A Conversation for Ask h2g2

How Do You Use the Ask h2g2 forum?

Post 121


I'll answer that when I find my keyboard. It used to be right he...
Ah, gottit

Now, where's that exclamation mark?


How Do You Use the Ask h2g2 forum?

Post 122


Yea! that's good, I was going to say something there,...............no, its gone againsmiley - ermsmiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

How Do You Use the Ask h2g2 forum?

Post 123

Baron Grim

Didja know that typewriters originally didn't feature an exclamation point? To make one you typed an apostrophe, then backspaced, then typed a period.

How Do You Use the Ask h2g2 forum?

Post 124


my screen has gone balnk

is my keybooard still working

are we allowed to say ARSE here

How Do You Use the Ask h2g2 forum?

Post 125


the last thing i read was something about typing a period out, and explaination marks,

How Do You Use the Ask h2g2 forum?

Post 126

Sho - employed again!

the old electric typewriters didn't have the number 1 either - you had to type a lowercase L

How Do You Use the Ask h2g2 forum?

Post 127

Baron Grim

Going the other way, I really wish my keyboard had an interobang.

How Do You Use the Ask h2g2 forum?

Post 128

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - rofl This, too, is how the Usual Suspects use the Ask h2g2 forum.

smiley - nur

How Do You Use the Ask h2g2 forum?

Post 129


Aye! many years ago, when I got my very first computer, and Amstrad 1820, and typing the very first letter, to see it appear on the screen, in green print, and that was high teck back then, I felt so proudsmiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

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