A Conversation for The Café

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 261


smiley - smiley Yes, I was only joking, but being Friday, actually Saturday now, and having to do some work too, I thought it funny.
Hi Barneys, and Hi Lil, how are you both?

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 262

Barney's Bucksaws

Excellent - it being Friday (or Saturday) and all. I had a pleasant evening IRL. An artist - friend has a show at our local art centre, and I was invited to the reception. She does wonderful landscapes. I spent the evening chatting with her and a mutual friend, neither of whom I've seen for quite awhile.

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 263

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Tired verging on insomniacal. It's been a fraught week and I have been gradually building up a sleep debt. I hope to lie in a bit tomorrow, but I couldn't resist checking out old haunts before I put all the machines to bed and turn in.

IIEM, anti-coffee please.

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 264


Glad you had a nice evening Barneys. I wouldn't mind one soon smiley - smiley
Unfortunately, I know about sleep debt all to well, as a shift worker, and being nightshift, and doing an extra night this week hasn't helped me one bit! All on my lonesome too smiley - sadface
Still, might catch up a bit next week. We shall see.

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 265


*suddenly remembers something, grabs her book and leaves*

Bye everyone - see you later! smiley - smiley

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 266

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*drops in from back door*
Hello -- oh, nobody here.
Ook: Ook!

Ah, good day Ook, didn't see you up in the rafters. IIEM, an Ook Special and an A L Special please.

*as Ook picks up melons and three-legs it out to the porch, Lil wanders over to the front window to look out at the rather thin crowd out on the boardwalk*
*goes back to counter, picks up her coffee and donut and goes to her favourite table with the latest Guardian*

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 267

Titania (gone for lunch)

*Ludo game, out of 4 pawns each:
Titania has 3 home, 1 to go
Kristina has 3 home, 1 waiting for 3 to be thrown
Tashalls has 3 home, 1 to go
Ook has 3 home, 1 waiting for 2 to be thrown*

IIEM, café mélange, please!

*noticing Ook is having a melon-break, decides to take a break herself*

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 268


*hurtles in for a quick coffee, before having to sit at the end of the phone on call all night*

Hi there IIEM, hall caff decaff and I'll think about the laff !

*Notices Ludo game*

Hmmm, is Ook as good at this as he is at Scrabble I wonder?
Go for it Titania smiley - winkeye

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 269


Go Elven Queen!
(Sorry Ook, but she's prettier and a better conversationalist - no offence smiley - smiley)

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 270

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

The man on the red-velvet couch applauds Ook's excellent melon-throwing arm. Well thrown that orangatung.

Wowbagger the melon stain on the back of your shirt should come out, eventually, in the wash.

IIEm, green tea please.

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 271

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

eatsmice, do you listen to Car Talk by any chance.

Evenin Looney, Wowbagger. I wondered, after reading the Post this week, whether you had attended the Matt Groenig School of Cartooning during your sabbatical... smiley - tongueout

IIEM, give me anticoffee please.

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 272


*pops in for a mid-nightshift coffee*
Hello all smiley - smiley

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 273

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Babel - exciting news. Tomorrow will be a nice fine day. Well, it's sunny in Kiwiland....

Reads the article Australia - An Olympian View http://www.h2g2.com/A433243 on his laptop while sitting on the red-velvet couch sipping green tea.

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 274


Unfortunately for me, I won't know, as I will be asleep.
However, I am sure that my father will be happy to know it is spring again and fine weather is heading his way to Oz, thus allowing his vines to get a good headstart this year. He lost about 500 Viognier vines smiley - sadface Still, it's a good learning curve for him.

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 275

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

A lot of the big Auusie wine companies are buying up the smaller Kiwi ones. I hope the suits leave the winemakers alone so they can do what they do best - make excellent wine.

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 276


I agree completely, Loony, otherwise I won't have a legacy to inherit smiley - smiley

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 277

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Babel we had better continue this conversation over at Lils. Irv may accuse us of sneaking a flask of wine into his cafe otherwise. smiley - bigeyes

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 278


But Irv said further up this thread, that what could he do if somebody sneaked a flask of alcohol in and added it to their coffee?
Naturally neither you nor I drink alcohol within this fine establishment, so we should be fine, and what is a bit of harmless chat with regards to vineyards, between two appreciative people?
I am sure Irv. would not mind us chatting about it smiley - winkeye, just so long as we do not partake on the premises smiley - bigeyes.
I shall be departing the cafe soon anyway, (not for good, sorry, but for my bed) but am always happy to chat about wine at Lil's.

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 279

Titania (gone for lunch)

Thank you for your support, eatsmicesmiley - smiley, Wowbaggersmiley - smiley!

Ook's opponents have joined efforts and we're concentrating on knocking his pawns back to start as soon as we see the opportunity. His ability to keep up with us shows how good he is...

*Ook nods sagely at this*

IIEM, one café mélange, one black coffee, one milkshake and - what are you having, Ook?

Ook: -! *having stuffed himself with melons, won't have anything more for a while*

Aroma Café: The Fellowship of the Latté

Post 280

Chris Tonks

*sips his Seawater, looking over at the sudden change of people in the place...*

Hello Barneys...smiley - smiley
You wouldn't happen to know Half-Life would you? smiley - winkeye

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