A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Anyone watching...?

Post 1


I just saw there's a new BBC series on about Napoleon. Any good?

I'm in the process of reconfiguring my weekend plans to feature a lot of sitting around watching telly and trying to be generally inactive. There seems to actually be a surprising amount of fairly interesting stuff on! smiley - bigeyes (including iPlayer and also including old repeats and classics that are still worth watching).

Anyone watching...?

Post 2


It looks very promisingsmiley - smiley

Anyone watching...?

Post 3

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I'm reading some of the Napoleon chapters in "War and Peace." Yes, I know someone is making it into a movie. I'd like to have the book read by then. Just 1,100 more pages to read.

Anyone watching...?

Post 4


To change tack completely (but still keeping in the "anyone watching?" theme) did anyone watch the new Jekyll and Hyde series on ITV tonight?

Anyone watching...?

Post 5


I'm in two minds about it

Anyone watching...?

Post 6

Milla, h2g2 Operations

Not Napoleon, or Jekyll and Hyde, but I'll tell you what I am watching:
ConMan. Oh yes yes, I admit, I am a silly silly fangirl who found Serenity way late in life. But Alan Tudyk is really funny, and this is such a meta-story that it goes all the way round cheesy to get good again. I haven't caught up with the whole lot yet, I only bought it yesterday. And in addition to making me happy, it did wonders to cheer up my overworked and stressed out significant R, which is no small feat.
10/10 for geekisms.
smiley - towel

Anyone watching...?

Post 7

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

In the last couple of weeks, I've seen Lily Tomlin act grumpy in "Grandma," Matt Damon grow potatoes on Mars in The Martian," Tom Hanks act noble in "Bridge of Spies," and monsters run rampant at a suburban school in "Goosebumps." Who nee napoleon? smiley - biggrin

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