This is the Message Centre for Orcus

Hello fellow Brummie

Post 1


And thank you for your reply to my article.

Oh, and I've got a round tuit you can have, somewhere...

Hello fellow Brummie

Post 2


Thanks smiley - smiley

Already fixed it though thanks smiley - winkeye

So where in Brum are you then? It's weird, in the last few days I've bumped into (virtually speaking) several researchers here based in Birmingham. Master B, Hoovooloo, St.Emily Ultramarine, The other omylouse, Madragora... and now your esteemed self smiley - smiley

Hello fellow Brummie

Post 3


...I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you...

Just Kidding. I'm usually found in the Moseley/Kings Heath/Balsall Heath area.

Hello fellow Brummie

Post 4

3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG>

Greetings there fellow Brummie smiley - biggrin

I was just nosing around other people's pages and I found yours... and I just thought I'd say hello and welcome to the site smiley - smiley

A few more Brummies and we could start our own club... smiley - silly

Hope to see you around

Enjoy smiley - cheers

Hello fellow Brummie

Post 5

3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG>

Whoops smiley - nahnah

I've just realised that I have rudely interupted a conversation from
Ocrus' page smiley - blush

Greeting and apologies Ocrus smiley - biggrin

Enjoy smiley - cheers

Hello fellow Brummie

Post 6


Birmingham H2G2 Contingent. That's a good idea! What does Orcus think?(as he's the one with all the badges)

Hello fellow Brummie

Post 7

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

Hey what about me, Roo and TB Falsename? We are Brummies.

Hello fellow Brummie

Post 8

3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG>

smiley - biggrin

Hey there Patrick smiley - smiley

Well then, I think we definitely have enough people to make our own little club... Today H2G2, tomorrow the world! smiley - silly

So much to do...people to notify, badges to design smiley - winkeye

Hello fellow Brummie

Post 9


Oh well this thread took off over the Easter break now! smiley - smiley

No need to apologise 3 of 8, butting into conversations is what its all about round here smiley - hug

A brummie reasearcher group. Sounds like a good plan to me smiley - ok

So do you like balti then Spacemuse, looks like you hang around the right areas! smiley - winkeye I'm a Selly Oak/Harbornite myself usually.

Hello fellow Brummie

Post 10

3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG>

Whaddya mean the right area(s) Ocrus smiley - winkeye

Isn't every area in this city full of balti houses?

In fact now I come to think of it I must be in the only area where there isn't one within walking distance... Hmm not sure how that's happened... smiley - huh

Hello fellow Brummie

Post 11


Well, Woodgate where my girlfriend lives doesn't smiley - winkeye

I was just referring to Balsall Heath, that seems to outdo most areas for Balti House density smiley - biggrin

BTW - It's Orcus, not Ocrus smiley - winkeye

smiley - cheers

Hello fellow Brummie

Post 12

3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG>

Orcus? smiley - blush

Whoops... I am soooooo sorry. Please forgive me..... smiley - erm

I was just messing, I knew what you was getting at. smiley - biggrin

smiley - cheers

Hello fellow Brummie

Post 13


I live up the road from Balti Alley. Lots of nice smells on the way to work smiley - smiley

Hello fellow Brummie

Post 14

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

I'm Sutton personally so is Gwen, Mike & St Emily are Harbourne way and Roo is Hodge Hill. smiley - hugfor all brummies

Hello fellow Brummie

Post 15


Right, so who's going to sort out our club...Orcus with the badges, 3 of 8, whose idea it was in the first place, or someone else?

Hello fellow Brummie

Post 16

Mu Beta

Bloody Hell...where did all these Brummies come from?
I'm proud to be a Brummie by residence (the University), otherwise I'd have to admit to coming from Scunthorpe........dammit. smiley - smiley


Hello fellow Brummie

Post 17


Whoa, Scunthorpe made it past the profanity filter...hurray!

Hello fellow Brummie

Post 18

Mu Beta

Given that there's an article on my fair home town in Peer Review, I reckon the moderators have had to fiddle with the filters a bit; it's not great getting an entry on S**thorpe.


Hello fellow Brummie

Post 19

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

As I was brought up in Acocks Green, can I be an associated, affiliated, ex-pat member?

Hello fellow Brummie

Post 20

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

dont see why not

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