A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Recovering from Stockholm Syndrome - h2g2 after the BBC

Post 981


*leaving muddy footprints*

I'd say

Help! the Dolphins are 'bout to Leave!
From Auntie there will be no reprieve
As much as we belove hootoo
Without cold hard ca$h no noo
Leaving us with dead storage in hand
Sans Community we cannot stand
Do pitch in where you can
Be it monetary or as a fan
Entries and suggestions taken
Our quest not forsaken
Lest it falls in hands a-strange
The improbable we can arrange

or something like that.

smiley - cheers Martin
Excuse the footwear induced halitosis

Recovering from Stockholm Syndrome - h2g2 after the BBC

Post 982

Mrs Zen

smiley - bigeyes

Recovering from Stockholm Syndrome - h2g2 after the BBC

Post 983


An idea:

Any community led h2g2 site would need lots more volunteers for a variety of roles, what about letting anyone who volunteers, or donates have an 'h2g2 supporter' badge. Then you would know that someone had given up their time or money, but it wouldn't be obvious which.

Yes there would be some roles that would need a badge (it's important to know that scouts are scouts) but if we needed volunteer moderators, or volunteer I dunno, phone answerers, or something.. that wouldn't be public.

Recovering from Stockholm Syndrome - h2g2 after the BBC

Post 984

Mrs Zen

Oh, I like that idea. (Someone is RIGHT in the kitchen!)

I do have to say, this collaborative working and reasoned debate malarkey soesn't half come up with some cracking improvements on one or two people jumping to the first conclusion they find.

Recovering from Stockholm Syndrome - h2g2 after the BBC

Post 985


OK, how about this (agree-ing with this, not with that, etc.)

The Official functions on h2g2 (Editor, Scout, etc.) get a badge to distinguish themselves and are mandatory.

The other options, like supporter, donator, fan-of-the-month, etc. badges are optional but available on an opt-in basis.

The Achievements (Entry accepted in the EG/AG/UG, most recommendations, etc.) badges are optional but available on an opt-out basis.

Mmmmhhh ?

smiley - cheers Martin
Excuse the footwear induced halitosis

Recovering from Stockholm Syndrome - h2g2 after the BBC

Post 986


>> How would you do it Happy Nerd?

Under the assumption that there is no knight in shining whatnots to save us from disposal, you mean? And that the BBC gives h2g2 to the h2g2 Community Consortium to run as a not-for-profit exercise?

Effers I would use the fund-raising models of every single not-for-profit activity I've ever been involved in:

1) Accept sponsorships (but not ads) from corporate sponsors in exchange for goods or services or financial support. (Note: the difference between an ad and a sponsorship is clearly defined here, but your mileage may vary.)

2) Shamelessly accept money in exchange for premiums such as decorations for personal spaces, t-shirts, ball caps, tote bags, drinking vessels, sporks, and plush 2legs toys.

3) Hold h2g2 write-ins to promote getting as many entries written as possible.

4) Promote h2g2 in schools through writing contests, perhaps to coincide with Towel Day.

5) Gladly accept donations.

Recovering from Stockholm Syndrome - h2g2 after the BBC

Post 987


Why not ads ?
As long as the ads are not obtrusive or crippeling to mobile devices I would be OK with them. I'd even tell AdblockPlus to let them through.

smiley - cheers Martin
Excuse the footwear induced halitosis

Recovering from Stockholm Syndrome - h2g2 after the BBC

Post 988


6) Encourage all types of contributions, including editing, photography, coding, art, and bookkeeping.

7) Build connections with other writing sites.

Recovering from Stockholm Syndrome - h2g2 after the BBC

Post 989


Martin! Awesome.

Recovering from Stockholm Syndrome - h2g2 after the BBC

Post 990


Thanks. smiley - blush
I'll try to immortalize it in AWW : Ode to the Community - A81426080

smiley - cheers Martin
Excuse the footwear induced halitosis

Recovering from Stockholm Syndrome - h2g2 after the BBC

Post 991


>> HN,
Why not ads ?

There is always some risk in accepting corporate money when dealing with issues of free speech. There may be repercussions during elections, etc. It may be simpler to accept sponsorships only and protect our right to speak as freely as we dare.

Recovering from Stockholm Syndrome - h2g2 after the BBC

Post 992

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Very interesting discussion. smiley - ok

I give money to a number of nonprofit organizations, and I would welcome ways of doing it anonymously, as I always get a flood of direct-mail and/or email solicitations from any organization that knows I have given them money.

I really really don't care whether I get a badge or not. I would like to live in peace and harmony with everyone. smiley - zen

Recovering from Stockholm Syndrome - h2g2 after the BBC

Post 993


Those are some pretty awesome designs, it's good to see someone's already putting stuff out there for us. I think stuff like that could really keep the site going.

And "Hallo" to you Haragai - it's nice to see another Dutchman around here (I'm Dutch on my mom's side).

Recovering from Stockholm Syndrome - h2g2 after the BBC

Post 994

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - smiley thanks

I'm just thinking about a re-redesign for hootoo. But I don't know what's technically easy to do.

Anyhow... where have we been in this discussion? smiley - huh

Recovering from Stockholm Syndrome - h2g2 after the BBC

Post 995


Going back to post 983

>what about letting anyone who volunteers, or donates have an 'h2g2 supporter' badge.<

Z I really like that term, and that it includes people who put in a lot of practical work for the site.

(I nominate Tav already).

Recovering from Stockholm Syndrome - h2g2 after the BBC

Post 996

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - laughsmiley - blush

Yes, a good idea. It shows that somebody cares for h2g2 but also keeps volunteers and people who give money at the same level. Nobody can feel 'superior'.

Recovering from Stockholm Syndrome - h2g2 after the BBC

Post 997

Mrs Zen

>> I always get a flood of direct-mail and/or email solicitations from any organization that knows I have given them money.

The Data Protection Act would prevent us from doing that, Paul. In the UK (and EU) you may only capture personal data for specific purposes and may only keep it so long as you need it to fulfil those purposes; and individuals have the right to opt in and opt out of receiving marketing materials (mail, texts, emails, calls).

*Purposes* which would require an email but which would not require your Real Life ID
- to secure your account so that only you could use it
- to obain an agreement that whoever used your account would adhere to our terms and conditions
- to confirm you were over any age limit set for use of the site (*confirm* - ha ha!)

*Purposes* which would require a Real Life ID, but only for the duration of the transaction
- to accept money for purchased goods or services (t-shirts, smartphone apps, ebooks)
- to accept donations

Realistically, its likely that these would be handled by third parties anyway.

*Purposes* which would require a Real LIfe ID on an ongoing basis
- membership of the Legal Entity - eg becoming a shareholder in a Company Ltd by Guarantee or becoming a membership of a Co-operative.

*Purposes* which would require a Real LIfe ID indefinitely
- having certain responsibilities within the Legal Entity now or at any time in the past - eg being a signatory on the Bank Accounts, signing contracts, etc.

The Data Protection Act only applies in the EU and certain other countries, but not in the US. However for simplicities sake it would be best if we complied with it for all researchers, not just EU ones.

The key thing is that we could not email you with *newsletters* or other marketing material without your express permission. This may have been why the BBC could not email everyone to warn them about changes to their BBC accounts.


Recovering from Stockholm Syndrome - h2g2 after the BBC

Post 998


>> I'm just thinking about a re-redesign for hootoo. But I don't know what's technically easy to do.
Anyhow... where have we been in this discussion? << Tavaron

Design and technology are less interconnected than one might think and while the advances in technology enable more advanced/flash-y/functional bells&whistles the basis of design lies more in the aesthetics than technology.
To simplify: You dream up a design, meaning the picture, and the Techies make it happen and it might be just a matter of developing a new skin.

The functionality, an intricate part of the Design, may be limited by (current) technology or may take too much time/money to develop.

If/When the h2g2c2 is the party that 'inherits' hootoo there will come a time that a redesign-committee is formed to undertake that delicate task.
So be careful what you say, you might be considered a Volunteer! smiley - winkeye

This discussion has been all over the place and for the moment is going everywhere. In due time we need to sweep the threads and compile a digest of the subjects discussed and put them up for vote.

smiley - cheers Martin
Excuse the footwear induced halitosis

Recovering from Stockholm Syndrome - h2g2 after the BBC

Post 999

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - cheers Yes, please let me volunteer! smiley - winkeye

Maybe we'll need a summary of the Barlesque discussion... ah well smiley - sighsmiley - laugh

Recovering from Stockholm Syndrome - h2g2 after the BBC

Post 1000


there had better be a Volunteer list started on another thread or you might loose prople

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