A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Flame Warriors

Post 1


This is meant as a bit of fun, so I hope people will take it in that spirit and not actually start flaming.

Which Flame Warrior are you? And do you recognize any of your hootoo friends?

I think I am more or less Big Cat. smiley - biggrin Though some may think otherwise. Anyhow, let's keep it light-hearted, okay?



Flame Warriors

Post 2

A Super Furry Animal

Huh! No badger on the list!

(Not that I'd claim it for myself, as that would obviously lead to an outbreak of badger war! smiley - winkeye

I think I'll have to be Perv.

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Flame Warriors

Post 3

Alec Trician. (is keeping perfectly still)

hi azsmiley - smiley

...my first thought was to claim 'Xenophobe'

but he looks too serioussmiley - grr

so i'll claim 'evil clown'

alec.smiley - clown

Flame Warriors

Post 4


hi alec,

That's a great idea to post the link to the Warrior personality. smiley - ok

Big Cat is:



Flame Warriors

Post 5


Reddyfreddy's Perv is here:


smiley - laugh


Flame Warriors

Post 6

A Super Furry Animal

I don't think I should post a link to Perv.

Those that wish to know more can go and find out for themselves! smiley - winkeye

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Flame Warriors

Post 7


Oops, too late! smiley - evilgrin


Flame Warriors

Post 8

A Super Furry Animal

Damn simulposts!

Thanks for "outting" me, az!

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Flame Warriors

Post 9


Evil clown does sound a bit like you, alec. smiley - biggrin


Flame Warriors

Post 10

Kat - From H2G2


Kat is ashamed to say she will duel with any cause

Flame Warriors

Post 11



Hey, no problem, Freddy! smiley - smooch

smiley - run


Flame Warriors

Post 12

badger party tony party green party

Mathowlchis philosopher, but i can neverpinpoiintmy self on thjose things I'll leave it to you guys.

I have got a nomination for propeller head thoughsmiley - laugh

one big punch up smiley - bruised

Flame Warriors

Post 13


hmmm, had a look but not sure about which ones fit me, any suggestions?

Flame Warriors

Post 14

A Super Furry Animal

Ooh, asking other people to nominate which Warrior you are? Like that's not going to lead to smiley - handbagsmiley - handbag !!!

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Flame Warriors

Post 15

Trin Tragula

All I know is that the picture of 'Perv' is probably going to stop me sleeping tonight.

Flame Warriors

Post 16


please no fighting, only sensible suggestions ...

Flame Warriors

Post 17


Just as well there is no badger on the list, otherwise half of hootoo would be claiming to be this.


Absolutely, Rule One, I do hope this stays on the up and up, so to speak. I don't know you well enough to make a sensible suggestion but I am thinking about a few other hootoo friends at the moment. smiley - winkeye


Flame Warriors

Post 18


i would trust azahar to make a suggestion anyway ... jsut so i have one to start with ... though that puppy did look kinda of interesting ...

Flame Warriors

Post 19

A Super Furry Animal

By the way Trin, have you met my friend Netiquette Nazi?


RFsmiley - evilgrin

Flame Warriors

Post 20


I don't really see you as Propeller Head, blicky.


But I shall keep looking! smiley - winkeye


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