This is the Message Centre for Orcus

Hello fellow Brummie

Post 121

Mu Beta

This thread still active. Cool...

Although not technically a Brummie any longer, I will be running a large amount of Freshers at the Uni.

You probably won't get away with gatecrashing (we have LARGE security guards), but it would be a good time for a meet. Last week of September, if anyone's interested.

Orcus is also a Uni member, so he'll be lurking around, unless someone's actually given him a PhD and told him to naff off.smiley - smiley


Hello fellow Brummie

Post 122


The advantage of freshers fairs is that said freshers do not yet have their ID cards, so as long as you LOOK kinda studenty (hmm, thts hard!) no-one is gonna say anything, ne'er mind how big the security are?

See? I'd thought it through! Not as dumb as I sound....

but on a more serious note, when / where/ who's gonna orgnise it?

Hello fellow Brummie

Post 123

Mu Beta

Well, if we *do* meet somewhere in Selly Oak/Edgbaston, Orcus might be our best bet. At least he lives round there.

It depends how serious a meet we want. If we want the full park-picnic-pub-quiz-someone's house with bottle of wine, organisation's minimal. It's a case of finding someone to book a function room, and give their house over to a few hootooers in case of rain. As a dedicated quiz master, I'm sure I can take care of that aspect smiley - smiley

Other than that, it might be easier to just say pub, date, time, and let people make their own way. smiley - smiley


Hello fellow Brummie

Post 124

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

Oh, but how would we recognise you? smiley - winkeye

Hello fellow Brummie

Post 125

Mu Beta

The best way is to make little badges in Word and email them to all potential meeters beforehand.smiley - yuk

Look for the man with four empty pint glasses and the depressed look on his face which says "I knew I shouldn't have got here 30 minutes too early." smiley - biggrin


Hello fellow Brummie

Post 126

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

I was looking forward to the badge competition they had for the Official meet. In a playschool-type way. smiley - smiley

should I look out for the beard, or did you decide against it?

Hello fellow Brummie

Post 127

Mu Beta

Nice to know someone remembers about my goatee. smiley - smiley

It is firmly in place, although in this sunny weather I am suffering a terminal fear of it turning ginger.


Hello fellow Brummie

Post 128

Mu Beta

Another potential Brummie is Very Important Princess U188069, who will be starting at the University soon. Nice to know there'll be someone taking my place as Undergraduate h2g2 representative.


Hello fellow Brummie

Post 129

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

Needn't worry- Queex has a sillier beard than you. It not only has strange symmetrical patches where no hair grows, but is attractively rippled with ginger. smiley - smiley
I am a lowly undergraduate also. Should I be ringing a bell?

Hello fellow Brummie

Post 130


*ring ring*

Hello. As Master B said, I am starting in Sept, so I'm up for a meet around then.

Hello fellow Brummie

Post 131

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

well i leave 4 uni @ the end of sept so b4 then pls!

omy smiley - cheerup

Hello fellow Brummie

Post 132

Mu Beta

That's a bit counter-intuitive, really, isn't it?

If your leaving, then VIP will be turning up, and vice versa. We can't keep you all happy.

I may well be coming back to Brum to do a PGCE, so I'll be around for another year or so...


Hello fellow Brummie

Post 133


A PGCE? You're not really going to volunteer to go into a classroom of 30 odd kids (and I do mean ODD kids!) as a job?

Obviously a very strange person.

It's not all like that teachers program, although if there was any chance of that cute coloured lass with the mini dreads whose name I can't remember being there I might reconsider!


September? I can't do week beginning 7th Sept cos I'm on a canal boat scaring sheep in wales. Other than that, let me know.

As a suggestion, and I don;t know other peoples financial status, but what about getting a block booking in a B&B or something? Neutral ground incase any of us turn out to be weirdos (chances of that eh?) and a central point so no one is left trying to get back home pi$$ed on their own. Just an idea?

Hello fellow Brummie

Post 134

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

it'll hafta b a cheap B&B then! & i doubt u'll find 1 in central areas smiley - sadface

omy smiley - cheerup

Hello fellow Brummie

Post 135

Lighthousegirl - back on board

So have we decided where and when then?

My vote is still for a weekday since I am only there then!

Hello fellow Brummie

Post 136

Mu Beta

I think a a PGCE is a perfectly good course of action...well, it is with a 3rd-class degree, anyway.

Odd kids hold no fears for me - I have been a scout leader for 6 years.

How do you scare sheep with a canal boat. Plant mint on the bow? smiley - biggrin

I'm back in Brum from the 25th-ish, so then or later would be preferable.


Hello fellow Brummie

Post 137

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Why did no-one tell me this thread was here? Yes, I'm another Brummie...

Well, just outside the Brum border (about 50 metres!)

Hello fellow Brummie

Post 138

Mu Beta

Best place, if you ask me...


Hello fellow Brummie

Post 139


Far enough away to say you don;t live there, close enough to throw your rubbish over the border.

Best of both worlds smiley - smiley

"Birmingham, if britain had piles, that's where they'd rub the Preparation H"

Not that I can remember who said that, Jasper Carrot or someone?

Hello fellow Brummie

Post 140

Mu Beta

Yeah, it must be Carrott


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