This is the Message Centre for Jabberwock

New Poetry Game

Post 61



The most delightful thing I ever dreamed? A unicorn.
Twilight. He looked magnificent; a tall, white horse
within the forest's gloom. I wanted him, a friend
with a spirit as free as the galloping thoughts
within my own mind. I started with a shout.

Better off dead than cast away, not having
anyone. He weighed a ton; his forehead,
hot and white, hugged to my chest, a fierce thrill
piercing my heart. Part of me still knowing
I would be alive in the morning. Life's rough.

[Orig, with apologies to Carol Ann Duffy!)

Next subject: cricket(s).

New Poetry Game

Post 62

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

topic: crickets

Wish upon a star, oh cricket fine.
Hop to it, nor for a second tarry.
Summer's warmth's no longer on the vine,
Nor can you endure the January.

next topic: a bridge

New Poetry Game

Post 63

kangalew oftimes Lew-- NEVER Louis!

Two lands are joined
A water crossed
A difference fixed
two families mixed
Sweet words are coined
with gold embossed.
A bridge is built.

[by me]

New Poetry Game

Post 64

kangalew oftimes Lew-- NEVER Louis!

Forgot.. mice.

New Poetry Game

Post 65


Fur as light or dark, as the movement of a night shadowed in clouds, Eyes bright as dark stars, twinkling in the midnight hours, Tail full and fat, like an earthworm dry wriggle, stranded above ground, A creature of habit, and fragile life, A Mouse

New Poetry Game

Post 66


*original * Next Subject : Elephants

New Poetry Game

Post 67

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

New Poetry Game

Post 68

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Topic: elephants

Blind men seven try to explain
What an elephant's like. The first says, "The main
feature's a tube, rubb'ry and thick."
The second says, "No, it's more like a stick,
Or four sticks, that is. "The third says, "No way!
An elephant's pointed and sharp. That, I say!"
The fourth tells of rubbery leaves, broad and flat.
The fifth says, "A very broad back, where I sat."
The sixth says, "A belly! This elephant's fat!"
The seventh says "Rope! it's braided like tweed."
They argued for hours, and never agreed.

Next topic: a waterfall

New Poetry Game

Post 69


Giant Snail (dedicated to Snailrind}

The rain has stopped. The waterfall will roar like that all
night. I have come out to take a walk and feed. My body--foot,
that is--is wet and cold and covered with sharp gravel. It is
white, the size of a dinner plate. I have set myself a goal, a
certain rock, but it may well be dawn before I get there.
Although I move ghostlike and my floating edges barely graze
the ground, I am heavy, heavy, heavy. My white muscles are
already tired. I give the impression of mysterious ease, but it is
only with the greatest effort of my will that I can rise above the
smallest stones and sticks.

[Elizabeth Bishop]

New Poetry Game

Post 70



New Poetry Game

Post 71


A taste of heaven, ambrosia rich with nectar, As light as strands of sugar dusted with gold, Cream filled icing, butter yellow rich and thick, As fluffy as air, the taste of an almost paradise,I'll have just one more slice,I cant resist,It tastes SO Nice!

New Poetry Game

Post 72


*original * Next Subject : Dragonflies

New Poetry Game

Post 73

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

I'm Dashy the Dragonfly-
Swift is my flight

Over the water-
I'm soon out of sight.

Darting and flashing,
Whatever the day.

Oh! There goes an insect,
I really can't stay!

(someone else's, but no name could I find)

subject - school

New Poetry Game

Post 74

kangalew oftimes Lew-- NEVER Louis!

Bloomin' school,
What a bummer,
Better things to do this summer.

Rotten school,
What a stinker,
Rather stay at home and tinker.

Lousy school,
How they treat ya!
Why did I become a teacher?


Next. Fishing.

New Poetry Game

Post 75

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

off to the beach alone I went,money on the tackle had I spent
I cast my net way up high,caught some fish that were in the sky
no wonder the price has gone up!

subject: the sea.

New Poetry Game

Post 76

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Down to the sea go I.
Not a bird in the sky.
My blanket I spread
On the sand--it is red,
Green and sky blue.
The horizon I view:
Were those clouds there before?
Is some drizzle in store?
There's a breeze in my face
As I watch the waves race.
I unpack my lunch,
And notice a bunch
Of seagulls above.
I know what they love!smiley - tongueout

New Poetry Game

Post 77


Next subject Paul?

New Poetry Game

Post 78

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Darn, I forgot to give the next subject! smiley - cross

Okay, the next subject is: scarves.

New Poetry Game

Post 79

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

shucks! 1 minute to late, but got to put it onsmiley - winkeye

There came from Boston, a man named Paul
Saw there was hootoo and met one and all
now many hours are we on the net
a day will arrive when real contact be met
smiley - smiley

err!smiley - tongueout scarves

New Poetry Game

Post 80

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant


smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

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