A Conversation for H2G2 Waterworks & Beach

Mt. Sandcastle's Terrific Donut Stall

Post 1


Terrific donuts at a terrific website....smiley - smiley
Read the menu at
Really, really can't decide??? ask for a surprise donut from me or my deputy Eomando.
Eat and enjoy, everyonesmiley - winkeye

Mt. Sandcastle's Terrific Donut Stall

Post 2


Good ye good morrow Joanna, could I have a surprise donut please?

Mt. Sandcastle's Terrific Donut Stall

Post 3


Bon soir, Typolifi, this evening's surprise donut is the Starlight.... a dark chocolate donut with white chocolate chips and glacier mint chips too.
smiley - smiley

Mt. Sandcastle's Terrific Donut Stall

Post 4


WaW. Thanks .I'm really surprised. Mmmh I see I'll love it.
*Typolifi starts to eat and enjoy*
where is every one?
Do you think they have troubles with the (everyone will admit it) _very_ slow connections?

Mt. Sandcastle's Terrific Donut Stall

Post 5

Mrgrunt (With the Beard of Power!)

*Walks in*
Good evening Keptin!
(Whoops, wrong thread) (-:
IWA please Jo!
*Puts 'Telegraph Road' on the jukebox and motions to typolifi to air guitar with him*

Mt. Sandcastle's Terrific Donut Stall

Post 6


From all of these signs saying sorry but we're closed
all the way down the HitchHiker's road.

It's all iiiiiiiinnnnnnn sssssssllllllllllooooooooowwwwwwwwww mmmmmmmmmooooooooootttttttttiiiiiiiiiiioooooooooonnnnnn

Mt. Sandcastle's Terrific Donut Stall

Post 7


It's all so slow that on my home page it's written everywhere "just now, no replies"

Mt. Sandcastle's Terrific Donut Stall

Post 8

Mrgrunt (With the Beard of Power!)

"A long time ago, came a man on the track,
Walking dirty miles with a sack on his back,
And he put down his load, and he thought it was the best,
Made a home in the Wilderness,"
Built a cabin and a winter store,
Plouged the ground by the cold lake shore,
Other travellers came a walking down the track,
They never went further, they never wen't back..."
Thus tells the tale how h2g2 was born...

Mt. Sandcastle's Terrific Donut Stall

Post 9


And thus tells the tale of what it became:
there's six lanes of traffic
three lanes moving slow...

Nooooooo, it might have been that if Joanna and the Donuts (and Eomando, and everybody) were not there.

A propos, could I ask for a S7, please?

Mt. Sandcastle's Terrific Donut Stall

Post 10


oops, it appears I shall have to go.

See you around.

Mt. Sandcastle's Terrific Donut Stall

Post 11


*hands over requested donuts*
after having restarted my computer, and dialed up different servers, and reinstalled the communications protocols for the sixth time in the last three days... I'm going to post the self service sign.smiley - smiley

Mt. Sandcastle's Terrific Donut Stall

Post 12


Sad that she has missed Joanna, Monkeygirl serves herself a raspberry cake donut with strawbery icing. smiley - bigeyes
Morton, the smiley - fish, does a back flip for all the observers.

Morton, the smiley - fish, takes a bow.


Mmmmmm Donuts

Post 13


I'd love a donut, Joanna. Please can I have a donut as think as a man's arm.

Mmmmmm Donuts

Post 14


How annoying. Away for ages, then back with a spelling error.

That should, of course, be "a donut as thick as a man's arm".

Mmmmmm Donuts

Post 15


And nobody's about. Blim!
*Takes surprisingly thick donut.*
Thanks all.

Mmmmmm Donuts

Post 16


Hi Jo, any chance of an S5? (I'm guessing at the number, I haven't read the menu for ages)

Mmmmmm Donuts

Post 17


smiley - smiley

*Sounds of Ampton finishing the installation of the snow cannon can be heard outside*

Mmmmmm Donuts

Post 18


Blatently didn't notice the self service signsmiley - winkeye
and yes the s5 does exist...
*hands over s5*
*leaves sign where it is*

Mmmmmm Donuts

Post 19


~Greebo appears in a cloud of doughnut smelling smoke...~... Can me have a Greebo Special please????

Mmmmmm Donuts

Post 20

The Cheese

*Cheese sees a Chocolate DNA with his name written on it.....he takes it, of course*

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