A Conversation for The Café

Book Club the Fourth: So Long And Thanks for All the Fish

Post 1


Hey Look, a shinier newwer book club that even does cool tricks like loading!

smiley - smiley Share and Enjoy smiley - smiley

Book Club the Fourth: So Long And Thanks for All the Fish

Post 2


Okay ... first thing I buy with Christmas money:

Ender's Game


that Ridley Book (Walker ... no mood to go back and check)

Third: Ringworld

I have always been interested in that genre as well -- the ringwold type worlds, the Dyson sphere ones . . . I read a very interesting Dr. Who New Adventure book with a dysin sphere world in it. The most intriguing thing I think is visualising a world with a reverse horizon, in which things curve UP as they get farther away.

~Busyfish smiley - fish I Used to be Beeble but I changed

Book Club the Fourth: So Long And Thanks for All the Fish

Post 3

Luna(Queen of Hearts)

Hi, Busyfish! smiley - winkeye

Merry Christmas! smiley - smiley

I just found an old P.J. Farmer at the library. The "Catapillars' Question".
It's good.

Book Club the Fourth: So Long And Thanks for All the Fish

Post 4

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

It's Riddley Walker, beeble, and you'll find it where else?
just beyond the last visible dog. (trivia, this is killing me:
what was the name of the turtle who wrote that play?)

Did anybody read the Integral Trees by Larry Niven?

I may be seldom seen tomorrow, because I'll be working on the floor plan for the Book Club.... If I don't see y'all between now and then, Merry Christmas! smiley - bigeyes


Book Club the Fourth: So Long And Thanks for All the Fish

Post 5


Hey Lil, can you include my inflatable Ikea sofa witht he leopard fun fur and funky lamp (youll find descriptions of them in the old Now Hiring! forum from aroma

As to your trivia ... this is killing me now too ... its Ol' Something
Im going to have to look for it now ... hold on (might be in another house though)

*wanders off*

I cant believe it -- it was in the second place I looked ... out of a possible 100 or so, so nice synchronicity there.
I'll look it up . . .

Serpentina smiley - smiley

and on that fine note, I must collapse into sleep.
Merry Christmas to Everyone Who Digs That Groove!
Here's hopin you get lots of books!

~Beeblefish smiley - smileysmiley - fishsmiley - winkeye

Book Club the Fourth: So Long And Thanks for All the Fish

Post 6

Aeli's mistress

Hey there.
I've been going a little crazy. Just found this forum. Read all of the first string and posted two notes, before I realized that it had moved and then I read most of the second string before getting suspicious and since then I zoomed my way to the bottom to get here, so I hope you forgive me if I repeat anything.

I wanted to know if anyone had read the left hand of darkness, by LeGuinn. Also, is Pern food?
danke and have a great christmas.
smiley - smiley

Book Club the Fourth: So Long And Thanks for All the Fish

Post 7

Aeli's mistress

as usual, I was too impatient to wait and preview. I meant good.

Mewwy Chwistmas!!
smiley - smiley

Book Club the Fourth: So Long And Thanks for All the Fish

Post 8

marvthegrate LtG KEA

A little up forum I saw mention of Larry Nivens "Ringworld" I would give it very high reccomendation. He has a few other books you might want to take a look at. Ringworld Engineers, the sequel to Ringworld. Also, try out "Protector" I reccomed that you read this after you have read the Ringworld books. Another one is "N-Space".

Book Club the Fourth: So Long And Thanks for All the Fish

Post 9

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Hi everybody! What books did you get for Christmas? I have
been given Testament by John Grisham, Hogfather by Terry Pratchett,
a huge History of Photography tome, The Napoleon of Crime by Ben MacIntyre, and a gift certificate to Books a Million, with which I bought Bill Bryson's I'm a Stranger Here MYself.

Marv, don't forget the Integral Trees, one of my favorite Niven
books. Is Rainbow Mars any good?

Have y'all been to http://www.h2g2.com/A229943, where Beeble is
putting together a Book Club site?


Book Club the Fourth: So Long And Thanks for All the Fish

Post 10

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Oh I don't know, A's M, "Is Pern food?" is an interesting question
in its own right! smiley - winkeye

Welcome to the Book Club forums; things are quient right now because of the holiday, but usually the thread is so popular that we've had to restart it several times just to keep it manageable. We are fixing to set up a separate page (see my post further down), but don't want to do anything official until Irving Washington comes back from his hols.

I haven't read any Pern books in a looooong time. As to whether they are good, well, what kinds of books do you like?


Book Club the Fourth: So Long And Thanks for All the Fish

Post 11

marvthegrate LtG KEA

I was given all of the Lord of the Rings books as gifts. I have never had the chance to read them as of yet. I am starting them today as a matter of fact.

Book Club the Fourth: So Long And Thanks for All the Fish

Post 12


Good luck Marv! You either love them and read them through a million times, or give up halfway through the second one.

Some interesting facts about Tolkien --

He absolutely hated war -- which throws an interesting light on his works.

Also, he created languages -- he was a crazy linguist, and had i believe two or three private languages with siblings and friends throughout his youth and many others throughout his adult life. He has created grammar structures and everything.

I am getting nothing but books from my X-girlfriend, since she got a job at Chapters and has a sweet discount. I got Equal Rights (the third Discworld book) and an Indian/Sri Lankan cookbook so far .. and there is yet another one so far and I believe one more hidden in her bag .. she is a crazy woman. I didnt get much else though, but lots of socks.

Oh and Lil, I am going to respond to your emails, honestly -- but they require thought .. and its 5:31 am and its just not going to happen. I tried to usurp my friend's computer earlier, but they kicked me off for being antisocial.

And do check out Lil's funky pic of good ol Irv at the above address, its a trip.

Later Book Worms

~Beeblefish smiley - fish

Book Club the Fourth: So Long And Thanks for All the Fish

Post 13

Aeli's mistress

Hey Lil,

umm, thanks for the nice comment about the goof up and yeah, i figured the page was real popular what with being moved so much and all. Hogfather's a really nice book. I havn't read any of the others though. Umm, books I have read and liked include The Left hand of darkness by Ursula LeGuinn, Lyons Pride by Anne MaCaffery (I think), Books by Terry Pratchett and Terry Goodkind. I liked the Wheel of Time initailly, but started getting mad at the author after the 5th book and I didn't read his 7th. Tolkein is great and so's Asimov. I think that that about covers Sci Fi. Think I'll like Pern. Oh, I liked Elvenbane too.

smiley - smiley

and lucky you, I didn't get any books for christmas. (sob)


Post 14

third asst. eng.(deuce of clubs)

Hey for all us student types being away for the holidays the fourm sure has grown a lot, This is just a quick interlude on my fathers laptop so I don't expect to be able to work regular corrospondence till the 10th when I get back on campass

On books I read the Thomas Covant series and enjoyed it but due to a mix up in sequence (my aunt regulary sends me odd books completly out of sequence with there respective series and they sit on my shelf till one day I read them and only after finishing do I relize there were prequels availably, happened with Feist's rifwar series too) so I read the last book of the first trilogy first, cofuseed yet. any way despite it's depressing overtones I greatly enjoyed the book.

For escapist lititure Cussler writes wonderfully but after the third or so you can kinda predict pretty accuratly what is going to happen, sorto like a james bond movie.

great idea on the post, no new books for xmass smiley - sadface but I did get a B&N giftcard so that is cool

Gosh, that took some doing!

Post 15


Okay! the Book Club has its own page finally!

If any of you returning friendlies want to see it here is the link!


Come and see the great decor!

Lil, what is the new Bryson book about?

Has anyone read Eric Idle's new book yet?


Bill Bryson

Post 16

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

The name of the book is "I'm a Stranger Here Myself" and it is a collection of columns that he wrote for one of the British Sundays
over a period of two years, about life in America.

Some of the columns were so funny that I laughed till I wept, like his parody of an Internal Revenue Service guide to filling in a form.

It's cold in central Florida today! 56 degrees Fahrenheit! I'm gonna have to put a fake log on the hearth -- and light it!


Bill Bryson

Post 17

third asst. eng.(deuce of clubs)

It sure is cold thisw year south texas was at 40 degrees when I left but texas is just weird and we will probably have cold weather into spring time when with now warning at all it will becom 100 degress outside (for my europen friends, canadien friends and every one that is not americian that is 100 degrees farinhiet do your own convernsions.)

Bill Bryson

Post 18

Luna(Queen of Hearts)

Central Ohio: the thermometer on the back porch reads 19 F. We've had at least 2in of snow already today!
Thank Bob, I don't have to leave the house.

Beeble, Eric Idle's Road to Mars is quite funny and a little odd.
It's about two comedians on the road with an android(a Bowie 9, I believe) who is studying humor.
Try it, everyone.


Bill Bryson

Post 19

Fate Amenable To Change

Oh poor meeeee.. .. no books for xmas..
But I have nearly finished the second of Peter F Hamilton Nights Dawn's Trilogy smiley - smiley

Bill Bryson

Post 20


I cant wait till Irv gets back, Im Jonesing for some coffee.

Much snow here too ... like I want it now ....

I am going to see Man on the Moon Today, a movie about the 'late' comedian Andy Koffman.

Did you guys know that Andy said he would fake his own death and reapear at 50. Guess what -- he would be 50 right now.
Some people think Jim Carrey will win the Oscar, and Any will go up and accept it. Now that - would be something to see.


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