A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Your favourite word in Spanish

Post 1



¿Qué palabra del español te gusta más?

Is there any word that you like most? Could you say why?

Your favourite word in Spanish

Post 2

Witty Moniker

Margarita. smiley - stiffdrink

'Nuff said.

Your favourite word in Spanish

Post 3


smiley - biggrin

Your favourite word in Spanish

Post 4

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - ok

Corazon - as in the sad ballad 'Adios, mi Corazon'.
It means smiley - love but it sounds like a drug.
(Sorry for the more Mexican than Spanish musical choice)

I'm also quite partial to the name Valencia. It's a town
and a region in Spain of course but I have no idea what
the word might have originally meant. I just like the sound
of it and the fact that I get to say it referring to the GP
racing and the oranges marketed here using that name.

smiley - biggrin

Your favourite word in Spanish

Post 5

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

smiley - biggrin Nice one Maria

As a learner, I have a new favourite word or phrase each week. Just yesterday I mentioned the name of a potential acolyte of nighthoover in the 'Cancel' thread.


(for those who don't speak Spanish or have bookmark to Babelfish, this means 'hoover' or vacuum cleaner)

I still find the phrase 'sin embargo' amusing as it doesn't mean at all what it means in English.

Your favourite word in Spanish

Post 6

Icy North

I've never learned Spanish, but when I hear people speak it it sounds like a cross between French and Arabic.

I'm not sure I have a favourite word, but my least-favourite word is tiqui-taca.

Your favourite word in Spanish

Post 7

Rudest Elf

Great question!

So many Spanish words amuse me that it's hard to pick just one - particularly at this time of day.

Just a couple for now:

Chucharía (but chuchariaia isn't allowed, I'm told smiley - smiley - although I'm sure I've seen a knick-knack shop bearing that sign).

Cuchillería - a shop that sells knives etc.

Estrambótica - eccentric (lady)

And I've always liked the way Imbécil is pronounced in Spanish, with the stress clearly on the middle syllable.

Someone mentioning Valencia has reminded me of a name I find very satisfying to pronounce - the captain of Valencia FC: Albelda (which anagrams to 'Able lad').

What English words tickle you?

smiley - reindeer

Your favourite word in Spanish

Post 8

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I like "Ole." [I can't do accents, so imagine one leaning to the right over the "e"]

smiley - smiley

Your favourite word in Spanish

Post 9

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Tejan (or is it tejon), err, tink its Spanish anyhow
*racks brain*
*shakes brain*
*goes off to look for brain* smiley - ermsmiley - whistle

Your favourite word in Spanish

Post 10

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Ooooh smiley - bigeyessmiley - badger = tejón
smiley - ok

I never knew that! We should celebrate!

Where is Aspiradora?

Your favourite word in Spanish

Post 11

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

ahh... yes, I seemed to recall it had the 'funnyu' 'O' in it... strangely its about the only Spanish word I know! smiley - snorksmiley - badger

Your favourite word in Spanish

Post 12

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - ok

Your favourite word in Spanish

Post 13

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Its kinda weird... thinking about it... that the only word I seem to know in Spanish, isn't a swear word... most other languages, if I know just one or two words, the huge likelyhood is that they're gona be swear words smiley - snorksmiley - blush Not sure why that is really... smiley - snork or, occasionally, utterly silly useless phrases.... like my best sentence in French, to inform anyone who needs to know that I have a snake/serpent in my shoe/boot smiley - erm I'm sure this phrase would be vastly useful were I in France... and had a problem with the local wildlife smiley - snorksmiley - huhsmiley - erm Mind, at least I know several French swear words smiley - snork

Your favourite word in Spanish

Post 14

Pink Paisley




is rather nice.


Your favourite word in Spanish

Post 15

Rudest Elf

Forgot all about this thread.... as has our host (apparently) smiley - winkeye

I rather like rimbombante (flamboyant) as well.

smiley - reindeer

Your favourite word in Spanish

Post 16


los Pirineos

Les Pyrenees.

I preferred the Spanish side of them...aside from the caddis species on the French side smiley - biggrin Also Maria, you once explained another reference to that word, to do with the mound of Venus I think.

Your favourite word in Spanish

Post 17


Well, obvious favourites would be rioja, cava, and una mas. And I always giggle at ginebra y tonica (cos it makes you inebriated, see)

I love the sound of la muerte - reminds me of a Lorca poem

and corazon.

Your favourite word in Spanish

Post 18

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - ok
>> and corazon <<

Well now, that's two votes for corazon!
I think we have a winner.
smiley - love
Yep, true love is a many splendored thing.
smiley - cheers

Your favourite word in Spanish

Post 19


I was going to go corazon, when I looked it up..but it's a masculine noun. I can't quite get that in reference to my own deep feelings in this area...mine maybe not be a winner...it maybe a loser...but its my corazon as it were.

Your favourite word in Spanish

Post 20

You can call me TC

"Mira!" - a word I heard a lot when I worked with children in Spain. It means "Look!" - and embodies the wonders of the world as seen by a small child for the first time.

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