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I've got this spider...

Post 21

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

My Brother carefully collects any large spiders he finds in the house or outside and takes them up to his bedroom, where they live a peaceful coexisatance with him on the windowledge, amongst cactus plants and some other plants, living off the huge amount of gnats/mosquitos we seems to get being not far from the marsh and also on flys and other insects, needless to say whilst I'm back in town, I will end up with 50 plus mosquito bites on my body (during the summer) whereas my Brother hardly ever gets any smiley - erm I think a statute of peaceful coexistance with spiders is the way foward, but obviously those spiders that do not adhere to the peaceful coexistance statute should be delt with appropiately smiley - evilgrin

I've got this spider...

Post 22


I'd also noticed the tendency of spiders to spin their webs on motorcycle handlebars, and engine heat is a good theory. There are others though:

a) They are trying to embarrass you in front of your mates. A motorcycle covered in cobwebs is a sure sign of a fair-weather biker.

b) They are trying to kill you, by forcing you to go really fast to shake the cobwebs off. (It doesn't work - you'd need to be doing mach 4).

c) They get bored when they're not killing and eating each other and fancy a bit of a blast.

On the other hand, perhaps all the sticky-outy bits just provide a good structural base and save them a lot of effort smiley - yawn.

I've got this spider...

Post 23

intelligent moose (the one true H2G2 Moose)

We had a bizarre spider in our basement the other day. We were trying to paint the room and there was one of those really leggy spiders in a corner. The ones with a little tiny body and reeeallly long legs. Every time I touched it, it spun round and round really fast hanging by one leg from the ceiling. Is this a normal defensive tactic for these spiders or was it just a weird spider?

I've got this spider...

Post 24


I say the spider is on something, and whille stubling home from the pub is found a nice place to rest, your bacement.smiley - spider

I've got this spider...

Post 25

The Doc

Eat it and find out.............

I've got this spider...

Post 26

intelligent moose (the one true H2G2 Moose)

Just checked some websites and it was a Pholcus phalangioides (apparently). Not read anything about spinny behaviour yet though...

I've got this spider...

Post 27

A Super Furry Animal

Ah, the aptly-named long-legged cellar spider. The spinning defence behaviour is described here:


RFsmiley - evilgrin

I've got this spider...

Post 28

I am Donald Sutherland

>> b) They are trying to kill you, by forcing you to go really fast to shake the cobwebs off. (It doesn't work - you'd need to be doing mach 4). <<

Now there's a novel excuse. "Sorry Officer, I had this spiders web on my handlebars and I was trying to get rid of it!"


I've got this spider...

Post 29

Madbeachcomber, I've done my spring cleaning, does that make me sad?

They realy are clever little criters, but sooo butt uglysmiley - erm

I've got this spider...

Post 30

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

I'm with you Feisor I smiley - lovesmiley - spidersmiley - spider 'cos I'm petrified of moths!

Las year we adopted a really big young lady smiley - spider, she lived in the study & used to sit on a pile of floppies next to my monitor. She frightened the life out of the smiley - blackcatsmiley - blackcat, they still are very wary about coming in here <laugh?

I've got this spider...

Post 31

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

smiley - bleep plaster cast smiley - laugh

I've got this spider...

Post 32

intelligent moose (the one true H2G2 Moose)

smiley - bookAh, the aptly-named long-legged cellar spider. The spinning defence behaviour is described here:

http://caliban.mpiz-koeln.mpg.de/~stueber/essays/pholcus/pholcus_phalangioides.htmlsmiley - book

Wow, isn't evolution great. It wasn't just a weird insane spider after all. You really do live and learn.

I've got this spider...

Post 33


wow, how long did it take you to find that?

I've got this spider...

Post 34


hmm I jsut found a dead spider whilst tidying my room smiley - cry

out of interest, does eating salt do any damage to spiders?

it was near part of an old ready salted hula hoop.

I've got this spider...

Post 35


generly if something is dead next to something, it's oftern whats killed it, make your mind up.

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