A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What do you think about Monsanto?

Post 61


Ahem - so anyway smiley - geek I think what people have been talking about is that
Monsanto seems to have a history of creating invasive products and then
implementing their sales with invasive and bully sales tactics including
legal procedures. People have been talking about whether this is true or not.

I have read a lot of stuff on the internet and seen some pretty serious
documentaries on independant television channels (funded by viewers)
about Monsanto and it is pretty conclusive that they are doing unethical
and possibly planet damaging things. The scary thing is that even though
their cover is blown, they seem to be still doing it.

I myself suffer physically when I ingest genetically modified foods or foods
that have chemicals sprayed on them. Mainly I get huge gut wrenching belly
aches. I can actually be used to find out if a food has been genetically
modified or sprayed with bad chemicals but I am not smiley - biggrin volunteering.

After I get over my anger at them for so blatantly and arrogantly and cruelly
disregarding my and the rest of humanity's safety, then I remember this kind
of behaviour has been going on for ever. And I can despair except I believe
that we can makea difference. But I am not sure how. But we have to.

They are poisoning my food smiley - ill

Monsanto bad GM good

Post 62

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Whilst one has to have a little dose of scepticism if only having read a wiki article, assuming the roundup article is reasonably accurate then then it really doesn't sound that terrible.


Monsanto bad GM good

Post 63


Tastes rotten though.

Monsanto bad GM good

Post 64


I really don't believe what I read in Wikipedia, I know too many people who enjoy altering the articles.

Monsanto bad GM good

Post 65

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

I think it had been shown to be on average just as accurate as the Encyclopaedia Britannica (I read that on WiKi smiley - winkeye).

Seriously though it is a handy resource. And if you are worried about vandalism you can quickly check the changes page.

I think rumours of its inaccuracy are wildly exaggerated.


Monsanto bad GM good

Post 66


Glyphosate is nasty stuff, don't get me wrong - it's just not Agent Orange that's all. It's certainly toxic enough to be a widespread weedkiller. It's much better (or nastier if you prefer) than other, cheaper alternatives at your local garden centre.

What got modded? Did I get a toasty flaming? *warms hands*

Monsanto bad GM good

Post 67


I did my PhD in making chemicals very closely related to glyphosate BTW - so I *do* know a bit about it.

Monsanto bad GM good

Post 68

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Not interested in fighting about issues to which I admit
being ignorant and prejudiced but a quick search reveals:

From BBC News link:

"Dow Agrosciences says its new GM product is based on a chemical
that was once a component of the Vietnam war defoliant, Agent Orange.
...Dow argues the new approach is safe and sustainable."

That quote is from paragraph two at:
and the link does not open the video unless you click it.

smiley - cheerup

Monsanto bad GM good

Post 69

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - smiley
In the interest of balance and fair play here's an article
that tries to refute the 'roundup is agent orange' myth.


The colourful language in this 2002 article betrays
an underlying emotional enthusiasm that triggers all
my credulity filters. There's nothing scarier than an
enthusiastic scientist.

"It's alive! It's alive!"

smiley - cheers

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