This is the Message Centre for Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

First date

Post 61


Very dear zdt,

So very upset about your makes me really sad about how selfish people can be.

Does it help to tell you to absolutely believe that there is someone just waiting to find you. I know that it was that thought that sustained me during my dark days.......And it did work. I met and married the love of my life.

Have courage

With affection,

First date

Post 62


Oh, Terri I am so sorry. smiley - hug

Websailor smiley - dragon

First date

Post 63

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

So sorry Terri smiley - sadface

First date

Post 64

You can call me TC

Terri - what a kick in the stomach that was (I felt it all the way over here). Didn't you up sticks and go to Ireland for him? Now what?

First date

Post 65


So sorry to hear that, Terri. Sounds like you've been treated very shoddily. smiley - hug

First date

Post 66

Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break

There's times I'm embarressed to be a man...

smiley - hugsmiley - tea

First date

Post 67

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

human, for that matter smiley - erm

smiley - pirate

First date

Post 68

Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break

Oh, that's not a problem for me... smiley - flyingpig

First date

Post 69

Spaceechik, Typomancer

smiley - pirate "what if the only thing i love is your narrow interests, spacecadette? "

And here I was, wondering why you were called a Pirate! smiley - blushsmiley - laugh

[In the interests of Fair Disclosure® , I should point our that there isn't much narrow about me!] smiley - winkeye

First date

Post 70

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Terry, that's awful --I am so sorry. It was *not* a decent thing to do to you! smiley - hug

First date

Post 71

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

Oh, Terri.


First date

Post 72


Terri dear,

there is no news I hope you are alright. do let us know if we can do anything - there is always a comforting ear on this site - and also I am sure if you live near me a bed to sleep in.

have courage my dear friend.

6.II/2010 8.40

First date

Post 73

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Terri, sweetheart, I hope you are OK, and GB, dearlove, I hope you are OK, too.

This time of year is rather cruel, no matter who is in or out of one's life. It's remarkable who or what can make Valentine's Day special ... it's remarkable who and what makes each of us special.

I hope you find comfort in the fact you have people who want to listen to you both and give their love for you both. smiley - hug

First date

Post 74


Thank you; my fiends, it really helps.

I am hoping tis mainly the death of his beloved doggy which has sent him spiralling into a black hole; maybe he will emerge the other side; we shall see.

He hasn't had particularly great experiences with relationship stuff, people have let him down badly; so maybe being loved is rather unfamiliar & scary for him.

But it hurts; it really does.


First date

Post 75

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Being single is a minefield. Then meeting someone is fraught with difficulty as trying to blend two distinct personalities sometimes doesn't work. Yes it hurts but better now than later because you can begin to heal, then begin looking again.

Life begins at 60, it seems, for Val - the rumour mill smiley - drumrollhas reached me that Phil has asked her out and they're going out for a meal tonight. So I'm going to send them positive thoughts and good vibes and wish them happiness, and hope they bring out the best in each other.

First date

Post 76

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

you are so right, luv, being single is indeed a minefield

doesn't help if one has been in and out of relationships, then settled down for 20 years with just one person (and offspring), and suddenly finds oneself 'on the market' again. a market that has changed significantly over the years, i might add!

as have i smiley - rofl

after living alone for a dozen years now i don't know if i want to give up my privacy for the comfort of living together with someone else smiley - huh

on the other hand, if the right smiley - diva comes along i will probably not even think. period. smiley - laugh

smiley - pirate

First date

Post 77

Sultandude(Lover of Princess Toy of the 1000 Kisses)-Keeper of Go-Go Bars-aka Kabuki Man

Pierce, that was my dilema when I met Princess Toy. But we took the plunge in October 2008 and so far - so good. Hello again GB!

First date

Post 78

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Good grief, Sultandude!smiley - wow yet another rave from the grave (pardon the analogy) where are all you smiley - elvis jumping from? smiley - biggrin

First date

Post 79

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

smiley - wow sultandude! good to see you smiley - hug

hey, did you notice you have to sign in to BBCi monday at the latest if you want to remain a hootizen? this place is closing down!

smiley - pirate

First date

Post 80

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Last night at the solo group:

I found out from Jill (Val's friend) that Val and Phil's date went well. Then I tackled Val. She confessed that she would accept another date with Phil if he asked but she didn't think he would, as she's not as intellectually stimulating as he is and she suspects he'd soon tire of her (her words).

Last night we had a quiz at the Royal Navy clubhouse, which is our new venue, there were practically no other customers so it looks like the place is ours for the duration. It's in a central location on High Cliff, (mentioned in my Cleethorpes update) and has a fab view over the estuary. I'm looking forward to being there on a night of the full moon, when I'll watch it rise over the Humber smiley - drool

Val was particularly clingy with me, and after Phil asked her if she'd go on the club walk on Sunday, she immediately asked me (in front of him) if I'd go too (she had never been on one, neither have I) so I said yes... it's an 8-mile walk smiley - footprints. I don't know if they're going to become an item, as Christina kicks out established couples, so they may not get involved. When the night ended, he offered lifts home to two elderly ladies who were in the process of ordering a taxi (one of them is disabled) so I am very proud to call him my friend. Val got a lift to the club with Jill so she was leaving with her too. We actually all left together and Phil arranged to collect me on Sunday morning for the walk before we collect Val (Jill declined the walk), after we'd already arranged that he's picking me up for Saturday night's food-tasting too. I like the new venue and the group could increase members now we have an established port-of-call. smiley - smiley

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