A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

Cookbook Planning Committee

Post 1


Since we want the Atelier Cookbook to be excellent in all respects, and since none of us have time to do things over and over, let's use this thread to discuss the planning. Then when we start the new page we will have it exactly like we want and be off and running.

Those of you who have made comments already, will you please repeat them here so everything will be in one place? smiley - ta

Concerning my idea to have a requests page - we will need to make sure that when request for a recipe is filled, that it is done so in it's proper category instead of on the requests page itself. So, I recommend we post the recipe then go to the requests page and make a link to the recipe.

Ok, we know that MR has lots of original recipes. And I have a goodly number, myself. So, Lil's thought about only using original recipes seems doable. Of course there are some things so basic that there is no way anyone could claim a copyright. Like pie crust.

Which brings up a question. How inclusive do we want to be with this? Do we want any basic instruction for beginners? A section on desserts, for example, could simply list submitted desserts. Or it could have a dessert primer in which we give basic instructions for pie crust, cake bases, cookie bases, etc.

It would be more work to include the primers. And they would need to be ready when we begin if we decide to do this. But I personally think it would make a better cookbook. Take soup. Many folks make mediocre soup because they don't know how to make a decent stock.

So, I'm thinking we will have a main page introducing the cookbook with a table of contents. Then each section will have an introduction that could include a primer for that category.

The only page I've ever created is The Circle. It's pretty basic, but that's the only way I know how to set anything up. (I still think The Circle was a cool idea. Too bad no one agreed. smiley - sigh)

Cookbook Planning Committee

Post 2


This all sounds good, Hypatia.

My hope was to catch those recipes, like Z's legendary recipe for curry, which Salonistas post on the fly. Also to capture those recipes which highlight our international nature as a group. There is so much that we don't know about each others' culinary cultures, as witnessed the Great Tea Debate a few conversations ago, and the Brits' silence in the face of discussions about the trimmings for the turkey for Thanksgiving.

I have a generic recipe for Christmas Mincemeat that I can add, a mean vegetarian lasange, and any number of soup recipes...



Cookbook Planning Committee

Post 3

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I loooove the idea of including a primer! And it would be cool if the cookbook also generated conversation threads where methods and ingredients and such were discussed. Like the Great Tea Debate, as you said.
smiley - ok

Cookbook Planning Committee

Post 4

Penny Whistle

So is this cookbook open to frequent additions, or is it more of a "classics" thing? By which I mean that a recipe has to be "initiated" first by being posted in the conversation, and brought up fairly frequently?

Cookbook Planning Committee

Post 5

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Hypatia, this all sounds really good. I'd be happy to write the primer on making roux, for example (I make a mean gravy, I tell you!).

And once my orals are over, I'd be more than happy to help you. Hmmm, publication anyone?

Cookbook Planning Committee

Post 6


I can add recipes on curry, and in the same style (all starting with 'find a clean pan') and all without some scales so measures come in 'pint glass full' 'half pint glass full' and 'kind of in betteween; with a vairity of sizes of dollop.

Short crust pastry for students who don't own any baking stuff (all you need is a wine bottle, flour and butter).

WhatIhaveinthecupboard pie

Vegie aubregine bake that Ben says isn't mossaka

All purpose meat replacement splodge, works in shephards pie, chilli, lasganua, and prety much everything else.

Lumpless cheese sauce,

Bad white wine and mushroom sauce (because you wouldn't waist decent wine in a sauce)

Red pasta sauce

Cookbook Planning Committee

Post 7


I like the idea of a primer as well. Any cookbook worth its salt (or pepper, cinnamon, garlic and cardamom) gives basic behind-the-scenes instruction about all aspects of cooking, so the final product is *that* much better. And original recipes would make it more personal and really give everyone an idea of what each Salonista (and all of us as a group) is all about.

Now I have to think about what I would like to contribute. I'm famous for my spanakopita, my chocolate chip cookies (but those are posted elsewhere on hootoo...I can link to that page) and a large variety of soups. I love soup.

Cookbook Planning Committee

Post 8


Here's my chocolate chip cookies:


Cookbook Planning Committee

Post 9


How basic should be go? I once had to show a rather useless housemate (not A) how to cook a baked potato.

I ask you.

Cookbook Planning Committee

Post 10

Witty Moniker

My carrot cake is in the edited guide. I have a spiffy crab cake recipe I can contribute, too. Oh, and Mom's Macaroni, that's a favorite here at the Moniker residence.

Cookbook Planning Committee

Post 11


Penny Whistle, I think recipes that all of us cook frequently would be good choices. And for the cookbook to be worth it's salt, we'll need recipes that have not been specifically requested as well as those that have been. smiley - smiley

Since we are from different backgrounds and nationalities, it might be fun to have a chapter with menus for special ocassions and holidays and links to the recipes. That way we can compare a traditional Christmas menu in Estonia with one in Scotland with one in New England. smiley - biggrin

MR, you have just inherited the primer for making the perfect roux. And Z is assigned 'student' cooking and curry.

What we need is a list of categories asap so we can get volunteers for the primers. I'm off to the hospital, but will try to get the first draft of an outline up before morning.

This is going to be fun.

Cookbook Planning Committee

Post 12


Sauces (the roux being the base!)
Soups and Stews
Fish, Meat and Poultry
Vegetarian Dishes
Cheese and Eggs
Fruits and Vegetables

Some ideas, at any rate...

Cookbook Planning Committee

Post 13


Oh, and


Cookbook Planning Committee

Post 14

Penny Whistle

Ah, thanks Hypatia. Making a bit more sense now. I may just have to share the family's crab-stuffed mushroom recipe, then.

Cookbook Planning Committee

Post 15

Witty Moniker

Don't forget one-dish dinners.

Cookbook Planning Committee

Post 16

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Slow cooker dinners.
Quickies (half hour or less and/or 5 ingredients or less).
Menu planning (what to serve with what).
Kitchen basics.

I will do what I can with the roux as soon as I can. Probably the middle to end of next week...lots of grading and my own paper to write before then.

Cookbook Planning Committee

Post 17


I don't have any original recipes as such, things tend to happen on the spur of the moment and I can never remember what I did!

I do a quick smoked salmon pasta, though, which I might be able to remember, if I throw it together this week sometime.

My grandmother's recipe for shortcrust pastry has always stood me in good stead, but that might also be because we we had/have cold hands.

Cookbook Planning Committee

Post 18


Hello all. Having given this some thought, I have come up with two ideas. I'd appreciate it if you would all tell me which you prefer.

The first would be a traditional arrangement. Introduction; Table of Contents; Food categories in alphabetical order with a primer at the beginning of each category; Requests page; Index. Familiar, easy to navigate. For example:

Bread and Rolls
Eggs & Cheese
Fish & Seafood
Meat & Poultry
Pasta & Rice
Sauces & Gravies
Soups & Stews
Special Menus

The second idea would be more informal. It would have the advantage of revealing more of the personalities and lifestyles of the Salonistas. Rather than having a primer at the beginning of each chapter, there would be a separate section on cooking basics. This would make it possible to add them as people request them without worrying about order or category. Because it would be less clear where a recipe might be located, the index would be more important. I also think that this format would make it easy to add recipes and cooking tips as time goes by. Possible categories:

Cooking Basics
Quick & Easy Weeknights
Student Cooking on a Budget
Just Desserts
Casseroles & Crock Pots
Comfort Foods
Soup & a Sandwich
Pot Luck
Cooking for 1 or 2
Great on the Grill
Ethnic & Regional Favorites
Gifts from the Kitchen
Menus for Special Occassions
Salad Days
Food to Go

So, direction, please.

Cookbook Planning Committee

Post 19


I'm all about being informal and personal.

I just got a crock pot/slow cooker last month. I've been using it every week and have discovered the joys of coming home after work to a yummy-smelling home and a hot dinner waiting for me.

Cookbook Planning Committee

Post 20


It'd be nice if each recipe appeared 'in context', as they are original recipes - how we first came to make it up, what people thought of it, what occassions it's associated with... Because I'm nosey like that...

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