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Little things that disturb you about Britain

Post 21

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

How come?

Little things that disturb you about Britain

Post 22


They way you are changing history to make it politically correct.

Little things that disturb you about Britain

Post 23

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

History cant be changed, only the telling of it.

Little things that disturb you about Britain

Post 24


HavenĀ“t you heard? Time travel might be possible in a few weeks. smiley - winkeye

Little things that disturb you about Britain

Post 25

Icy North

Little Britain

Little things that disturb you about Britain

Post 26

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

Now, Little Britain I can handle... League of Gentlemen freaks me RIGHT out.

Little things that disturb you about Britain

Post 27

Secretly Not Here Any More

I despise Little Britain.

Little things that disturb you about Britain

Post 28

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

Vaguely relevant: F1749279?thread=4551387

Little things that disturb you about Britain

Post 29

Taff Agent of kaos

the way that if england win any thing it's an english victory but if scotland or wales win it's a british victory

smiley - ermsmiley - ermsmiley - erm

smiley - bat

Little things that disturb you about Britain

Post 30

Icy North

It disturbs me that Wales and Scotland aren't still grateful to the English for showing such clemency after Edward I conquered their lands. We could have just called the whole lot "England". smiley - winkeye

Little things that disturb you about Britain

Post 31

Taff Agent of kaos

and then "fatty" henry could have named the whole country wales after the battle of bosworth

smiley - tongueoutsmiley - snork

smiley - bat

Little things that disturb you about Britain

Post 32

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

Just you wait till I conquer the lot!

Frisbeerlande it'll be smiley - smiley

Little things that disturb you about Britain

Post 33



yeah, he might have done. But then, "what's in a name?"
"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet."
It would be one country.

Little things that disturb you about Britain

Post 34


The utter contrariness of so many people in such a small space all refusing to acknowledge all the other people.

Though I suspect that's just in the south smiley - tongueout

Little things that disturb you about Britain

Post 35

The Groob

Soap operas

Celebrity obsession. Though, come to think of it, I can't think of one person who's obsessed with celebrities. Do they exist? They must do if the covers of magazines are anything to go by.

The power of the media.

Little things that disturb you about Britain

Post 36


The powerlessness of law enforcement

Little things that disturb you about Britain

Post 37


smiley - space
i can't find anything that disturbs me about current Britain... except perhaps the loss of Princess Diana... i have always felt that whole scenario was not on the up and up. smiley - erm

Little things that disturb you about Britain

Post 38


Disturbances, such as earthquakes.

Little things that disturb you about Britain

Post 39


Oh yes the terrible earthquakes smiley - dontpanic. There a little disturbing if you notice them or you have a sensative pet .

best fishes.......tod

Little things that disturb you about Britain

Post 40


I'm quite disturbed by them because I haven't noticed them at all, but everyone's talking about them, which is disconcerting. How do they manage to be so sneaky and happen so discretely?

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