This is the Message Centre for Al Kennedy

Away Mission #1

Post 21

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

But first, to BB's rescue!

BS, I'm getting lots of yummy readings from where they're keeping BB. Looks like there's a lot more of these creeps there.
If it's eat or be eaten, and I think it is, maybe we should go for their mozzarellamachine that's keeping Bridge from locking on to BB's perilous coordinates. If we devour that, we won't have to face any more condiments.
Idea? Or you wanna continue down berserker ave.?

Away Mission #1

Post 22


*Mandarb materialises on the bridge*

Oh, hello cap'n.

*Promptly disappears, before fading in slightly*

I'll explain late...

*disappears again*

Away Mission #1

Post 23

Demon Drawer

Mandarb, is every thing OK up there, some strange things seem to be materialising down here. Like the Cap'n's 3-d chess set, and the Doctor's diagnostic bed.

Away Mission #1

Post 24

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

Has anyone got BB out of there yet...?

*E gathers that nobody has*

*E notices that there's still one extra left & stops worrying quite as much...*

*E wanders a little further down the corridor...*

Away Mission #1

Post 25

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

Meanwhile, lurking by a piece of pineapple, four eyes look at him.

Away Mission #1

Post 26

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

*E wanders back to the rest of the group...the corridor was definitely clear...which was...strange...*

Prez, you any closer to finding BB...?

*E notices the silence & thinks ****...*

Away Mission #1

Post 27


OK Prez, lets go find that mozarellamachine smiley - smiley Ensign InsertNameII, you take point.

Away Mission #1

Post 28


*Suddenly Ensign InsertNameII puts a peanut in his mouth, and lo and behold, discovers he has a serious peanut allergy.
He dies.*

Away Mission #1

Post 29


Damn, another good man down.

*BS heads off down a corridor dripping with olive oil, heading towards the artichoke*

This way Prez.

Away Mission #1

Post 30

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

*E knew this would happen sooner or later...*

*She now had the horrible feeling that there was nothing between her & nasty things...*

*E shudders at the thought*

Away Mission #1

Post 31


It's perfectly safe if you don't wear red...
Hang on, if it's safe, why am I kidnapped???

Away Mission #1

Post 32

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

And why has no-one been able to find you yet...?!?!

Away Mission #1

Post 33


And why are we asking each other questions??

Away Mission #1

Post 34

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

And how can I ask you questions, have you to reply to questions, be able to hear you, yet not find you & un-kidnapp you???

There's something strange going on me thinks...

BB, tell me where you are...then I can find you...

Away Mission #1

Post 35


I am strapped to a chair with 27 TV screens and a microphone in front of my mouth. They show me areas all around the ship, and seem to be tracking you...
...The ship looks surprisingly like a maze.

Away Mission #1

Post 36

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )


OK, so if they're tracking us...and this ships like a good are you at giving directions...?

Away Mission #1

Post 37


ERm... did I tell you that the room I am in is in the centre of the ship and is spinning round and round and round and round and round...

Away Mission #1

Post 38

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

I take it then that you have no idea...

Oh well...can you see us...?

Away Mission #1

Post 39


Yes - tell him to stop pulling that face, I feel sick enough as it is. smiley - sadface

Away Mission #1

Post 40


*Looks around*

So. A maze of twisty passages all alike, eh? Lemme try a few things.

*Spreads hands dramatically*


*Nothing happens*


*Still nothing*





Hello Sailor?

*Nothing Happens Here*

Hmmm. This maze is pretty tricky after all. Wait! BB's in the center of the ship, right? So, if this ship has artificial gravity, that means nothing to me, except that we eat inwards. If this is a spinning ship, eat downwards. Go!

*Begins taking slices of pizza with light sabre and elvish sword*

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