A Conversation for Silver Sword - Players List

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 1

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

smiley - elfThank you for choosing Silver Sword Fantasy! Please ask any questions or inform us of any problems you may have with your character's account here!
smiley - towelNerd42

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 2

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Hi, I want to join!
[h2g2 U-number]: U651852
[Character Name]: Filth
[Gender]: Male
[Element]: Water (swamp)
[Race]: Elf
[Class]: Elementalist
[Special/Magic Abilities]: None
[Optional Character Description]: Quite tall but appears shorter because of his hunched gait. Raised in a swamp and his particular take on the Elemental Powers reflect this. Uncouth. Wears a stained green robe, a brown cloak and a black hat. His skin is a ever shifting mixture of greens and browns.

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 3

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

Interesting ... so your character chucks dirty muddy water at people instead of, like, ice crystals or blue liquid or anything? Then you'd probably make a better Shadow Elementalist - I'm thinking of possibly making Shadow Elementalists also able to make themselves invisible at certain times, like at night.

I'll get you added ASAP. :D
smiley - towelNerd42

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 4

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

You've been added! Welcome to the game! Swamp elementalist? Cool! Um, I'm assuming the green/brown skin thing is because he's really dirty? Weird hair colors for Elementalists are fine but I guess I need to specify that skin colors have to be somewhat realistic ... otherwise people can just make up all kinds of weird races that don't fit with the system, which defeats the purpose of having races in the first place. (i.e. to arrange characters into groups with similar physical traits) Good luck! I'd suggest getting over to the Inn of the Silvery Sword thread at http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/F117258?thread=259633 Nerd42

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 5

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

The skin colour is an effect of the elemental stuff... don't worry, he's a normal Elf otherwise!

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 6

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

well I guess that's OK. smiley - ok
smiley - towelNerd42

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 7

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

smiley - huhu still there? It seems like there was alot of noise while I was gone but nobody seems to be all that interested now that I'm back.smiley - cry
smiley - towelNerd42

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 8

Commander of positrons and all things quanta

Hi, I want to join!
[h2g2 U-number]:1550458
[Character Name]:Squee
[Special/Magic Abilities]:Purple
[Optional Character Description]:Tall wears long deep purple cloak covering entire body and has staff with dragon carved on and emerald gemstone on top. Dosen't talk much, but likes animals, ardvarks mostly.

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 9

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

Great, Squee! Your character is registered. Make sure you subscribe to the "Inn of the Silvery Sword" thread at http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/F117258?thread=259633&latest=1 If you could me get things rolling again, that'd be great! Right now the whole site seems to be dead as a doornail. Nerd42

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 10


Hi, I want to join!
[h2g2 U-number]:
[Character Name]: Dawdelas
[Gender]: Male
[Element]: Lightning
[Race]: Elf
[Class]: Wizard
[Special/Magic Abilities]: ranger & gray magic
[Optional Character Description]:A rather handsome and witty elf lord

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 11


Hey Nerd, were can I find my U number

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 12

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

Ah, welcome!!! I see you probably met me on that lyrics game. I guess my nick advertising is working! smiley - biggrin

First of all, your U-number is U2083310 and all it is is what is after the http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/ in the address of your Personal Space. So your space would be http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/U2083310 (probably - there's a bit more to it then that but anyway) Your U-number makes it so that I can easily link to your Personal Space. Look at the address of any link back to your space and you'll see the number at the end! smiley - ok

I will add you to the list ASAP, welcome to Silver Sword Fantasy and if you have any more h2g2 questions I'd be happy to help you as much as I can.
smiley - towelNerd42

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 13

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

er ... I meant the Limericks game. You're now added to the Players List, (I think - h2g2 has been on the blink lately) so you're all set to start playing! Unfortunately, your character is a wizard, and thus cannot have the Ranger ability, as it is for Warriors and Thieves only. Don't worry though, your character will still have his natural elf instincts, which do just about almost as well. You're the first Gray Magic specialist we've had (I think) and since that is your only specialty, you are a very powerful illusionist. The main thread on this game is the Inn of the Silvery Sword. I suggest you have your character make an entrance there (some people like thinking up creative ways of appearing in the room) and don't bother reading the backlog. (posts that have piled up before you joined) Click here to get to the Inn: http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/F117258?thread=259633&latest=1 Also check out the Front Page where you can get a badge to add to your Personal Space: A989698 Nerd42

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 14


Hi, I want to join!
[h2g2 U-number]: U762874
[Character Name]: Anole
[Gender]: Male
[Element]: Fire
[Race]: Elf
[Class]: Warrior
[Special/Magic Abilities]: Ranger Ability, Paladin Ability, Dragoon Ability, Barbarian Ability, Ninja Ability, Bard Ability, Tornado Ability (spinning attack).
[Optional Character Description]: Blonde, wears light armor, carries a light sword and a knife.

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 15

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

Anole, welcome to the game!

Sorry but there appears to be a slight problem with your character. First off, each ability your character ads on sort of weakens the others, as your character's talent has to be spread among all of them. For this reason, we generally try to limit character's special abilities to about three at the most. For example, my character Gandark has two.

So, I'd suggest trying to pick the primary three that your character is /really good at/ and mentioning those in your character description. That doesn't mean that you can't attempt to use the others while in the game, but you see, not everybody can be good at everything. Gandark, for example, often calls on destructive magic in battle, even though that's not his specialty. Because that's not his specialty, his destructive spells are much much weaker than another wizard's who chose Black Magic as one of his specialties.

The exception to this using-other-abilities rule is that non-wizards cna't cast spells, and wizards cannot use weapons.

Fortunately, all your special abilities are compatible with your character type, so all you have to do is just pick three of these:

smiley - goodluckRanger Ability,
smiley - angelPaladin Ability,
smiley - dragonDragoon Ability,
smiley - grrBarbarian Ability,
smiley - zenNinja Ability,
smiley - whistleBard Ability,
<run?Tornado Ability (spinning attack). - (about that one - I know it's not on the list and you made it up - that's fine! smiley - winkeye Sounds good! smiley - ok I'll add that one to the abilites list soon)

Other than that, you're good to go! I'll add you to the list as soon as you get that issue resolved. smiley - winkeye

Once again, welcome to the game! I hope you enjoy it, and fortune smiles upon your character.
smiley - towelNerd42

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 16


[h2g2 U-number]:1693878
[Character Name]: Sharp, the (soon to be) great (he hopes) wizard gent.
[Gender]: male
[Element]: lightning
[Race]: terran
[Class]: wizard
[Special/Magic Abilities]: 1. the "materialize a big-rock-out-of-the- sky to fall on yer head," otherwise known as M.B.R.O2SOH or MBROH for short.
2. electricity blade
3. flame knives (excellent for throwing and not over cooking the roast).
4. 'Ice shards'
[Optional Character Description]:
Do not let his outlandish hair-style and manner of clothing fool you, this occultist is jus' a bit of a show off, but what do you expect from someone w/a miniature codex and an enchanted armlet?
hair: Long & crazy
Attire: tailed-long coat w/ a tall collar & long sleeves. Oversized leather gauntlets. Hobnailed shoes. Sports a monocle and a pocketwatch. Side of coat opposite pocketwatch has miniature codex hanging off of a silver chain.

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 17


ok. Scratch 3 and four.
I want to modify 2, so that it's
"can materialize elemental blades of vartious sort (throwing knives, daggers, sword,-that sort of thing."

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 18


How come mine won't add in to player's list?
wha's w/ the brackets?
Am I doin' smiley - ok.
I'ma tryin'.
}Paf!{ Makes right good cuppa smiley - tea.

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 19

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

You're a member - you just aren't added yet because of the need to get this special abilities issue resolved - but don't worry. You're doing fine and I'm very glad you're here! smiley - ok

I've just realized something ... smiley - sorry but to control the weather you'd have to be a Lightning Elementalist not a Fire Warrior because you see that would sort of put any future Lightning Elementalists out of a job.

Now, as I understand it, your new ability list would be:
smiley - goodluck Ranger Ability,
smiley - angel Paladin Ability,
smiley - zen Ninja Ability,

Or have I not selected the right ones?
smiley - towelNerd42

Silver Sword Heroes Registration Kiosk

Post 20

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

Oh! silly me! I have gotten the two of you mixed up! smiley - laugh

just ignore the above posting I thought you all were the same person for a minute there. smiley - rofl

Umm ... on your special abilities, Sharp ... OK so you have spells for Bolt, Fire, Ice and you made one up called "Rock" ok that'll work you're a Black Magic Specialist.
smiley - towelNerd42

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