A Conversation for Ask h2g2
Why doesn't anybody know where cumbria is??
Jab [Since 29th November 2002] Posted Nov 28, 2004
Nah, slower than "Geordie", faster than "West country." It's a unique accent. Methodical is a word I'd use to describe it. The spoken sentence sounds confident, with a conclusion to it, not a question as in other parts of the UK.
You might need to translate some local words for things, in Lancashire we would call a stream, a stream, oddly enough. In Cumbria they may call the same a "beck."
See what do you think of it?
Why doesn't anybody know where cumbria is??
Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday Posted Dec 19, 2004
Why doesn't anybody know where cumbria is??
Mol - on the new tablet Posted Dec 19, 2004
No, that's a very unseasonal reaction and I retract it. I hope you thoroughly enjoy every single mouthful!
Why doesn't anybody know where cumbria is??
Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday Posted Dec 19, 2004
Don't worry Mol, we will we're saving it until New Year when we've got family coming for lunch, the two of us couldn't manage even a Cartmel
on our own
Why doesn't anybody know where cumbria is??
Natalie Posted Dec 20, 2004
Oh I love that description of the accent as 'methodical'! That's very accurate. When I go home now I'm startled by how 'over-pronounced' everything is. (My accent hasn't changed at all - but I can only detect other people's accents...) I'm told it's a sort of cross between Lancastrian and Geordie.
Why doesn't anybody know where cumbria is??
Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday Posted Dec 20, 2004
It always amuses me when we take my daughter's youngest back home after a weeks holiday in Wales, she starts off broad Cumbrian, get's diluted a little by Grandad's Lancashire and then completely confused by all the relatives back home sort of 'Aye lass bach'!
Why doesn't anybody know where cumbria is??
Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday Posted Dec 20, 2004
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Why doesn't anybody know where cumbria is??
- 101: Jab [Since 29th November 2002] (Nov 28, 2004)
- 102: Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday (Dec 19, 2004)
- 103: Mol - on the new tablet (Dec 19, 2004)
- 104: Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday (Dec 19, 2004)
- 105: Natalie (Dec 20, 2004)
- 106: Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday (Dec 20, 2004)
- 107: Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday (Dec 20, 2004)
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