A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Websites everyone should visit.

Post 81

4me-2me (Please don't 8me)

For geeks jocks make by geek:
For hilarious jokes,sometime about geek but fondamentaly absurd:

Websites everyone should visit.

Post 82

A Super Furry Animal

21.7% - plain ordinary geek, me.

Blue Screen Of Death (BSOD) - are you kidding? It's what happens in Windoze all the time. it looks like this:


Or variants thereof.

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Websites everyone should visit.

Post 83

A Super Furry Animal

Gaah! Post 21 syndrome! Deduct 5 smiley - geek points immediately!

Unless...I did it deliberately for post-modern ironic effect? smiley - winkeye

Well, as this thread seems to be mostly about smiley - geeksmiley - geek, I assume everyone gets their Daily Dilbert, and is also a member of DNRC? If not, why not?


RFsmiley - evilgrin

Websites everyone should visit.

Post 84


What is the difference between geeks, nerds, boffins and swots?
Can you be a geek without being a nerd?

Websites everyone should visit.

Post 85

F F Churchton

I think you need a laboratory white coat and a clipboard to be a boffin.

I heard somewhere, (ie. it's cobblers) that nerds who live the geek-lifestyle but aren't clever.

Websites everyone should visit.

Post 86


An instant depression cure


Websites everyone should visit.

Post 87


BSOD - my favourite BSOD picture was of a several floors high computerised advertising sign in australia somewhere (I think) showing a BSOD - what an advert! Unfortunately I can't get a link to the image as it is on the NTK site (NeedToKnow) which cacky websense used by our work has bloked it as 'sex' related - which I should add is very much not the truth. Mind you, it also blocked a Save the rhino website for being 'sex' related as well.

Websites everyone should visit.

Post 88

RadoxTheGreen - Retired

Personally, I think everyone should visit my website. Unfortunately, I can't tell you what it is as that would be classed as advertising. smiley - erm Of course, smiley - evilgrinI can't stop anyone reading my personal space and deducing the site name from my email address. smiley - whistlesmiley - musicalnote
oh, and that links to Dilbert too...and h2g2...and, oh hang on, if I tell you any more I'll be advertising won't I? Oh, you'll just have to discover it for yourself.

PS. I know about the non-working directory links, I just haven't got around to doing them yet.

PPS. and yes, I know my .co.uk site is in bad need of updating too. I will do it...honest...when I get time...really, I will...

Websites everyone should visit.

Post 89

Researcher U197087


Websites everyone should visit.

Post 90

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

Geeks are, well, smiley - geeky... They know a little too much about things that non-geeks might consider to be irrelevant or 'sad'. They also enjoy games that dont necessarily involve bags of leather (unless it's a nifty pouch for your spell components... Or multi-sided dice) smiley - winkeye and probably very much enjoy slightly obscure jokes requiring some degree of awareness of less than common knowledge.

Nerds tend to be the guys (and girls) who are to geeks what geeks are to 'normals' or 'mundanes'. They probably build their own ham radios and learn morse code in order to get their licence. And then use it to no known effect other than gaining as many contacts as possible (yes, radio contact spotting... Like trainspotting but harder work). They might know detailed info and word-for word instruction manuals. and probably like to quote them loudly to people who dont know as much. In my experience nerds tend to have more motivation but less sense of humour than a smiley - geek.

Boffins are genuinely educated and motivated and know enough to make me feel rather inadequate. And yes, a clipboard/other paraphernalia and lab coat are necessary, unless it's a hot archeaology boffin of a girly doctor type who can wear tiny safari shorts and a tight vest smiley - winkeye (think Jurassic Park...)

Swots simply havent evolved or settled into their correct stereotype yet and will probably be nerds or boffins eventually, unless they drop out because of overdosing on D&D and perhaps getting laid (yep, another thing nerds dont get that geeks do!)... Or they are just REALLY annoying teachers-butt-kissing people who aren't ACTUALLY that smart but enjoy psyching out their opponents (i.e classmates) until they all fail smiley - smiley

Websites everyone should visit.

Post 91


sorry, but your definition of boffin is wrong.
Boffin: One who knows more/is more intelligent than the average daily mail/sun reader and has made the mistake of saying something which said readers don't understand.

Websites everyone should visit.

Post 92

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

smiley - rofl and what authority do you claim to tell me I'm wrong? I'm a wannabe doctor of human relations educated at the university of Not-quite-there-yet... What can you say to that? hm? smiley - winkeye

Websites everyone should visit.

Post 93


gah, bl**dy boffin...

Websites everyone should visit.

Post 94

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

smiley - magic I WIN!

smiley - laugh

now, where's the place to start that thread about how I can predict economic patterns by analysing my farts?...

Websites everyone should visit.

Post 95

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

< A29374473 > innergeek

Websites everyone should visit.

Post 96

Researcher 188007

Geek test: 17.4%

Just a journeyman geek as I thought. Though the THAC0 question brought to the surface the reams of AD&D info I absorbed but almost never used. And I should probably get bonus points for having seen Man or Astroman (Alabaman surf punk) live. One of the guys had some spaceman helmet or summat on which he set on fire. Hilarious.

Websites everyone should visit.

Post 97

F F Churchton

Well if it was baked bean economy there would probably be some sort of supply & demand correlation relating to your income, the price of baked beans and the atmospheric composition of your house.

Personally I don't think it is possible for boffins to be wrong. Mistakes are probably made by 'working-class' people somewhere down the line.

Websites everyone should visit.

Post 98

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

Of course not. If something a boffin thoeorises or advises on, is misunderstood, misconstrued or misrepresented, it's obviously the fault of someone who is undereducated and something of an egotist.

Boffins dont have ego, otherwise they become clowns. They have facts, figures and theories, it's that simple!

Websites everyone should visit.

Post 99


What about dweebs?

Websites everyone should visit.

Post 100


"Boffins dont have ego, otherwise they become clowns."

From Boffin to Boffo?

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