This is the Message Centre for Uncle Heavy [sic]

The Uncle 'Change the Subject Whenever You Want To' Heavy Fan Club

Post 7301

Lady Scott

smiley - musicalnote I got the top of the page! smiley - nahnah

smiley - whistle

The Uncle 'Change the Subject Whenever You Want To' Heavy Fan Club

Post 7302

Johanna the Psychotic Bananna - - I'm back!!! I missed you, H2G2

cool. the mmost any posts on my page is 3 pages.

The Uncle 'Change the Subject Whenever You Want To' Heavy Fan Club

Post 7303

Hopelessly Paranoid

Hey everyone (including you, threadowner, don't think sticking Dr. in front of your exceedingly strange moniker makes you any more important than anyone)

What with the thread/club's birthday on Saturday, n'stuff, not forgetting the fact that various events have caused UH to become a minor celebrity on H2G2 (he's got his own section on the party page! I want one of those, I've mopped up his SICK!), I think it would be great if everyone could rub brain cells and try and come up with some memorable (read embarrassing) classic UH moments. Then when we're done shaming him we can give him a red book with everything we've written in it to soften the blow.

So, whaddaya think? If someone has suggested this already I do apologise.


The Uncle 'Change the Subject Whenever You Want To' Heavy Fan Club

Post 7304

Uncle Heavy [sic]

you mopped up my sick? oh my god! im SOOO sorry! i thought id got it all in the bowl!

The Uncle 'Change the Subject Whenever You Want To' Heavy Fan Club

Post 7305

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Yuck. smiley - sadface

The Uncle 'Change the Subject Whenever You Want To' Heavy Fan Club

Post 7306

Hopelessly Paranoid

You don't know the half of it. He then proceeded to call my area smelly and run down! He didn't use those exact words but that was the gist of it. It was in the process of development at the time, now its better, but still.

Country folk... I'll never understand them really.... :P


The Uncle 'Change the Subject Whenever You Want To' Heavy Fan Club

Post 7307

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

Yeah... he's great when he's drunk...smiley - winkeye

The Uncle 'Change the Subject Whenever You Want To' Heavy Fan Club

Post 7308

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Indeed... most amusing. smiley - biggrin

The Uncle 'Change the Subject Whenever You Want To' Heavy Fan Club

Post 7309

Uncle Heavy [sic]

i fear i may get drunk today...oh did the exam go?

The Uncle 'Change the Subject Whenever You Want To' Heavy Fan Club

Post 7310

Crazy Man

*offers Unc * smiley - devil

The Uncle 'Change the Subject Whenever You Want To' Heavy Fan Club

Post 7311

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Not too bad, not brilliantly. One of my essays wasn't as good as the other, but George Orwell came up for commentary, so I was able to insert loads of emphemera. Ho hum. I felt okay about it at the time; with distance, less so. Some things never change. smiley - winkeye

The Uncle 'Change the Subject Whenever You Want To' Heavy Fan Club

Post 7312

Crazy Man

Actually, vodka doesn't give you much effect smiley - erm (well, it doesn't give *me* much effect smiley - tongueout)

The Uncle 'Change the Subject Whenever You Want To' Heavy Fan Club

Post 7313

Uncle Heavy [sic]

ephemera, do you mean?

vodka? smiley - yuk filthy stuff

and if it doenst make you drunk you arent drinking enough of it

The Uncle 'Change the Subject Whenever You Want To' Heavy Fan Club

Post 7314

Crazy Man

I think it was 3/4 of a whiskey glass after a margarita...

Sooner or later, Uncle Heavy always brings the subject back to getting drunk ;-)

Post 7315

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

In vino veritas
(In wine, the truth smiley - winkeye)

Sooner or later, Uncle Heavy always brings the subject back to getting drunk ;-)

Post 7316

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

smiley - musicalnote

Hearts full of youth
Hearts full of truth
Six parts gin to one part vermouth...

(from "Bright College days," by Tom Lehrer)

Sooner or later, Uncle Heavy always brings the subject back to getting drunk ;-)

Post 7317

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Bloody alcohol. Why does this entire university run on drink? Apparently there are strawberries and champagne to celebrate the end of Mods. Since I don't like one and am allergic to the other, what's in it for me? smiley - steam

Sooner or later, Uncle Heavy always brings the subject back to getting drunk ;-)

Post 7318


smiley - strawberry - smiley - yuk
smiley - bubbly - smiley - yuk
^. .^
= ' =

Sooner or later, Uncle Heavy always brings the subject back to getting drunk ;-)

Post 7319

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant


I don't know. I visited Oxford in June of 1970.
I didn't notice any great aqueducts delivering
smiley - bubblysmiley - stiffdrink to every building. I was
a nmember of a touring college choral group, and
we were being shown around by a group of Oxford
students. Naturally, there was plenty of alcohol
flowing in the tavern where we all ate. smiley - biggrin

Sooner or later, Uncle Heavy always brings the subject back to getting drunk ;-)

Post 7320

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

I'm on tea tonight. And I don't like champagne either. Don't like anything stronger than Archerssmiley - erm

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