A Conversation for Ask h2g2
Is it a sign of something...
Chris Morris Started conversation Feb 19, 2011
...that Douglas Adams is logged in at the moment?
I see that Two Bit Trigger Pumping Moron and John the Gardener are back as well...
Is it a sign of something...
IctoanAWEWawi Posted Feb 19, 2011
I ain't seen that many u numbers below mine online for a long time.
Either things are getting people interested again or it's barley-skew bug!
Is it a sign of something...
kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website Posted Feb 19, 2011
Must be a sign, just not sure what.
There are over 973 people on hootoo right now, but of course there aren't really as it's in the wee hours in the UK, so someone is fiddling with something under the bonnet.
Is it a sign of something...
Mrs Zen Posted Feb 19, 2011
But their eyes aren't open....
I think it's some wierd side effect of something else, asome sort of change to the sign on or log in system, presumably.
Is it a sign of something...
gandalfstwin OGGMSTKMBGSUIKWIATA Posted Feb 19, 2011
Who's online has been up and down like a yoyo today Icotan.
At the mo there are some 3300 hootoos on.
The Beeb are playing silly beggers with the site, is the consensus elsewhere!
Is it a sign of something...
MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship. Posted Feb 19, 2011
Could someone be spring-cleaning? Erasing all dead accounts, like Nighthoover ,
'Lettuce Spray'.
And my friend Venus' original PS, last online 2001!!! Luckily she has a new persona!
Please. Nooooo!!!!!!
Is it a sign of something...
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Feb 19, 2011
They ain't all online.... some of those U numbers, must*be locked out accounts (due to BBCID sign in changes etc). : I mentioned this in myjournal earlier, and best I and others come up with so far is that its either; some form of stress-testing on the new skin/database (randomly logging in U numbers in multiple sets/arrangements to test its stability), or some kind of back-up going on... or something suitably technnical ... but quite why we weren't told something like this would be happening over teh weekend (if its the stress-testing thing it might be running for quite a while... err no idea how long a backup database thinggy would take; and I'm sure Idon't remember seeing it doing this before when we were told the database of user's was being backed up.... err which Ithink we were some ... quite some time ago)
Is it a sign of something...
kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website Posted Feb 19, 2011
There's only 1000 odd on at the moment GT - check out by site:
DNA's eyes are open Ben, haven't checked anyone else's.
Is it a sign of something...
kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website Posted Feb 19, 2011
Is it a sign of something...
Mrs Zen Posted Feb 19, 2011
Annoyingly, none of my other accounts are in the list, but that's interesting in itself, because I maintained all but one of them as live accounts through the various ID changest.
Is it a sign of something...
kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website Posted Feb 19, 2011
The number is steadily going up... 1116 now.
2legs, I don't think they bother telling us now when they're fiddling with things.
Is it a sign of something...
Mrs Zen Posted Feb 19, 2011
Sometimes they do, and sometimes they don't.
Is it a sign of something...
kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website Posted Feb 19, 2011
Are you using my link GT?
1245 now and the Italics have dropped off the list...
Is it a sign of something...
kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website Posted Feb 19, 2011
That's odd Ben. Some of mine are missing too.
Is it a sign of something...
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Feb 19, 2011
When I first noticed earlier today; it was at about 250 online; it then gradually went up, I saw 500+, then about 750+ then over 1000 and I think up to about 2000, then it seemed to decline, back to the thousands, 700's, and down I think I saw again, about as low as 400, (but I wasn't online much then), since which its going up again; seems to be following a patturn, of going up and down, which is why Ithink it might be stress-testing some part of the new skin/systme...
Is it a sign of something...
kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website Posted Feb 19, 2011
HD, when you switch between ID and Name you lose the ID by site bit. Are you using by site and by name/ID?
Numbers seem to be dropping again.
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Is it a sign of something...
- 1: Chris Morris (Feb 19, 2011)
- 2: IctoanAWEWawi (Feb 19, 2011)
- 3: kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website (Feb 19, 2011)
- 4: Mrs Zen (Feb 19, 2011)
- 5: gandalfstwin OGGMSTKMBGSUIKWIATA (Feb 19, 2011)
- 6: MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship. (Feb 19, 2011)
- 7: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Feb 19, 2011)
- 8: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Feb 19, 2011)
- 9: kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website (Feb 19, 2011)
- 10: kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website (Feb 19, 2011)
- 11: gandalfstwin OGGMSTKMBGSUIKWIATA (Feb 19, 2011)
- 12: Mrs Zen (Feb 19, 2011)
- 13: kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website (Feb 19, 2011)
- 14: Mrs Zen (Feb 19, 2011)
- 15: kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website (Feb 19, 2011)
- 16: hygienicdispenser (Feb 19, 2011)
- 17: gandalfstwin OGGMSTKMBGSUIKWIATA (Feb 19, 2011)
- 18: kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website (Feb 19, 2011)
- 19: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Feb 19, 2011)
- 20: kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website (Feb 19, 2011)
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