A Conversation for Ask h2g2

4 quick Yes or No questions I need answered for a college project

Post 21


1. No

2. Yes, I'd bite their hand off.

3. Yes, I'd bite their hand off.

4. Yes, I'd bite their hand off.

(Note to Eds, I'm being metaphorical and using a colloqualism in my terminolgy here..smiley - erm)

4 quick Yes or No questions I need answered for a college project

Post 22

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Never one to hold back! smiley - rofl Eh? Effers! smiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh

It is good to know you haven't changed... smiley - tongueincheek


smiley - musicalnote

4 quick Yes or No questions I need answered for a college project

Post 23

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

*backs away from teh biting one*
Oi! I still use my hands smiley - biggrinsmiley - blush

4 quick Yes or No questions I need answered for a college project

Post 24

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Doubly, triply and quadruply yes to number *four*, as I am having some serious pain right now! I'd bite hands off, for number 4, but no matter that I want to smiley - wah and acting a.m.a. with a bagful of P*n*d*l (trade name)< I still wouldn't go for 2 and 3. The question was framed as 'killing', no mention of embryoes, and no to killing. Anyone.


4 quick Yes or No questions I need answered for a college project

Post 25

Alec Trician. (is keeping perfectly still)

1.Yes...eventual loss of sight seems to run in the family.

2.No. I would get the Quacks name and number and start preparing a witness statement

3.No. Ditto

4.Free you say?...are you the same Quack from Q2 and Q3?

alec.smiley - clown

4 quick Yes or No questions I need answered for a college project

Post 26


1. Yes.
2. Probably not.
3. 'Might' is a word I haven't heard many scientists/doctors use, so I would doubt the authenticity of the 'cure' and decline.
4. Yes.

4 quick Yes or No questions I need answered for a college project

Post 27

Researcher U197087

1 Yes
2 No
3 Yes
4 Yes

4 quick Yes or No questions I need answered for a college project

Post 28

I'm not really here

"...but doesn't it really come down to at what point do these cells become human."

Er, at what point was this thread about cells? Is there someone someone is not telling me?

4 quick Yes or No questions I need answered for a college project

Post 29

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

1.Do you or anyone in your family have cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, cancer, alzheimer's disease, parkinson's desease, spinal-cord injuries, birth defects, been burned severely, or blind?
Answer: Yes

2. If science offered you a free cure, but it involved killing another human being to cure you, would you take it?
Answer: No

3. If science offered you a free cure, but it MIGHT involve killing another human being, would you take it?
Answer: No

4. If science offered you a free cure and it did not involve any killing, would you take it?
Answer: Pending Yes, but I'd want to know what it *did* involve before I signed on any dotted line.

4 quick Yes or No questions I need answered for a college project

Post 30

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

1. No particularly close family. Everybody knows someone with cancer these days.

2. Possibly, if the 'victim' knows and consents.

3. Probably, if the 'victim' knows and consents.

4. Yes.

4 quick Yes or No questions I need answered for a college project

Post 31

psychocandy-moderation team leader

1. yes
2. yes
3. yes
4. yes

4 quick Yes or No questions I need answered for a college project

Post 32

badger party tony party green party

1. Yes

2. Depends whose being killed. If its someone I really dont care for then go for it. Lets face it there are peole starving and I cant put them infront of my appetite it'd be stupid to put other people's lives ahead of the life or quality of life of me and my loved ones.

3. See above.

4. Yes, if it is the same result as the other treatments but without the need to look the other way when news reports about my demands creating sufering for others come on the TV. Then having to make some token charity donations to asauge my guilt or simply sweep my ethical concerns under the carpet, then sure,that's even better.

So it seems the answer is to relocate stem cell research to parts of the world where life is treated cheaply and people who make a big noise about the santity of life dont really care because, well, its a long way-away.

one love smiley - rainbow

4 quick Yes or No questions I need answered for a college project

Post 33


1.) Yes
2.) No - my life isn't worth more than anyone else's
3.) No - see above
4.) Assuming the usual precautions about the efficacy of medicines, yes.


4 quick Yes or No questions I need answered for a college project

Post 34

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Yes, no, no, yes but once again the questions are far too broadly open to interpretation or possibility. Could the person who might die, die anyway in the near future? Would the person who would definitely die be already condemned to death or have a fatal disease? How can the efficacy of a cure be guaranteed? What kinds of death are they, what kinds of side effects does the cure have? How is death guaranteed or be merely possible?

This kind of fairy tale mental exercise can't really prove how people will really react or prove anything about the people who engage in it, even the answers themselves are completely open to different interpretations.

4 quick Yes or No questions I need answered for a college project

Post 35


1. No
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. No

smiley - reindeer

4 quick Yes or No questions I need answered for a college project

Post 36


smiley - laugh

Love it...

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