A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Science and Truth

Post 21


There's a 50% chance.

Science and Truth

Post 22

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Statistics simply can't be applied to 'opinion' polls.
smiley - doh
One out of ten times with an error variance of 3-6%
99 out of 100 times - depending on the skew of those
willing to stop and reply to the pollster/interviewer.
Believe me, I've done some serious polling surveys for
a major PR firm and the number of people willing to stop
and give an opinion is a very small percentage - which
means 97% of people are never polled and the 3% who do
have some personal (bias) reasons for participating.
smiley - grr

Science and Truth

Post 23

Sho - employed again!

pish to maths being truth, science or anything other than witchcraft. And if you don't believe me, I give you smiley - drumroll "i" numbers.
smiley - run

Science and Truth

Post 24

Icy North

If you want to understand i (the square root of minus one) then think of it like this.

Some things are reversible. If you look at yourself in a mirror you look back to front. If you look at yourself in two mirrors then you look normal again.

So looking in the mirror squared equals one.

i (the square root of minus one) is simply a type of mirror you can look in, where if you used two of them you would appear back to front.

smiley - smiley

Science and Truth

Post 25


smiley - erm yers...

That took a moment or two, Icy

Science and Truth

Post 26


With regard maths the most interesting but never ending debate is whether it was invented or discovered. Since maths essentially consists of a set of definitions acting on abstract quantities it doesn't necessarily have any bearing on reality - except that it is found that it does (to a certain extent). smiley - smiley

Science and Truth

Post 27

Icy North

It arises from the phenomenon that life can at times be predictable.

If everything were entirely random, maths wouldn't exist. Neither would science for that matter, the rules of which are logical or mathematical.

Science and Truth

Post 28

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Maths is the language of physics.

Science and Truth

Post 29


Physics is the language of chemistry
Chemistry is the language of biology
And from there it is but a small step to income tax.

Science and Truth

Post 30

Bald Bloke

XKCD does it better


Science and Truth

Post 31


My maths lecturer at university claimed to have had some T-shirts printed that said "Maths is truth, but we can still lie together".

Following Church-Turing, whether Mathematics is Truth may be undecidable of course.

Science and Truth

Post 32

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

XKCD: Physics is to math as sex is to masturbation smiley - tongueout.

There used to be a book called "How to lie with statistics." After I read that, I became suspicious of most statistical findings.

Science and Truth

Post 33

Bald Bloke

That Appears to be a Richard Feynman quote, unless of course they are lying.

Science and Truth

Post 34

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Feynman was a scientist, so I assume he was telling the truth smiley - winkeye.

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