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I do not like Xmas

Post 1

a visitor to planet earth

I haven't enjoyed Xmas for years. Does anyone else out there feel the same way?

I do not like Xmas

Post 2

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Personally, I think i wouldnt realy bother either if i was on my own but you have to make the effort when you have Children, and try get in to the Christmas spirit.

I do not like Xmas

Post 3

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I do* enjoy Christmas in some respects, and only* because of a couple of things.
First, I have no* Christmas decorations, and do not decorate my house with tree etc or anything.
Second half my friends have never bought Christmas presents for each other.
Third, and mainly, I leave my house and go to my FAthers at Christmas, he does* do the decorations and such like, and it just kinda makes more sense him doing it relaly, I guess cause he always has since we all were kids and such like.
Mainly as I'm back at my FAthers I get to go to loads of pubs I know relaly well, meet loads of people I know that I don't see rest of the year round....
I do* like buying presents for people, unfortuantly I've never useually got many to buy for smiley - sadface though I have bought more this year which is good smiley - smiley I hate spending money on stuff for myself, I get bored with it too quick smiley - erm

I do not like Xmas

Post 4


I'll send Master B to join you visitor, he hates the festive season to.

I do not like Xmas

Post 5


Well, the thing about it is, you can't really avoid it!

(Bit like your 40th birthday - it'll happen whether you cannot bear the thought of itsmiley - sadface, or embrace it with all its joys and possibilities smiley - somersault)

So accept it's gonna happen, nowt much you can do about it, and try to find one thing about it you like - whether that be the roast turkey, carol singing, the silly jokes inside crackers, time spent with family, a day or 2 or 3 off work, the thought of the January sales, midnight mass, stilton and port, The Great Escape on telly.......

....and anyway, it'll all be over in a couple of weeks smiley - cheerup

I do not like Xmas

Post 6

aka Bel - A87832164

I would probably like christmas if I could spend it the way I'd choose, but as it is, I hate it, same with new year's eve, I'm counting the days till it'll all be over

I do not like Xmas

Post 7

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Oh mi BoB that was awful; I was just put on hold on the blower and forced to listen to that awful Christmas song by Slade or some such group smiley - yuk I feel physically sick smiley - ill

I do not like Xmas

Post 8

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

I am also Anti-Christmas. I am not a Christian, and do not understand why one day a year gives everyone the right to force false bonhommie on people and expect the recipient to be ecstatic about such effusive praise. I feel that there is a huge amount spent in the build-up and, working in retail, by the beginning of October I am saturated. It is a blessing when the 25th arrives. It is a quiet couple of days for me, although I am going away, for the first time in 15 years, this year.
I do not want to appear 'Bah Humbug', it just seems unfair that those who are not inclined towards an alleged 'Immaculate' birth are expected to enthuse about it. Why???
Why do I not get given days off for Hannuckah, Eid, Diwali or any of the other 'Religious' festivities. Would it not be easier to cancel Christmas and give everyone 2-3 days off a year to celebrate their preferred 'religious' festival.
The above is not intended to disparage anyone's religious beliefs, just that, as an agnostic, I don't hold those beliefs myself.

smiley - musicalnote

I do not like Xmas

Post 9

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

lettuce all celibrate hoovermass instead smiley - zen

I do not like Xmas

Post 10

a visitor to planet earth

The christians hijacked xmas. It was always a time of celebration for us pagans, plenty of food, drink and women.

I do not like Xmas

Post 11

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Cuel, so my 'version' of Christmas where I get totally wasted for a few weeks before and till after new years day, is kinda like the origional idea? smiley - stiffdrink

I do not like Xmas

Post 12


see it as a stepping stone to new year

I do not like Xmas

Post 13

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

25 september; hoovermass

I do not like Xmas

Post 14


I think of christmas as 'in', turning inwards; new year blows outwards.....3 cheers for new year

I do like Xmas!!!

Post 15

Bambi - Keeper of Crystals and Royal Heart Royal (The Stag of Balwyniti)


I do actually enjoy Christmas, but I see your point of view.

However, the reason why we get 2-3 days off per year is because we *are* a Christian country. No-one would oject to celebrating a Jewish festival in Isreal (except perhaps the Palesinians smiley - winkeye ) etc., so why shouldn't we celebrate Christmas in a Christian country. Before I get flamed, I am not a card carrying envagelising Christian, I don't go to Church and I am of the opinion that much of what the C of E spouts is rubbish, but I respect the views of others and the traditions of this Country.

Nevertheless, modern Christmas has become so commerciallised, starting earlier and earlier each year. Personally, this aspect is something that I hate - why can't we get back to giving small gifts to a few close friends and having a relaxing time with friends and family...?

Bambi smiley - reindeer

I do like Xmas!!!

Post 16


Christmas is a festival for spending money.......yawn

I detest Xmas!!!

Post 17


I dont believe it! Far too much emphasis is put on one bloody day of the year.On top of that it's a financial nightmare, no matter who you are.Two legs has the right idea,let someone else do all the work!,and LuckyStar your right it will be over in a couple of weeks,but doesn't it come round again oh too quickly? I'd ban Christmas completely.It has outgrown it's place in a modern world which has turned it's back on the true meaning of the word.Bah humbug indeed!
Yours sincerely
Victor Meldrew

I detest Xmas!!!

Post 18


its a disease for spending money to get love. A big bloody myth. Why else do so many people hate it/

I detest Xmas!!!

Post 19

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I've never relaly bought tons of presents for like every relitive or friend etc... This year was a bit different as I got something for everyone on the course I was on (pretty small group), more than anythign though that was because it will probably* have been teh last time we were togehter as a group smiley - erm now I only relaly get me dad and brother something smiley - erm and useually get me lodger a bottle of alcohol or some such thing smiley - erm

I detest Xmas!!!

Post 20


2legs if you can't be bothered to type legibly don't expect a proper answer. Well done for your stupid present buying spree

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