A Conversation for Silver Sword - Players List

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 161


[Anole]: Welcome to the game new warrior.

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 162


I hear your guard requires its Captain.
[h2g2 U-number]: A5056913
[Character Name]: Gil-Martin
[Gender]: Male
[Element]: Lightning
[Race]: Human
[Class]: Warrior
[Optional Special/Magic Abilities]: Barbarian ability; Bard ability.
[Optional Character Description]: A neat, well trimmed beard, shoulders you could build a house on, and a very serious temper. smiley - cool

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 163


I hear your Guard requires its Captain!
[h2g2 U-number]: A
[Character Name]: Gil-Martin
[Gender]: Male
[Element]: Lightning
[Race]: Elf
[Class]: Warrior
[Optional Special/Magic Abilities]: Barbarian Ability; Bard Ability
[Optional Character Description]: Larger than your average elf; eyes that pierce your soul; a very, very nice sword at his side. smiley - cool

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 164


I hear your Guard requires its Captain!
[h2g2 U-number]: A205361
[Character Name]: Gil-Martin
[Gender]: Male
[Element]: Lightning
[Race]: Elf
[Class]: Warrior
[Optional Special/Magic Abilities]: Barbarian Ability; Bard Ability
[Optional Character Description]: Larger than your average elf; eyes that pierce your soul; a very, very nice sword at his side. smiley - cool

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 165


Hi, I want to join!
[h2g2 U-number]:
[Character Name]: chemeo200
[Gender]: male
[Element]: shadow
[Race]: terran
[Class]: warrior
[Optional Special/Magic Abilities]:
[Optional Character Description]:

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 166

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

AWESOME!!! we finally have some warriors! both you guys are OK. I'll update the players list soon I promise! Goto the Inn of the Silvery Sword thread. http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/F117258?thread=1574992&latest=1 Nerd42

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 167

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

smiley - dontpanicHa! I've updated the Players List A5038805 and we now have 42 players! Please tell me if I've missed anything or anyone that needs to be there.
smiley - towelNerd42

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 168


[Anole]: Welcome new warriors, I am an unoffical greeter. I have too much spare time. smiley - biggrin

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 169

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

Yeah, uh, this is an out-of-character thread ... it would help story development if you greeted people at the Inn of the Silvery Sword thread ok? smiley - ok
smiley - towelNerd42

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 170


Fine. smiley - biggrinsmiley - runs

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 171


Hi, I want to join!
[h2g2 U-number]:
[Night Vision]:
[Optional Character Description]:

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 172

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

Er, um, OK, a Male Fire Terran Warrior named Lestron from U4754419

but I think we'd already established that night vision was the special ability of a Shadow Elementalist. As a Fire Warrior, your advantage would be super-strength.
smiley - towelNerd42

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 173


Hi, I want to join!
[h2g2 U-number]:
[Character Name]: simmy
[Gender]: female
[Element]: shadow
[Race]: elf
[Class]: wizard
[Optional Special/Magic Abilities]:
[Optional Character Description]:

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 174

Its that Guy, from ages ago, DarksRevenge

Hi, I want to join!
[h2g2 U-number]: 3939570
[Character Name]: Jack Thunderbolt
[Gender]: Male
[Element]: Lightning
[Race]: Terren
[Class]: Warrior
[Optional Special/Magic Abilities]: Dragoon Ability
[Optional Character Description]: Jack is 5 foot 11 and of medium build. He has peircing blue eyes and long blonde hair. His standard weapon is a sword, however he can be armed with other weapons if the need arises. he preferes Plate mail to Chain mail, but again will wear either.

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 175

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

Simmy, Jack Thunderbolt, you're accepted. Goto the Inn of the Silvery Sword thread and I'll try to get you on the players list soon. http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/F117258?thread=259633 Nerd42

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 176

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

I've updated the Players List! New players, make sure to check A5038805 to make sure I interpreted/entered your information correctly.

And to get started playing, have your character go to the Inn of the Silvery Sword: smiley - towelNerd42">F117258?thread=259633&latest=1
smiley - towelNerd42

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 177

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

Hi, I want to join!
[h2g2 U-number]: A193866
[Character Name]: Joaquin
[Gender]: Male
[Element]: Fire (p.s what does this mean)
[Race]: Giant
[Class]: warrior
[Optional Special/Magic Abilities]: can you have these as a giant?
[Optional Character Description]: although a giant he doesn't appear to be oafish as giants normally are, infact he seems to be a normal intelligent person who just happens to be incredably tall

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 178

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

smiley - boingJoaquin, you're accepted. Elements are basically personality types in most player's cases. As a Fire Giant, your character would be stronger than any other race and be likely to get angry alot.

smiley - okI will get you added to the players list soon. You can start playing at the Inn of the Silvery Sword. smiley - towelNerd42">F117258?thread=259633&latest=1
smiley - towelNerd42

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 179

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

what about the magic ablities?

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 180

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

Well, if your character was an elementalist, then your element would not only define your personality, but also your abilities. But the character you have now is very cool - you're basically stronger than everyone else and everyone else knows it.
smiley - towelNerd42

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