A Conversation for Ask h2g2

The most important attribute for a couple to share..

Post 21


what KB says. Consider Mr Darwin and his wife, for instance.

The most important attribute for a couple to share..

Post 22

Mol - on the new tablet

My dad wrote his initials and the date into a square of concrete at the edge of the patio he laid in 1970. I don't think there was anything buried under it though.


The most important attribute for a couple to share..

Post 23

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Oo... cool idea... like the date 'bricks' they'd often put into buildings in the past... smiley - cool

The most important attribute for a couple to share..

Post 24

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

If I ever inherit a bucket of eels, I will definitely offer them to someone else. smiley - smiley

The most important attribute for a couple to share..

Post 25

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

The bucket of eels is a metaphore... or an analagy... or, just very random and silly... possibly... even... all three... smiley - zensmiley - silly

smiley - zen
smiley - fish
smiley - schooloffish
smiley - zen

smiley - loveblush

The most important attribute for a couple to share..

Post 26

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Is the roller coaster a metaphor, too?

The most important attribute for a couple to share..

Post 27

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

I'm currently being wooed by a senior lecturer who last night told me about his philosophy of consciousness-based idealism and how he believes in telepathy and the reality of dreams.

Oh boy.

Red flag or just differences of tolerable opinion?

smiley - headhurts

The most important attribute for a couple to share..

Post 28

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Telepathy: the Professor in "X-Men"
Reality of dreams: "Inception"

Watch enough movies, and your sense of reality can shift smiley - weird

The most important attribute for a couple to share..

Post 29

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

A while ago he had a mental breakdown - and was hospitalised, he still refers to this though as a kind of epiphany.

To me any revelations from that period are suspect, the disordered workings of a mnd under strain, but he think the 'interconectedness' of stuff is a profound insight if only he can describe in mathematically (yesterday he hand delivered to me a 8 page hand-written treatise on prime number prediction using topology.

It's sweet and.. rather unusual, and not exactly what I was expecting and all in all rather confusing but I read this forum and thought I'\d throw in my experience because it seems everyone was agreeing far too much.

The most important attribute for a couple to share..

Post 30

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Well, there was a certain amount of interconnectedness between Aleister Crowley and L Ron Hubbard, but it's hard to make a case that such unique [understatement!] individuals can be generalized to the rest of us. [smiley - run to set up containment chambers]

smiley - winkeye

But, yes, you were right to want us not to agree with each other too much on that issue, Clive. smiley - ok

The most important attribute for a couple to share..

Post 31

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

I've decided to call this whole thing off - it's begun to become creepy. All my instincts are telling me "run"

Not good. smiley - sadface

The most important attribute for a couple to share..

Post 32

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I hope it wasn't anything I said. smiley - sadface

The most important attribute for a couple to share..

Post 33

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Its good to be able to have the ability to hold on to a thin thread of a grip on reality, even if one sometimes spends a lot of time inhabiliting an reality which is, often regarded as somewhat outside the norm smiley - zen Hmmm,,, I say thread, they're more like eels, actually, as one might suspect smiley - winkeye I'm all for alterd states, and suchlike.... but sometimes one really does have to just do the mundane everyday and kinda be able to experience that, as it is, and for what it is hmmm... I guess smiley - alienfrownsmiley - zensmiley - towel

The most important attribute for a couple to share..

Post 34

Florida Sailor All is well with the world

Ohh smiley - yuk Eels are a lot more slippery than threads, even though they are much less likely to break when pulled upon. Of course if you grasp onto an electric eel - then the results could be quite shocking smiley - canofworms ?

smiley - cheers

F smiley - dolphin S

The most important attribute for a couple to share..

Post 35


Is a mind based on prime numbers necessarily disordered?

Consciousness of idealism sounds platonic.

The most important attribute for a couple to share..

Post 36


Ps I guess the lecturer is a mathematician of sorts?

The most important attribute for a couple to share..

Post 37

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I'm not sure the mind can ever be truely and satisfactoryly explained, mathmatically, or via numbers. Its such an odd assortment of binary hardware, binary software, and utterly analogue software, at the same time.... and in isolation is insufficient itself, to explain its own functioning... one can't regard it in i isolation, without consideration of the hormonal system, which, although it ultimately interacts neurologically, via neurological pathways; biochemical and so forth, is as much a part of its funcnctioning as indeed its own functioning is.

Indeed, perhaps, an explination of brain functioning, determined by a brain, just seems... counterintuative.... like an internal combusion engine explaining how it works, itself... smiley - alienfrown
Personally the analagies regarding opperation, involving eels, or, indeed, of course, penguines, often seem to work better... or at least provide a satisifactory explintion that precludes mathmatical confusionisation... smiley - zen

smiley - zen
*goes and locks himself in a darkened room* smiley - zen

The most important attribute for a couple to share..

Post 38


The Pythagoreans were pretty dismayed to uncover the irrationals ("shudders"). Then there was poor old Bertrand and North trying to rationally construct mathematics only to be curtly skewered by Gödel (more shuddering).

The most important attribute for a couple to share..

Post 39


Some say we have another brain around the gut (seems fair enough) while some females claim the male has an additional brain below the gut.

The most important attribute for a couple to share..

Post 40


Males are not unique in that respect

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