A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Flame Warriors

Post 81


Yay freddy! smiley - wow

smiley - run s to check out new link . . .


Flame Warriors

Post 82

A Super Furry Animal

...and of course I posted it at the bottom of a page, smiley - doh so I'll re-post it at the top of this one...


RFsmiley - evilgrin

Flame Warriors

Post 83


Well, I still say I'm Big Cat. But mostly harmless. Especially when I'm purrrrring. smiley - smiley



Flame Warriors

Post 84

Mu Beta

I'm a sort of mutant cross between Evil Clown and Strumpet, aren't I?

And I'm not the only one round here who is!


Flame Warriors

Post 85

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Somebody should tell Mike Reed - the admiinistrator of the Flame Warriors site - that while Necromancer is spelled correctly in the drop down list of the front page, it is misspelled as Necormancer on the Necromancer page.

I woulda posted a quiet word to alert them to correct this grievous typo, but I'da had to log on and register. And y'just know that then I'd be getting all sorts of flaming spam. I don't like fried spam. It's best cold, straight from the can.

Wonder which flame warriot people think I might be?
Go on take your best shot. I'm a big boy. I can handle a little name-calling. I can even take it as constructive criticism.

smiley - peacedove

Flame Warriors

Post 86


I'd say that ~jwf~ is mostly Philosopher, though it was difficult to find one to fit him (you're too unique, honey smiley - winkeye ).



Flame Warriors

Post 87



Thought I should add that the 'humourless' description of Philosopher doesn't fit ~jwf~ at all! But other bits did.


Flame Warriors

Post 88


Well, since I just pasted the newest link to this site on another thread here in "Ask," I should jump in here too. Somehow I missed this thread until I was pointed to it.

It would seem somewhat presumptuous of me to claim a warrior class, especially since by and large I'd outgrown any desire to get involved in flame wars in general by the time I'd joined h2g2, and am thusly largely unknown to the warriors here. I wouldn't for a moment claim to be a real Ent, though I love the category - after all, I'm still actually around on Usenet and other forums even after 10-15 years of experiences that should've taught me better. smiley - erm I admire the old days of the types of discussions that were had on BBS of the 80s and early 90s. I would consider myself a bit of a disciple of the earliest netizens, albeit with less of the noble tendencies described in the index and more of a snobbish nostalgia, to be brutally honest. Then again, if anyone actually knows what the people were like back then, they'd understand that they weren't (indeed, aren't) all that different from some of our present warrior classes.

There are so many warrior classes in the index that some stretching of the definitions and overlapping must be expected. Like others that've posted earlier to this thread, I can say I've been lots of other warriors from back in my early days, from Big Dog to Eagle Scout to Jekyl and Hyde (regretfully admitting to it), to even a bit of Profundus Maximus back when I was younger and given to delusions of grandeur (smiley - laughing at myself). What I am now is left as an exercise for the reader. smiley - winkeye At least I've never become a Xenophobe, despite surviving a genuine Godzilla attack - on alt.music.pink-floyd if you're curious, which is still largely a ruined battleground forum to this day. There have been many attemtps by various Trolls, Jerks, Composts, Imposters and/or Evil Clowns to become a Godzilla, but I've only ever seen one worthy of the title. I remember one individual who achieved the same amount of destruction that Godzilla did, but in a much longer time frame (Godzilla is truly terrifying) - this person was a particularly adept and potent combination of Issues/Pinko/Whisper/Imposter (which is why I can't say for certain what sex the person really was). Man. Talk about a messy flame war.

I'm actually glad that this place is moderated, in a way. There's something to be said for having a true Admin around. Anyway, keeping that index handy sure has made reading various threads around here just that much more entertaining. smiley - biggrin

- JD

Flame Warriors

Post 89


I'd say I'm mostly a lurker, though I do have Peacemaker tendancies. When I saw Big Dog I instantly thought of Hoo, though he doesn't have any Me-Too's as far as I'm aware.

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