A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Researchers Reunited and Prodigal Posters - look who's back!

Post 1

h2g2 Community Editors

So, who made it back then?

It's been lovely seeing old names and faces back in the threads. Check in here to find old friends and tell us how you are, and take a look at A87709990 for updates on what's going on where.

The h2g2 Community Editors

Researchers Reunited and Prodigal Posters - look who's back!

Post 2

Mrs Zen

I had been going to say "some of us never went away", but I did for a couple of years. And, yes it IS lovely seeing so many folks back.

a girl called Ben / a broad called Ben / Mrs Zen

Researchers Reunited and Prodigal Posters - look who's back!

Post 3

Secretly Not Here Any More

I was away for a while - mostly Tweeting, blogging and trying to build a career.


Researchers Reunited and Prodigal Posters - look who's back!

Post 4

Call me Harry

Gone? I didn't realize I was gone at all. I'll have my people check into that.

Researchers Reunited and Prodigal Posters - look who's back!

Post 5

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

\Away? gone? I didn't realise we were allowed to leave... smiley - runsmiley - boing

Researchers Reunited and Prodigal Posters - look who's back!

Post 6

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

We still have them in a virtual box </> smiley - winkeye

Researchers Reunited and Prodigal Posters - look who's back!

Post 7

Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere])

smiley - cool
Blue-Eyed BiPedal Bookworm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere]), reporting for duty, Sir!
smiley - biggrin
A Very LARGE In-duh-vidual (the Concessionaire for Asteroid Lil's Holiday Pantomime), bumps his head and barely squeezes his shoulders into this thread, leaving little room for anyone else.
smiley - peacedove
The Gander (another Holiday Panto character) flies in, bumps into the LARGE In-duh-vidual, and waddles in circles for a few moments while trying to get his bearings.
smiley - blackcat
Purr in Boots (a Holiday Panto character with a starring role), whose alter ego for adventuring is Furr Purrfikt, slinks in quietly on padded paws.
smiley - bus
The doorway is momentarily blocked by an enormous camping pack, laden and strapped with so much extra paraphenalia it looks almost like a giant hedgehog (not Spiny Norman). As the bundle trundles inward and upward, Baileywick, Furr Purrfikt's henchman from the Siege of Galyana, is seen to be the one carrying it. He pretends the load is heavy by huffing and puffing and shifting about.
smiley - snowman
Toasty the Snowman slides across the floor, leaving a trail of melting snowflakes someone will invariably have to mop up.
smiley - fairysmiley - fairysmiley - fairy
Three Wood Sprites of HooToo Forest flit in through the open door, zipping in random paths about the room, swirling irridescant trails of glimmering light in their wake. They don't alight or hold still for a moment, as they fly willy-nilly around, over, under, and past all the gathered Researchers who've returned.
smiley - disco

Researchers Reunited and Prodigal Posters - look who's back!

Post 8

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Have we lost BeguiledMortal, Joly Winegums, Wandrin' Star, Rebel Wolf?

The list is too long for me to grasp.

Unconformity? Liquid Warrior?

And I'm a relative newbie!!!

And, of course, Redpeckhm!!


smiley - musicalnote

Researchers Reunited and Prodigal Posters - look who's back!

Post 9

You can call me TC

Well, I'm here. Have been back since the morning after we went live again.

Anything you would like us to do - check any bugs or anything? I have noticed a couple of anomalies, but they are known to Those Who Can Do Something About It.

There was this strange thread that kept appearing twice in the "My conversations" - actually that was rather an endearing little smiley - ant - and the fact that I am "not allowed" to change my name. I can fiddle with the tag in the "Settings" as much as I like, apparently, and at the moment, that is all I can see anywhere anyway. So basically, we put our name in the "Settings" and everyone can recognise us - right?

I've C&P'd the thread from the Transit Lounge about a possible meet somewhere some time, and was wondering how much of those fora will be retained/transferred - whatever.

I am trying to find the Announcement re: Journal writing month November. Is that project still on and if so, will it be re-announced here?

Researchers Reunited and Prodigal Posters - look who's back!

Post 10


If you subscribe to A85834173 you'll get exciting announcements such as this one F21546918?thread=8282442 with the notice about h2g2's National Journal Posting month.

Researchers Reunited and Prodigal Posters - look who's back!

Post 11

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

I'm here in the sense that I've transferred successfully, and so has Flamedancer, who hasn't been seen since before SSO! PaperKid's still missing, though (Gurus duly emailed). I'm not back in the sense of actually getting to be around yet, though--I've not had home internet since midJuly, and I don't know when that will change. When it does (maybe via a thingy from our mobile phone provider), I'll be mired in backlog for awhile...


*drags in huge mufflewhump basket*


Post 12


This post has been removed.

Researchers Reunited and Prodigal Posters - look who's back!

Post 13


Oooh! Mufflewhumps!

I'm rather enjoying seeing these faces back again. It's a weird time; it feels so familiar and yet there's new things, new challenges on the horizon. Dunno exactly what they are, but we know they're going to be there because we can't just hid behind the BBC and make the big bad internet go away.
We can actually *look* to the future now, rather than just assuming it's going to be the series of nows that the BBC seemed to promise.

smiley - fairy

Researchers Reunited and Prodigal Posters - look who's back!

Post 14


I'm back out of long term lurking, and splatting bugs smiley - smiley

smiley - rose

Researchers Reunited and Prodigal Posters - look who's back!

Post 15

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

I'm back, after far too long. It's good, but also kind of weird to be here again - it's so familiar, yet it all feels so different...

Researchers Reunited and Prodigal Posters - look who's back!

Post 16

Mrs Zen

Just a reminder: there's a page of links and stuff here for Returning Researchers: A87709990

Spread out the Welcome Mat, open the smiley - bubbly


Researchers Reunited and Prodigal Posters - look who's back!

Post 17

Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly)

Re: post #8, some of those folks are still missed, ... LW, Beguiled, the Rebel. Each seem to have moved on with their lives. I am still in-touch with 'old man' Unconformityn a half-dozen times a year.

Researchers Reunited and Prodigal Posters - look who's back!

Post 18

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

LW still keeps in touch via emails. Since his enforced retirement, he seems to have been busier than ever! smiley - biggrin

Maybe we can get him back. Although I know he probably hasn't received the official emails due to his address changing a number of times over recent years smiley - erm

Researchers Reunited and Prodigal Posters - look who's back!

Post 19

Mrs Zen

LW? Not Lord Wolfden? I thought he'd passed away.

Researchers Reunited and Prodigal Posters - look who's back!

Post 20

Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly)

Liquid Warrior, he was in the employ of the Beeb in unrelated capacities, if I recall. A lovely chap with a Mazin Fiddler sort of humour

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