned assassination slipknives... I thought I'd leave it to you to deal with... You know I don't like messing with things that can't destroy a house smiley - smiley

The Staff Room

Post 30

njan (afh)

Oh, interesting... I think we'll have to put an /official/ armoury listing on the page. Of course, more items are available on requestm, mail order.. *grins evilly*

The Staff Room

Post 31


No thanks - Bounty Hunter will be OK Njan smiley - smiley

The Staff Room

Post 32


thanks though

The Staff Room

Post 33

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

I am a Document Procurer.

You need it. I can get it.
Ship Registries, Customs Certificates, Inter-system permits, Quarantine Exemptions, and those little instruction booklets for your coffee maker.

If I can't find it, I can make it. All documents come with my 90% satisfaction guarantee.

The Staff Room

Post 34

Peter aka Krans

OK! Just what we need! You're hired. What type of gun would you like? Come and see me in the armoury smiley - smiley

The Staff Room

Post 35

njan (afh)

What title would you like, Red?

The Staff Room

Post 36

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

Oh, title's not that important. Document Procurer is fine, although Head of Document Acquisitions has a nice ring. Sometimes I'm referred to as a Paper Shuffler. smiley - smiley

The Staff Room

Post 37


I heard you were looking for bar personnel. I can mix drinks with the best of them, eavesdrop on conversations, handle crowd control, provide musical entertainment (or whatever entertainment the management wants). I'm loyal to whoever pays me regularly.

The Staff Room

Post 38


By the way, those rumors of my dealing in contraband were never proven.

The Staff Room

Post 39

Peter aka Krans

Okay... Eomando is getting so deluged in requests for drinks it's hard for her to keep up! You're hired.

Njan, sign him up as a Bar Attendant, please... Ox, that is the job you wanted, right?

The Staff Room

Post 40


Excellent! *eyes glint with satisfaction*

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