A Conversation for Ask h2g2


Post 341

Percy von Wurzel

I do not understand why I deserve a hug. Presumably for my archaic spelling of mediaeval?


Post 342

JK the unwise

(my brother is a shoesalesman, but you may call me) JAR
Percy von Wurzel
in a tree......etc
I think it is for the lucidness of your argument.


Post 343

Percy von Wurzel

Thanks for the compliment. Dare I spoil it all by pointing out that the noun is 'lucidity'?


Post 344

JK the unwise

No you dare not.


Post 345

Percy von Wurzel

AHHhh... I am glad that I did not then.


Post 346


Are you talking to yourself?


Post 347

Percy von Wurzel

Not any more.


Post 348

Fragilis - h2g2 Cured My Tabular Obsession

LOL! smiley - smiley

*And now I must break up this thread so it has something other than short 1-sentence posts in it.*

getting rid of responsibilities

Post 349


This conversation is dead, huh?

Tell you what I think. I think there is a God. He's as much a part of the universe as any one of us. Therefore, someday, we'll find Him. Sort of like that Star Trek movie. But it'll be much much more fantastic because He has to exist in multiple dimensions.... much like all of us.

I have it all figured out. We're all multidimensional beings. We exist outside of space and time. That's why some of us think we remember prior lives, because we've got one foot in all possible times. We're not remembering prior lives, we're experiencing them as we impinge in this time.

Well, gotta go and turn in some expenses.

getting rid of responsibilities

Post 350

Martin Harper

must ... resist ... sarcastic ... reply

*struggles with the dark side*

getting rid of responsibilities

Post 351

Percy von Wurzel

Hello Fragilis, it's amazing how one keeps on bumping into the same people on all sorts of H2G2 threads.
Lucinda, was the sarcastic comment you so heroically resisted something to do with 'not on the same planet'? Oh well, I am glad someone has got it 'all figured out'.

getting rid of responsibilities

Post 352

Martin Harper

Nah, I was just thinking of all the useful things I might do with this multi-dimensional body... smiley - winkeye

getting rid of responsibilities

Post 353

Percy von Wurzel

I have quite enough trouble with my bog-standard corpse impinging (weevils ping!) on this bit of the space-time continuum. I see from your H2G2 page that you were hatched in(near) Salisbury. Snap. I don't suppose that you were incarcerated in BWS were you?


Post 354

JK the unwise

Would all people in existance
refaine from now on in useing
neoscibabble rubbish to try and
justify there zanny belifs.
Startreck is not real and its
phisics make little sence (they
seem only to be glued togeather
with naratirium)
Some things are imposible we
call these things contradictions
GOD is a contradiction if he is
all powerfull and a God that is
a creature that is alive and
part of our univerce please give
me a break what a load of POO.
smiley - smiley

getting rid of responsibilities

Post 355

Martin Harper

don't have a clue - my exact birthplace is just one of many pieces of info of which I'm blissfully ignorant... smiley - smiley


Post 356

Mankoid's Flipper

This post has been removed.

God is a conntradiction.

Post 357

JK the unwise

An all powerfull God is a contration
(ie the hevey stone thing)
So lets dissmiss it.
Can any one put forward an argument
for the existance of a being that
is quite powerfull and dose god
like stuff?

smiley - smiley

God is a conntradiction.

Post 358

JK the unwise

Kant all so ofered
the the existance of an
all powerfull god as a
postulate to moral reasoning
so if you act moraly you
must belive in god to
justify this.
I have no problem with this
as i reject morallity as a
falacy inforced by humanitys

God is a conntradiction.

Post 359

JAR (happy to be back, but where's Ping?)

I agree, morality is a human fallacy that has forced us to keep useless humans like Stephen Hawkins alive, even though common sense dictates that he is nothing but an expence for the tribe, and should be left out to wolfs.

Please note sarcasm.

smiley - fish

God is a conntradiction.

Post 360

Percy von Wurzel

Define morality please.

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