This is the Message Centre for Jabberwock

New Poetry Game

Post 1


Hi folks smiley - smiley

I have an idea for a new poetry game. I'd like not to reveal the details just yet, but just to ask you whether

(a) you fancy a new poetry game or
(b) you're happy with the one we have already (it would continue) or
(c) you've had enough of it all or
(d) you don't really care or
(e) another poetry game would send you stark staring crazy or
(f) any other answer


Jab smiley - smiley

New Poetry Game

Post 2


erm...i'm apathetic!

New Poetry Game

Post 3


(a) yes
(b) yes
(c) no
(d) I'm easy smiley - kiss
(e) fish smiley - online2long
(f) expect erratic contributions

smiley - tea

New Poetry Game

Post 4


Hey - joke for you: how do you keep a poet in suspense?

New Poetry Game

Post 5


Don't know!..How do you confuse an Irishman?...smiley - yikes, must apologise, not allowed to denigrate anyone these days, so in that do you confuse an Australian?

New Poetry Game

Post 6

kangalew oftimes Lew-- NEVER Louis!

I'm an Australian and I am always confoozled.

Answers to a-e. I'll agree to anything.

Answer to f. The little voice from the back burner of my brain says...Don't agree to anything until you know all the details!smiley - winkeye

New Poetry Game

Post 7


OK, f for fair point Lew. What I'm thinking of is a game where you make an entry then set the subject of the next one - e.g. 'I wandered lonely as a cloud' etc (entry), then 'cake' (subject set for next entry, doesn't have to be connected). Next entry would be 'Oh I do love to eat chocolate cake' (or whatever), then choose next subject 'war'.

I'm not absolutely sure about it all being original,(my first thought) or the mix as per Poetry Conversation, although I think I'm veering towards the latter - quote or original mix, as per Conversation.

Any views on any of this, as well as the original question of poetry games generally?

Jab smiley - smiley

New Poetry Game

Post 8


ohh sounds fun. And will probably hurt my brain...but hey thats always fun to do smiley - winkeye

New Poetry Game

Post 9


I don't have a brain, so I will join this comp..smiley - biggrin

New Poetry Game

Post 10

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

"a) you fancy a new poetry game or
(b) you're happy with the one we have already (it would continue) or
(c) you've had enough of it all or
(d) you don't really care or
(e) another poetry game would send you stark staring crazy or
(f) any other answer"

I used to be in a sonnet thread where each post contained an original sonnet, after which the subject for the *next* sonnet was laid out. I wrote a couple dozen sonnets that way. Yeah, (a.) works for me.

I don't know about (b.) as it doesn't really seem like a game.

I have to laugh at (e) because I'm stark staring crazy already, so maybe a poetry game would make me sane again. Not that I want to be smiley - bigeyes. Real life sucks, who wants to obsess about *that*? smiley - erm

New Poetry Game

Post 11

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

in a field, there was a cow.
it must have moved, it's not there now.
I'll go get me coatsmiley - erm

New Poetry Game

Post 12


"I used to be in a sonnet thread where each post contained an original sonnet, after which the subject for the *next* sonnet was laid out. I wrote a couple dozen sonnets that way. Yeah, (a.) works for me."

Paul - take away the restriction of Sonnet and that's just what I had in mind.

Jab smiley - smiley

New Poetry Game

Post 13


Prof - I'll take that as a yes to everything smiley - biggrin

Jab smiley - smiley

New Poetry Game

Post 14


Nice idea for a game, Jabs. Sign me up.

smiley - tea

About mixing original work with stuff by known poets:

I like the mixing we get on the other thread, because it expands my horizons nicely and I get to read poets I might not otherwise have come across.

On the other hand, copyright issues do mean we can't always put in a complete poem. It might be nice to have a thread for complete poems for a change.

On the third hand, sticking only to original work might make the thread move more slowly, because inspiration doesn't always come easily.

On the fourth hand, I'll go along with whatever I'm told to do, so I shall await definitive instructions.

smiley - martiansmile

Paul, I'm intrigued by this sonnet thread you mention. Is it on h2g2?

New Poetry Game

Post 15

The Liquid Warrior (Vescere bracis meis)

My brain hurts

Yup ok up for any thing.
smiley - erm Better rephrase that in case it gets smiley - yikes

New Poetry Game

Post 16

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

smiley - smileyall round

New Poetry Game

Post 17

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

"My brain hurts" [Liquid Warrior]

Cramping pains shoot through my brow.
Blurry, bleary eyes grow wet.
Wrist and elbow ache. Tis now
Too long on the Internet.

Topic for next poem: falling leaves.

New Poetry Game

Post 18

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

The leaves do fall about my feet
slowly they drift from trees on high
I'll soon be buried in loads of peat
I'm only reaching five foot three

New Poetry Game

Post 19

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Prof, you need to give the topic for the next poster's poem.

New Poetry Game

Post 20

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

oops! soz err!


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