A Conversation for Ask h2g2
RIP Heinz Wolff
Teasswill Started conversation Dec 16, 2017
The very image of a nutty professor.
Anyone else remember the Great Egg Race? A terrific programme.
RIP Heinz Wolff
Icy North Posted Dec 16, 2017
Yes, I do remember it, and just watched this grainy YouTube episode: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pvf6Xl9hQE
There have been similar shows since. Scrapheap Challenge springs to mind, and Robot Wars to some extent. I never fail to be impressed by the ingenuity of the contestants.
And thanks, Heinz!
RIP Heinz Wolff
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Dec 16, 2017
None of his appearances were in feature films that could be seen across the Atlantic ocean. He was almost 90, so I hope he had a happy life. It was certainly a long one!
RIP Heinz Wolff
Pink Paisley Posted Dec 17, 2017
And Professor Wolff is well worth his own thread.
He was a most engaging science populariser - of the same ilk as Magnus Pyke.
In the days before video recorders (at least before I had access to one), missing The Great Egg Race was a disaster!
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RIP Heinz Wolff
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