A Conversation for Ask h2g2

The 2005 Douglas Adams Memorial lecture

Post 1

The Duke of Dunstable

The title of this years lecture is "Last chance to see... Just a bit more."
Speaker: Mark Carwardine
Date: Thursday 10 March 2005
Venue: The Royal Institution, Albemarle Street, London W1
Time: lecture begins at 7.30pm
Price: £20 for main auditorium with drink beforehand, £12 for gallery seating without drink.

All the info is on Save the Rhino's website - www.savetherhino.org and tickets can be brought on line or by downloading the online ticket order form and returning it to them with a cheque.

The lecture will be followed by a fundraising auction, prizes including Douglas' computer and other memorabilia.

Synopsis: "Zoologist Mark Carwardine (co-author of Last Chance to See with Douglas Adams) spends more than half the year travelling the world in search of wildlife and exploring wild places.

From working with Inuit hunters to find walruses and photographing blue whales from the open door of a small plane to snorkelling with feeding killer whales and cage-diving with great white sharks, he encounters more wildlife in a year than most people dream of encountering in a lifetime. Along the way, he's been shot at by a drunken policeman in Zambia, mugged by a gang of drug addicts in New York and ambushed by bandits in Tanzania; he has stayed in a hotel-cum-brothel in Mali and been thrown into jail in Moscow; and he's been bitten by everything from a venomous spider in Australia to an elephant trunk snake in Basingstoke.

In this highly entertaining lecture he describes some of his experiences and encounters with wild animals and even wilder people around the world - including some hilarious behind-the-scenes stories from Last Chance to See. And, inevitably, he has a thing or two to say about the state of the world."

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Post 2

h2g2 auto-messages

Editorial Note: This conversation has been moved from 'h2g2 Announcements' to 'Ask the h2g2 Community'.

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Post 3


Hello Duke!

Many thanks for posting information about this year's Lecture, but the best place for announcements of this kind is in the Askh2g2 thread - which is where I've now moved it to.

Cheers! smiley - cheers

h2g2 Assistant Producer

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Post 4

Titania (gone for lunch)

Hem, hem, hem...smiley - witch

This event has already been advertised in the 'Announcements' section of smiley - thepost for some time - there's even a list of researchers planning to attend here: A3009142

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Post 5

The Duke of Dunstable

Thanks all. I wasn't sure where to post it, and when I did under announcements, I discovered too late that I wasn't supposed to. Anyway, thanks for taking care of it, and appologies for the inconvenience. smiley - cheers

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Post 6

Titania (gone for lunch)

Stopp där! Duke!

Since you seem to have quite a lot of details about the event, could I interest you in writing up something for smiley - thepost?

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Post 7


*Grumbles because she's stuck in Akron...*

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Post 8

Mr Jack

*Grumbles because he's a poor boy from poor family*

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Post 9


The other thread seems to have been dormant since the start of December so I've asked about their plans.

More information: http://www.savetherhino.org/lectures__talks/3rd_daml_05.phtml
smiley - bluefish

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