A Conversation for The Café

Bill Bryson

Post 21

third asst. eng.(deuce of clubs)

Sadly my reading most latly has been MCSE study guides.

(I relize it is not a book but the movie Bicentinail man (of an asamov short by the same name is a very loyal crossover and tremendusly well done I recomend it to any scifi afficinadoi)

Hi guys

Post 22


Hi guys. Anyone read any Gilbert Sorrentino ? I'm about halfway through Mulligan Stew. It's about a writer working on his next novel. We get to see his thoughts, through notes and letters, and feel the anxieties of a struggling novelist, though not too much because it is really very absurd. One of the characters in the novel he is writing is keeping a journal (hidden under the sofa) in which writes that he can't stand being in such an awful peice of work, and tries to explore outside of the setting of the novel when it's not being written.

Hi guys

Post 23

kats-eyes (psychically confirmed caffeine addict)

hej bookworms!
Aeli, judging from the books you listed you'll devour the Pern-books... best (nice) dragons I ever found.
beeblefish, I gave away "road to mars" 3 times as x-mas present smiley - winkeye

now I'll just step over to the brand new shiny book-club and hope to see you all there smiley - winkeye

Hi guys

Post 24


Greetings all and I hope that you had a great X-mas

Pern was a great collection of novels. I did read them about 10 years ago so I can't remember them exactly, but definitely good.

"The Left Hand of Darkness" was great. You might also want to try "Glory Season".

*gets ready to brag*
For X-mas I received the following *big grin*
The Complete Riverside Shakespeare (annotated)
Tolkien Man and Myth
The Science of God
Zen Fables for Everyday

Sorry, but if you can't brag to your friends then who can you brag too smiley - smiley

Also, I just re-read Enders Game and it was better than I remembered. If you haven't read it then you must put it on your list.


Hi guys

Post 25

third asst. eng.(deuce of clubs)

simply must agree with ender's game a truly remarkable book.

The pern novels are absulutly facinating in there ability to be so enthralling with out any of the usuall cheap sword and soracery perdicitable baggage. truly an exotic and well written world.

need to get to bookstore soon or shall truly go mad and start spouting computer jibberish into random fourums.

Hi guys

Post 26


TAE - I know what you are going through. I am currently finishing my Lotus certs (Instructor, Systems, and Development) and will be starting both the MCSE, and CNE tracks in the new year.

However, I feel that we will get enough sleep when we are dead smiley - smiley so I always try and read something fun before I go to bed, sometimes it's only a paragraph, sometimes the entire book, but always something. Even when I'm completely snockered smiley - smiley



Post 27


Lil -

Thanks for bringing up Larry Niven, I have read N-Space, Footfall, The Mote in Gods Eye, The Gripping Hand, and Ringworld. All fantastic novels.

I will add the Integral Tree to the list.

*starts thinking about Calculus, shudders .... goes off and does some differential equations*

Courtesy smiley - smiley


Post 28

third asst. eng.(deuce of clubs)

It is a good stradagy but I allways seem to run out of fun books I am on my last one right now (clive cussler Atlantis found) so I am trying to pace myself.


Post 29


See 'Man on the Moon' -- just do.

okay, so this is how dense I am -- I had no idea who this TAE person that everyone was talking about was -- then I got a brain.

Its all this decorating.

*mumbles softly to himself*


Post 30


Yippee I got the links to work!!

Here is the new Book Club Forum:

Now that should all be sorted out. I swear, If Y2K knocks out all this work I will truly go back to the seas!!!!!!

~Beeblefish smiley - fish

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