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Trying to identify an old book

Post 1


I recall a paperback book I had as a teenager (late 1960s), probably classed as SF. The cover was a man's face, immensely lined as though made of layers of paper. The story featured someone who was very long lived & I have a feeling stone or white came into the title or author's name.
very little to go on, but I wonder if anyone can suggest what it might have been

Trying to identify an old book

Post 2

SashaQ - happysad

Family Stone by Robert Heinlein?

Trying to identify an old book

Post 3

Baron Grim

Yeah, my guess was Heinlein's recurring character Lazarus Long.

I should reread all my Heinlein books. I bought every Heinlein book I could get my hands on when I was a teenager. I think I managed to get almost every story he wrote. Many of the paperbacks I bought sat too long in the book case at the head of my waterbed and stuck together, but I think they're still mostly readable... maybe. It's an impressive but worthless collection.

Trying to identify an old book

Post 4

Baron Grim

Could this be the book cover you're thinking of?


Trying to identify an old book

Post 5


Alas no, it wasn't as well known as Heinlein. I think it involved children & a cave - very vague, I'm afraid.

Trying to identify an old book

Post 6

Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly)

Children and a cave would always bring John Saul to mind - but his writing was more of a horror fiction than sci-fi.

Trying to identify an old book

Post 7

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

The sword in the stone, by T H White?

Merlin's face on the cover looks lined

Trying to identify an old book

Post 8


Nothing as well known as that. The copy I had, was bluish & the face took up most of the picture. I've a feeling it was a cave on an island - perhaps not so much SF as an odd story.

Trying to identify an old book

Post 9

Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly)

Ah well, I'm not yet "old". In the 60's, I was sneaking off with my eldest brother's 1st edition Marvel comics and some Asimov, Clarke and the like.

Trying to identify an old book

Post 10

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I used to think 60 was old. Now that I'm 70, I think 90 is old. My father, who is 98, may have other ideas. smiley - winkeye

Trying to identify an old book

Post 11


Weirdstone of Brisingamen?

Trying to identify an old book

Post 12


Not that either. But thanks for the suggestion.
I think I've found it, 'The Master' by T H White.

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