A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Little things that disturb you about Britain

Post 41

badger party tony party green party

The fact that we live in such a great place yet people who on a global scale (and who I doubt in all honesty would willingly go back to living in pre 1960s Britain gfiving up all the advantages of post industrial Britain) keep whinging on about what's wrong while seemingly not looking ahead to how we can make things better.

That and people who whinge about the weather.

one love smiley - rainbow

Little things that disturb you about Britain

Post 42

Secretly Not Here Any More

Tell you what disturbed me about the earthquake: it didn't wake me up, but a small cat did when it decided to curl up next to my face and start purring.

Little things that disturb you about Britain

Post 43


My hands and feet have been shredded by a small cat recently...

smiley - ok Disturbing things, in the form of a list.

That it costs more to get to Blackpool by train than it does to get to Madrid by plane.


Toad in the hole.

Nectar points.

All the chalk and stab wounds I have to sort out on my pub floor after Salsa night.

Pack-a-macs or whatever they're called.

Invincible old men and women with dogs that you see on coastal walks who make cryptic and sinister comments when asked about how far you've got left to walk before you can get a drink.

When you exercise in the cold and start to steam gently.


Little things that disturb you about Britain

Post 44


">>England won the football world cup.<<

And why would that be important?"

It's like the Hale-Bopp comet. Knowing it'll never be seen again in our lifetime gives a sense of it being a phenomenal event. smiley - tongueout

Little things that disturb you about Britain

Post 45


Not to mention that our opponents in that particular match were our arch enemies, the French.

Little things that disturb you about Britain

Post 46

Secretly Not Here Any More

Or rather, the Germans.

Little things that disturb you about Britain

Post 47

aka Bel - A87832164

I'm glad you cleared that up, Psycorp, I had just started wondering about the French bit. I'm so easily confused, especially when football is concerned. smiley - biggrin

Little things that disturb you about Britain

Post 48

Secretly Not Here Any More

I think we drew 0-0 with France in the opening game. Either them or Mexico. We beat the one we didn't draw with 2-0 though.

I can't be expected to remember these things, it was 19 years before I was born. My dad was only 7 at the time!

Little things that disturb you about Britain

Post 49


We were playing football against the Germans, yes, but symbolically it was a victory over the French.

Little things that disturb you about Britain

Post 50

aka Bel - A87832164

Oh, there's even film material to be found here:



Post 51



And helped by our Azeri friend, Tofik Beyramov (the "Russian" linesman).

English people who don't like muslims should remember him.


Post 52

The Groob

The fact that Westlife have had 13 number one singles - four less than the Beatles - and that I can name obscure Beatles album tracks but can't remember or name a single Westlife single.


Post 53

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

Which bit of that disturbs you groob? I'm quite disturbed that you know you dont know any WL singles!

I've never put that much thought into it!


Post 54


>>The fact that Westlife have had 13 number one singles - four less than the Beatles - and that I can name obscure Beatles album tracks but can't remember or name a single Westlife single. <<

I get why the first bit worries you, but surely the second part is proof that you are of sound mind and good moral character, no?

Things I dislike about Britain:
The Daily Express, the casual racism and classism you find in some places (Bradford mostly), and the fact that - despite the fact I hardly have an accent and haven't lived in the city for 5 years - as soon as I open my mouth, someone will do a stupid Scouse impression.


Post 55


Simpost with Ms Hoode, obviously my reply was for GRJ.


Post 56


"the casual racism and classism you find in some places (Bradford mostly)"

tried living there?

"the fact that - despite the fact I hardly have an accent and haven't lived in the city for 5 years - as soon as I open my mouth, someone will do a stupid Scouse impression."

ey, arright, cyalm down our ba!


Post 57


>>"the casual racism and classism you find in some places (Bradford mostly)"

tried living there?<<

Yep - I am right now. And I also work (t)here. I've lived in a few places around the UK now and I can honestly say that Bradford is the most racist place I've ever lived. In most cases it isn't overt, there's just lots of little things. And it comes from all the different communities too. It really gets me down, the level of casual hatred people hold for each other.

And smiley - snowball for the Scouse thing smiley - winkeye


Post 58

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

The Baby Boom generation just refusing to accept the way things were for people of whatever given age they've reached, and changing it all around. Partly because they sometimes throw the baby out with the bathwater, and partly because we in the generations after are expected to be anywhere near as revolutionary.


Post 59

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

What disturbs me about Britain is the way so much of our rich and fascinating history is regarded as some awful taboo that we have to be ashamed and apologetic about.


Post 60

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

I get somewhat disturbed about the habit brits have of reading tabloids and insisting it's real news!

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