A Conversation for Insanity Prevention


Post 41

Haze: Plan C seems to be working

It must be the tea. I haven't had a beer for a couple of days or a smoke in a week. Therefore, antioxidants must be bad for you.

Demonical laughter IS fun, but very weird when you do it out loud, alone. If you're going to be nuts, you need someone to be nuts at.


Post 42


I agree.

Henceforth I will laugh out loud demonically at somebody on-line if I am (physically) alone.

demonical laughter

Post 43

The Cow

No MP3s of demonical laughter, please!

demonical laughter

Post 44


Naturally not. The cynical sound is produced for my sake, not anybody elses.

demonical laughter

Post 45

The Cow

Cynical sound? Demonic laughter shouldn't be analysed, simply performed! smiley - smiley

demonical laughter

Post 46

Haze: Plan C seems to be working

Preferably in front of impressionable children, and not customs officials

demonical laughter

Post 47


Or a dentist...

demonical laughter

Post 48

Haze: Plan C seems to be working

It's dentist that usually do the demonic laughter...

demonical laughter

Post 49


And you can't forget the demonic laughter heard from the Microsoft development labs about a week before Win2k was relased...

You can all guess who that was, I presume.

demonical laughter

Post 50

Haze: Plan C seems to be working

The Sultan of Brunei!!!

demonical laughter

Post 51


Ah, no. I'm afraid the correct response would be Bill Gates. I'm so sorry to dissappoint you, but what would the Sultan of Brunei be doing in a Microsoft r&d lab?

demonical laughter

Post 52

The Cow

One dead wealthy person talking to another?

demonical laughter

Post 53

Haze: Plan C seems to be working

Looking for his fish?

demonical laughter

Post 54

The Cow

Maybe mice.
How about the 'fish' being a 3d input device:put fingers in goldfish-bowl type thing and move them around to move the cursor.

demonical laughter

Post 55

Haze: Plan C seems to be working

How about just tieing a mouse to a fish and just letting it point and click aimlessly all day?

demonical laughter

Post 56


I'm off-line with a broken computer for one and a half week...

What went wrong while I was gone?

demonical laughter

Post 57

Haze: Plan C seems to be working

Wrong? What's wrong. I'd have thought that this is exactly what you'd find after a week and a half...smiley - smiley

demonical laughter

Post 58


It seemingly is...


demonical laughter

Post 59

Haze: Plan C seems to be working


demonical laughter

Post 60


*Shudders again*

*Turn to walk away, coiled up in a small, scared ball of perpetual fear*

*Get on sufficient distance to stand up again, grinning uncontrollably and hideously!!!*

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